A new update has been released for Aliens: Dark Descent Update 1.06. You can find all the Game Update details, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. Aliens: Dark Descent Update 1.06 is now available for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.
Major bug fixes
- Fix of several occurencies of the Aliens instantly detects the marine’s squad.
- The mission success is now forced, when the player deploys in a mission where all the objectives has been completed, but does not have unlocked the next mission.
- The game is no longer saved when the player quit the game during the deployment cinematic to avoid a total loss of his squad.
- Fix of a Crash that may occur when using a controller and spamming the RB key during the loading of the Otago.
- The “Archivist” achievement will now correctly be unlocked when the conditions are met.
- During the mission 1 (Dead Hills), removal of the Shelter inside Everly’s Room to avoid a block when the player initiates a rest when the scripted sequence starts.
- During the mission 08 (Extraction), add of fail safes to avoid a blocking situation where the objective ” Enter the Research Center” does not complete correctly.
Minor bug fixes
- “Claustrophobia” & “Robophobia” has been removed from the codex as they are not effects in the game.
- Fix of the objective indicator that may not be displayed when loading a save.
- Fix of the accuracy displayed with the wrong value on the marine statistics when losing the state “Tired” (Only display, the effect was not applied)
- A player can no longer load a corrupted save.
- A Corrupted save is no longer created when loading a save.
- Improvement of the framerate dropping that may occur when human enemies are patrolling.
Quality of Life improvements
- Modification of the campaign completion calculation to fit more closely to the average time spent on each mission.
New Game+ mode
- New Game+: The player have the possibility to start a new campaign in New Game+, by selecting a save from a previouvly finished campaign.
- New Game+: Every marine may now reach the level 15, only in new game+.
- New Game+: Marine’s customization, traits and attributes are all conserved.
- New Game+: Weapons, Xenotech and Upgrades have to be unlocked again.
- “Perfect Organism”: Add a campaign option to raise the attack damages dealt by the Aliens during the campaign (Does Not Need to be in new game+ to be activated)
- “We’re Too Late”: Add a campaign option to raise the starting Infestation level during the campaign. (Does Not Need to be in new game+ to be activated)
Source: Aliens: Dark Descent