Nintendo announced during its Indie World livestream that Axiom Verge 2 is officially taking place. Axiom Verge 2 is a sequel to the popular Metroid-like game of 2015 and will be released on the Nintendo Switch sometime in 2020.
According to the stream, the developer and creator of Axiom Verge Tom Happ began working on Axiom Verge 2 four years ago. According to an official Nintendo announcement, players will “discover the origins of the Axiom Verge Universe” in the sequel.
The original by Axiom Verge is about a scientist named Trace who is self-defeating to awaken in a technologically advanced world. It is a side-scrolling game with lots of powers and upgrades to collect. In particular, parts of the game landscape look cluttered, and Trace needs to fix the code to move into new areas.
Axiom Verge loved Happ and took five years to develop. While loved on Steam, our review was a bit mixed.