Celebration of Kamala Harris’ journey in how “without gaffe” stuns both conservatives and liberals

The description of a reporter from the White House of The recent trip of Vice President Kamala Harris overseas as “no gaffe” left conservative critics praising accusations of prejudices while indignant liberals screamed racism.

“VP Harris ends a 5 day (no gaffe) trip to Paris [with] more themes “, Jennifer Jacobs, of Bloomberg senior The White House reporter tweeted after Harris’s trip was complete, noting the time spent attending forums and talking with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The addition of the journey is “Without gaffe” it could be a response to the vice president’s numerous verbal errors in the past, who landed it in controversy, but the description caused outrage among Harris supporters and critics.

“You would never have written that about a white boy”, one Twitter user he wrote in reply.

“‘Gaffe-free’ is unnecessary and is a lame attempt to undermine the rest of your remarkable statement about her schedule while in France,” another supporter commented.

Others mocked the idea that five days of being “Without gaffe” should to be celebrated, with some have even noted that Harris did it cause a little agitation on his journey, a one point talking to French scientists on camera, using his hands to express simple words. Critics blamed the vice president of using the language barrier as an excuse to talk to others in video like “children”.

“I guess we’re pretending that horrible false accent thing never happened”, one user he wrote.

Harris wrapped up his trip to Paris on Saturday after visiting the Le Carillon bar, one of multiple locations targeted in 2015 terror attack that left more of 100 dead.

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