Nothing Stops Him: BlindWarriorSven’s Inspiring Journey in the World of eSports
Nothing stops him, especially not son disability! Sven Van de Wege aka “BlindWarriorSven”, also a videographer, achieved real feats during the EVO (Evolution Championship Series). As a reminder, this is an eSport competition dedicated to games of combat like Dragon Ball FighterZ, Guilty Gear Strive, or even Street Fighter 6. Only, Sven is not a player like the others: he is blind. Yet he managed to tame his condition to face to valid adversaries. At the time of son first combat against Luke “EternalPancake”, on Capcom’s latest software, he did wonders.
To achieve this feat, Sven first activated the accessibility settings, which allow, among other things, to have sound signals when a character moves. He then tied a black blindfold over his eyes, to prove that he sees nothing. On the first round, BlindWarriorSven dominated son adversary in the shoes of Honda. At second, the EternalPancake caught up and returned to a tie. However, after an extremely close third game, it was finally BlindWarriorSven who won: score 2-1. Obviously, the crowd immediately went wild, even if this result did not allow the videographer to go to the final.
BlindWarriorSven’s Story
To get there, BlindWarriorSven had to overcome many hardships. It was at the age of 6 that he discovered that he had cancer. The man will eventually overcome the disease, but he will lose his sight. However, despite this tragic event, he refuses to give up his passion for video games. He trained for many years to be able to play properly and his efforts led to the creation of his channel in 2017.
“I have two computers, and I have connected a Braille keyboard to each one. The hardest thing for me is keeping an eye on the chat window, especially when there are a lot of people writing messages, while staying focused on the game,” he explains in an interview in 2021 with [media outlet name]. Since then, he regularly competes with his followers on Street Fighter and encourages others with disabilities to pursue their dreams. “If I had said to myself ‘I’m blind, I can’t play video games anymore’ and had given up, I wouldn’t be where I am today. And I think if I made it, I’m sure other people can do it too,” he told the media.