The number of Kuwaiti citizens working in accommodation and catering businesses has increased 23 times, equivalent to approximately 41,000 male and female citizens who have entered that sector in 2021, in the context of the change of the Corona pandemic compass for Kuwaitis to commit to economic activities in the private sector.
The map of the activities practiced by citizens in the private sector includes about 18 main activities, of which 7 types registered a greater and significant turnout in the year 2021, in how much these activities recorded the entry of approximately 48.34 thousand male and female citizens, while 11 other activities saw a notable decrease in the number of citizens in the same year, with a decrease of 49.46 thousand male and female citizens.
The year 2021 has seen many variables and repercussions in the framework of the Corona pandemic, which is the great demand from citizens to work in the hospitality and catering sector, in addition to professional, scientific, and technical activities and administrative support, while citizens have begun to leave the wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles and motorcycles and real estate, finance and insurance activities, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper “Al-Anbaa”.
The details of the seven activities in which citizens participated indicate that the accommodation and catering services activity recorded the highest turnout, in as much as the number of workers doubled in 2021 by about 23 times, bringing their number to about 42.68 thousand between males and females, compared to 1844 thousand at the end of 2020, after which the activity attracted is about 40.83 thousand citizens.
Professional, scientific and technical activities were the second largest activity attracting citizens, in how much 4,568 male and female citizens attracted in 2021, compared to zero citizens in 2020, while the third was that of administrative and support services, which registered about 2,871 male and female citizens in 2021 compared to zero citizens in 2020.
The business of supplying gas, electricity, and air conditioning was the fourth activity to attract citizens with around 201 citizens, bringing the number of workers in tale activity in 2021 to about 249 Kuwaitis, compared to 48 Kuwaitis in 2021, an increase of 400%, and in fifth place came to the human health and social care activities, with the increase in the number of people Its employees increased by 12%, including 146 people, bringing their number to 1394 people in 2021, compared to 1248 people in 2020. Public administration, defense, and compulsory social security activities ranked sixth, attracting 87 citizens in 2021, bringing their number to 121 people, an increase of 256% compared to 34 people in 2020, while in the activity of public administration, defense, and compulsory social security 6. Seventh is the activity of agriculture, forestry, and fishing, which in 2021 attracted 85 citizens, bringing their number to 450 working people in this activity, compared to 365 in 2020.
In terms of economic activities, which have seen a decline in the number of citizens working there, we add the wholesale and retail trade and the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, in whose number of citizens decreased by 91%, of which 18.57 thousand citizens, bringing their number by the end of 2021 to approximately 1,853 people, compared to 20.4 thousand at the end of 2020.
In second place are real estate activities, in which the number of workers decreased by 98.7%, of which 13.98 thousand citizens, from 14.16 thousand citizens in 2020 to 178 citizens in 2021, and in third place financial and insurance activities, in how much the number of citizens has decreased by 9,765 people or 62% of the total. The total number of 10,650 citizens who worked there in 2020 decreased in 2021 to 886 citizens.
In fourth place manufacturing activity, in which the number of workers decreased by 2,772 people, from 7,682 in 2020 to 4,910 citizens in 2021. Fifthly, the activity of other services whose citizens decreased by 1,737 people from 2,514 male and female citizens in 2020 to 777 people in 2021.
And in sixth place there was the transport and storage activity, in which the number of workers decreased by 719 units, reaching about 803 people in 2021, compared to 1522 at the end of 2020, while in seventh place the activities of water supply, sanitation, management and treatment of waste, which have left to become 513 citizens. Their number at the end of 2021 is approximately 133, compared to 646 at the end of 2020.
The information and communication activity reached the eighth place, with a decrease of 334 citizens, bringing its number at the end of 2021 to about 104 people, compared to 438 at the end of 2020, while the educational activity reached ninth, with a decrease of 278 citizens, to become approximately 1185 citizens engaged in the activity by the end of 2021, compared to 1463 citizens in 2020.
The tenth was the mining and quarrying activity, where the number of citizens decreased by 256 units, bringing the number in 2021 to about 1206 people, compared to 1462 at the end of 2020, while artistic activities were ranked 11th. , of shows and entertainment with the departure of 240 male and female citizens, bringing their number to 24 by the end of 2021. Compared to 264 people in 2020.
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