A new update for Baldur’s Gate 3, known as Update 1.006.300, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Update 1.006.300
- The latest update for Baldur’s Gate 3 (Version 1.006.300) comes with several fixes and improvements to enhance the overall gaming experience. Let’s take a closer look at the various changes made in this update:
Crash Safeguards:
- One of the key fixes in this update addresses a potential issue where a savegame fails to load. With the introduction of crash safeguards, players will now be sent back to the Main Menu in such instances, preventing any game-breaking crashes.
Split Screen Fix:
- Players experiencing a black screen for the second player on split screen will now find that this issue has been resolved. The fix ensures that both players can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without any interruptions.
Trading Bug Fix:
- A bug that prevented players from opening containers while trading, if a different character initiated the trade, has been rectified. This fix also eliminates a sneaky money exploit that was possible due to this issue.
Combat Progression:
- Another important fix in this update resolves a bug that was causing the environment to never take its turn, thereby blocking combat progression. With this fix, players can now engage in combat smoothly without any hindrances.
Infinite Loot Bug:
- Players encountering an infinite loot bug that duplicated Herdmaster Skardjall’s Scale Mail every time the Whipping Cane was removed from his body will be pleased to know that this issue has been fixed.
Character Interaction:
- Several fixes have been implemented to address issues related to character interactions. From characters getting stuck in combat to companions not following the party in certain acts, these fixes ensure a more immersive and engaging gameplay experience.
Visual Enhancements:
- Visual improvements have also been made in this update, fixing banding and shader issues in cinematics that were causing VFX artifacts on faces at certain angles. Additionally, missing tab textures in the Trade UI have been restored.
Future Updates:
- Filter tabs for traders have been temporarily hidden during bartering sessions, with plans to reintroduce them in a future update pending further testing. This decision aims to streamline the trading process and improve overall usability.
In conclusion, the Baldur’s Gate 3 Update 1.006.300 brings a host of fixes and improvements to enhance the gameplay experience for players. With these enhancements, players can look forward to a more polished and enjoyable gaming experience in the world of Baldur’s Gate.