Baldur’s Gate 3: New Round of Fixes Coming Soon

After a first patch which already fixed “over 1,000 bugs, balancing, flow issues and much more” according to developers Larian, Baldur’s Gate 3 is about to receive a new round of fixes. An announcement made a few days earlier on Twitter which does not yet specify the release date.

Improved Ending for Karlach and Bug Fixes

In detail, players can expect a better conclusion to the act final of the story with a “more fleshed out ending for Karlach”. “We have started to develop the epilogues and you will see the first results of this in the patch 2 with the addition of a new optional ending for Karlach”, Larian said. “It’s a fiery, poignant ending that gives it the ending it deserves“. Also, the concerns related to the non-triggering of certain events which left players stuck in certain plots should be fixed. And more generally, expect better performance of the game in son together, but especially in son third act.

You Can’t Date Isobel

On Reddit, a new post accompanied by a meme has gained momentum, that of a user who declares in more vulgar terms: “We still can’t have a romance with Isobel, so too bad”. Words dropped on the ton humor, which express the frustration of part of the community on the impossibility of seducing the character.

The answers below the image are many: “As if you could compete with a real demigod“, “She is super taken, my friend“, “Baldur’s Gate 3 players when they can’t have a relationship with everyone they meet (9 romances and a bunch of sex wasn’t enough for them)“, “I feel like if you tried anything with Isobel, Aylin would literally wipe you off the face of Faerun“. It is during your journey through Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3 that you will first encounter a priestess named Isobel, who occupies a place quite important in the story and obviously meets with some success with the players, who would like to establish more intense relationships with the character. Missed.

More improvements will come later, “We will also be working throughout September to improve the performance of Act 3 with new technology that took a little longer than expected to release.“, said the developer. But for some, it’s just not enough…

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