“Extensive weapons tests”… Kim heralds another year of tension for his people

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un revealed new military targets for 2023 at the current meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party, officials said. media stocks Wednesday, hinting at another year of intense test on weapons and tensions.

On the second day of the sixth expanded meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the CPC, Kim passed in reviews the “recently unfolding difficult situation” on the Korean peninsula and the broader political landscape, the report said.

He added that the third generation leader has set the direction of “fighting the enemy” and the goals of strengthening defensive power.

“He outlined the principles of foreign affairs and the direction of fighting the enemy, which our party and government must strictly abide by to safeguard sovereign rights and defend national interests,” KCNA said.

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He continued: “New baseline goals have been proposed to improve self-defense skills, which will be vigorously pursued in 2023.” in preparation for various fluctuations in the political situation”.

The agency did not provide details on those targets, but Kim’s comments could indicate that the isolated country will continue to accelerate its military buildup.

North Korea has launched an unprecedented number of missiles this year, and many of the launches are designed to develop “top priority” strategic weapons under a five-year plan presented at the Workers’ Party congress in early 2021.

The list includes tactical nuclear weapons, a new ICBM, hypersonic warheads, nuclear-powered submarines and a reconnaissance satellite.

The agency said that during the plenary meeting, Kim referred to “a number of serious shortcomings” observed quest’year in fields such as science, education and health, suggested ways to overcome them and discussed the main tasks for the coming year.

The economy is in top of the agenda, as Kim faces mounting pressure from international sanctions, the aftermath of the coronavirus lockdown, and natural disasters.

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