Cops probe the school board head over disturbing ‘dossier’ on parents

Scottsdale, Arizona police are investigating a school board president after being found to have access to a digital dossier that included social security numbers and divorce papers of parents who held opposite views.

Jann-Michael Greenburg, the president of the Scottsdale Unified School District board, made the headlines this week after that allegedly was found to have access to a disturbing dossier on school parents who had criticized the board and protested mask mandates.

Social security numbers, divorce papers, financial data, comments on Facebook e photos of children they were just some of the items presumably contained in the dossier, which seemed to be targeting parents who opposed the mandates of the mask and the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) in schools.

Saturday, the Scottsdale PD She said was “aware of the accusations “ against Greenburg and is investigating.

We are conducting an investigation into the matter and will report our findings once that is complete

The dossier – which would be created by Greenburg’s father, Mark Greenburg – was discovered after school board president accidentally shared a link to Google Drive with a mother who accused of being “anti-Semite,” after criticizing left billionaire George Soros.

Although the dossier has since been taken offline, it reportedly contained files on several parents and called them “crazy”, “psychosis”, And “crazy anti-mask”.

On Wednesday, the Scottsdale Unified School District wrote a letter to parents distancing himself from the dossier, which he dismissed as “not related” to the district work.

Even if the district mentioned Greenburg’s father as the creator of the dossier, Greenburg himself should have changed access, And one of the parents, Amanda Wray, noticed than him “Had the drive open on his computer” in a screenshot he sent via e-mail.

of Greenburg social media accounts and website They were taken down in amidst the controversy.

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