7 Things To Know To Defend Your Rights In A Drugged Driving Case

When you’re on the road, you’re responsible for your own safety as well as those around you. This means that when you’re driving, you must be extremely alert, avoiding any distractions, because road accidents can more often than not be fatal. Unfortunately, you may be fully aware of your surroundings, but some passerby crosses the street when they’re not supposed to, or another driver fails to give the right signal, resulting in an accident. Imagine the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and the disastrous outcomes that this can cause.

Some mistakes can pass, while others get people in deep trouble, and driving under the influence of drugs is an example of the latter. Whether you were involved in an accident because the driver was on drugs, or had an accident while you were the one under influence, there are 7 things that you should know to defend your rights in both cases. Read on and find out what they are.

7 Things To Know To Defend Your Rights In A Drugged Driving Case

  1. Every Offense Has Its Defense

    Whether the driver got involved in an accident or caused an accident, the penalty for driving under the influence of intoxicating substances is a serious offense. The law is extremely strict about this because being intoxicated puts everyone on the road in fatal danger. Since people voluntarily use substances, they are responsible for making sure they have someone to drive for them. However, there are cases when driving under substance influence charges can be dropped. One case is if the drugged person was forced to drive under threat, and had proof of that. Another case is if they can prove that the effect was supposed to have worn out and that’s why they got behind the wheels. Another legitimate case is that they were unaware of being drugged, and can prove that.

  2. Being Drugged Doesn’t Deny Your Legal Rights

    If you are involved in an accident while you were high, and the other driver is the one who made the mistake, you are still entitled to your compensation money. It’s important to note that different countries, cities, and even states have laws that differ. So if, for instance, you get involved in an accident in the US, it’s important to contact a lawyer within that state to understand the laws. Taking from the experience of an exceptional DUI lawyer in Ann Arbor, getting injured in a vehicle accident entitles the victim to get financial coverage. This coverage is for the damage and injuries that have befallen them, whether they were sober or not. A victim’s state of mind doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to get injured at the fault of another driver.

  3. There Are Loopholes In Case of No Accident

    There are some common loopholes to getting caught driving when you’re high that lawyers use to build their defense cases. One of these cases is that there was no legitimate reason for the police officer to stop the driver in the first place. Another factor attorneys use for defense is that the breathalyzer test wasn’t accurate and that there were other factors that affected the result, just like if the driver had a stomach bug that affected the test result.

  4. Victims Receive Compensation Faster

    In case of being a victim of an accident where the driver was under drug influence, you get your compensation for your injuries and damages faster. This is because the driver is already breaking the law by driving in this condition, and whether they cause an accident or not, they are entitled to face the corresponding penalties.

  5. Using Drugs In Itself Is a Violation

    Using or owning drugs is an offense against the law. Many people have been mistaken thinking that only drug dealers go to jail, but so do users. If someone was caught and was proven to possess any amount of illegal substance, they are subject to financial penalties and/or jail time, depending on where they are and the rules that apply in that location.

  6. It’s Illegal to Drive When You’re High on Marijuana

    Even though marijuana has been legalized in many states, it is still illegal to drive when you’re under its influence. It’s the same as alcohol; it’s not against the law to drink if you’re at the legal age, but it’s a serious violation to drive when drunk.

  7. The Officer’s Testimony Makes a Difference

    The officer who made the arrest testifies in court, explaining the signs they witnessed that caused them to make the arrest. Some of the most common signs officers have reported are bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, unexplainable behavior, and breaking road rules. Defense lawyers prepare evidence to support their defense, and the charges may be dropped if no harm was done, and they could prove other reasons for the symptoms the officer witnessed.

    Things To Know To Defend Your Rights In A Drugged Driving Case

Lawyers will surely guarantee your full rights, whether you are high or sober, because that’s basically their job. Just remember that you must be absolutely careful when you decide to drive, and that you’re fully aware of your actions. When in doubt, call any transportation service, or have a designated driver. Don’t risk your life and the lives of others.

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