Ghost Recon Breakpoint players want AI teammates to be deployed as fast as possible, that tiered loot and the scores for Division 2-like equipment will soon be removed, and that there are no online requirements left. This is evident from the two-week survey that Ubisoft Paris uses to replicate the lackluster open-world shooter.

In a letter to the players yesterday, the developers reported on the results of the survey. Although most requests and responses are listed as “in progress,” meaning that a solution to these requirements is in the works, Ubisoft Paris was a bit vague about implementing the big requests.

For KI teammates, Ubisoft referred the players to a note from October 28 that started the survey. KI teammates were a hallmark of the Ghost Recon franchise, which is located between Rainbow Six and The Division, and encompasses a range of tactical to pure action. In the October note, Ubisoft Paris announced at the E3 2019 that KI teammates would participate in the game after the start, but called the feature “an important endeavor that still needs time”. In other words: receive message, but no changes in plans.

The same applies to equipment and tiered loot. Ubisoft also referred players to the same “Moving Forward” letter, which promises a “haunting and radical version of Ghost Recon Breakpoint for early next year.”

And in terms of a completely offline style of play, the developers cursed this somewhat as “the top remaining result” in the survey, saying that “due to its size, more research will be required.” or at least its feasibility will come in early 2020.

It should be noted that since its launch in March, Division 2 has needed to connect to Ubisoft’s servers to play for a single-player instance in the open world. While cooperative matchmaking in The Division 2 is much easier, Ghost Recon Breakpoint tries to inform the player that it was designed for multiplayer experiences, which probably explains why AI teammates were not in the game at the start. Considering the history of this game and Division 2, it definitely seems like a long way to go before Ubisoft Paris can or will bypass the online requirements.

Ubisoft Paris said it had made improvements to the hostile AI in the last title update, and these efforts are still ongoing. The same applies to vehicle handling and balancing the in-game economy. Quality of life requirements such as disabling other players in the hub world of the game, camera enhancements, respawn enhancements, and primary weapon designation are also listed as “in progress.” However, sprinting in the hub world is just one of the “investigative” stages, so everyone in Erewhon is still limited to a mosey or a jog, which makes it time-consuming from mission to dealer, bivouac to robbery, or what always to go.

The latest title update for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint brought another big request from the community poll: More customization options for the player avatar. Players can now change their gender and face during the game, which is certainly a blessing for those who enjoy it, G.I. Joe sign. This also added another 40 standard items to help players shape their looks.

Breakpoint also delivered the project’s first raid titled Project Titan last week. The previous reaction of the community is lukewarm. Many complain about the raid boss’s Sponge Ball Difficulty and compare it again to the Division 2 raid, whose bosses are much easier to eliminate.

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