According to PewDiePie, Poopdie was rejected by Apple for disgust

YouTube star Felix “Pewdiepie” Kjellberg today released a free new game that you can only play on Android at the moment. Apparently, the poop-oriented title was too much for Apple, which Kjellberg says he has rejected his company in the App Store.

Poopdie is a restrained game that seems to have some clues from The Binding of Isaac. In it, you play as a worm that turns out minions, who can then submit your bids. Kjellberg itself has some sync works. As the name implies, Poopdie focuses on the feces, including “Poopgrades” and “Furzzauber”. The Swedish entertainer has uploaded some shots of the game today, jokingly telling the audience that Apple thinks the game is too “stinking” on the App Store – but that he’s working to fix it. [/ embed]

According to Bulopware, the developer of Poopdie, the game was rejected because it contains “gross images and sound effects that may put users off,” which means that the game does not conform to Apple’s store policies. The Krakow-based studio is currently trying to appeal the decision, hoping for a better solution. Apple did not respond in time for publication.

“C’mon Apple!”, It says in the Bulbware blog post. “We’ve received hundreds of requests from iOS users who want to start dumping immediately!”

The result here might not be surprising. Previously, Apple rejected “The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth” for portraying violence and has in the past also rejected games that deal with serious issues such as politics.

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