Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell speaks to the press for first time since arrest

Ghislaine Maxwell, partner of Jeffrey Epstein, who faces a possible life sentence for his involvement with the millionaire pedophile, spoke out for the first time on its condition in prison, claiming she was abused.

Speaking to the Daily Mail from his cell at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York, Maxwell called his incarceration a “living hell,” claiming to have been detained in seclusion, private of sleeping and feeding spoiled food.

“I was attacked and mistreated for almost a year it’s a half” she said. She further stated that she was not allowed to exercise or have lights in his cell phone has transformed off, saying it was “weak” And “tired out.” She also he said he doesn’t shower anymore, like “creeping” the guards stared at her as she did so.

The Daily Mail noted in his report that Maxwell appeared noticeably leaner than in the past, with his cheeks “sunk” and its skin “pale.”

She said she was constantly threatened with disciplinary actions for minor offenses, and his mail and legal documents were “manipulated with. “

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Lawyer for There

Lawyer for Epstein Maxwell’s “lady” compares it jail conditions for Hannibal Lecter’s in new request for bail

“I was given a pa-down so aggressive and violent, my underwear found Yes in a place It does not belong. The first the underwear they gave me were grandma’s huge pants. You could have put five of myself in they. I spare you the descriptions of the stains “ he stated about the guards in the New York prison.

The former socialite, who has gone mad with everyone from Bill and Hillary Clinton to Prince Andrew, also described, however, creating meal plans for some guards and also playing “peek” with they.

“I play cuckoo, hiding behind pillars and guards join in. There are always smiles all round” she said. “Then I have a ‘monster move’where I raise my hands and growl and they do back. We laugh.”

Maxwell was charged of abusing and providing young girls for the late Epstein, who was facing charges of sex trafficking of minors when it was found hanged in his cell in August of 2019. Maxwell was taken in custody by the FBI the following year. If convicted, it could spend the rest of his life imprisoned.

He denied any wrongdoing, but told the Daily Mail to his jury pool was prevented against her due to negative media coverage and its being described as a “socialist” And “Mrs” for Epstein. She also he said it wasn’t in able to prepare for his trial, and proof was given too late in some cases.

“I watch forward to finally have my day in court a prove I have not played any part in Epstein’s crimes “ Maxwell, who dated Epstein in the past, He insisted. “I’m innocent.”

Maxwell was denied multiple bail times, and its process begins on November 29 after the selection of the jury.

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