A new update has been released for Bleach Brave Souls Update 1.40. You can find all the Game Update details, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. Bleach Brave Souls Update 1.40 is now available for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.
New App Icon
We have updated the design of the app icon.
Skill Key Removal
During this update’s maintenance, Skill Keys were removed from the game and players who were still in possession of them were compensated with Coins.
Coins were added directly to players’ inventories. However, any Coins that would exceed the maximum allowed were sent to their Gift Boxes.
With the removal of Skill Keys, the rewards of some Challenge Orders were changed.
Disruptive Behavior and Misconduct Form
A button linking to the Report Cheating or Disruptive Behavior form has been added to the Contact Us screen.
Adjustments to the Treatment of Lost Connections During Co-Op
Co-Op Quests have been adjusted so that if the player who made the room is disconnected, the room will automatically be closed.
Adjustment to How Some Accessory Effects Are Displayed
The appearance of some Accessories during Accessory Machine use, Fusion, and Recycling has been changed.
Game Center Link Option
Players using the iOS version of the game, please be aware that we have stopped new data linkage with the Game Center.
Any players who linked their game data with the Game Center before new links were stopped will be able to use the Game Center for data linkage until service is completely stopped.
Since there is a possibility that data linkage with the Game Center will not be possible in the future, we would like to ask players who are only using the Game Center data link option to make use of KLab ID or Sign in with Apple.
Character Link and Accessory Sets
Players can now save sets of Character Links and Accessories on the preparation screens for single-player quests, Co-Op Quests, Epic Raids, the Limit Breaker Quest, and the Augment/Ascend screen. Up to five sets can be saved per Attribute.
Epic Raid Sets Improvement
When starting a room in an Epic Raid with a character that does not meet the Epic Raid entry requirements, a set that meets these requirements will be automatically selected.
Epic Raid Result Screen Improvement
Players will now be able to skip the item effects and animations on the Results screen of an Epic Raid they cleared using 5 Soul Tickets.
Item Screen Improvement
After locking an Accessory through the Accessory details screen, tapping Close will no longer take players back to the top of the Accessory list.
Issues Fixed
- In Extreme Co-Op, starting a new room but setting no rules resulted in only players of the room owner’s League or above being allowed to enter.
- In Chronicle Quests, a pop-up stating that players already possessed the maximum amount of Fragments was being displayed even if they had not reached the maximum.
Please be aware that this issue was only cosmetic and did not affect Fragment drops. Fragments were being accumulated as intended.
- Participating in the Arena as a guest would result in enemies not moving towards the player.
- Under certain conditions, the Ailment Reversal skill was not activating in the Arena.
- There were cases where pop-ups related to updates to our privacy policy did not display.
- Participating in a Co-Op Quest as a quest would result in the boss not moving around the map correctly.
Source: Bleach Brave Souls