Blizzard Opens World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore Servers

For a few days now, Blizzard has opened World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic Hardcore servers where death is final. As a reminder, this is a highly dangerous adventure which takes place in the very first version of the famous MMO, without any extension, released in 2004 (and 2005 in Europe). The rules? It’s very simple, on this “hardcore” server if you die, your character will remain a ghost who cannot be resurrected. In other words, death is important, as it brings an end to the progress of the player who will have to start all over from the beginning. An extremely difficult task since the first version of the game turns out to be tougher when it comes to leveling up where death can occur at the slightest misstep.

Before being made official, this hardcore mode slowly achieved solid popularity within the Classic gaming community. While the recesses of Azeroth have no more secret for those nostalgic for the first hours of WoW, this way of playing adds a breath of fresh air to a title that is now approaching its 20th anniversary! Players take their time longer to hope to survive the longest possible and help each other in a natural way without knowing each other beforehand. For many, this behavior is the closest thing to the days when WoW was just emerging and players were candidly discovering this vast universe.

However, despite the enthusiasm of fans for official hardcore servers, they do not seem devoid of strange bugs as attested by this Internet user.

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Died Before Even Starting the Adventure

While a player just wanted to create a character and start this dangerous adventure, he realized that his character was already dead. Yes, before he even spawned in the starting area at level one, he was being shown by the game as having died with a ghostly potion. It’s certain that this named netizen shared this unlikely situation on Reddit with the caption: “I managed to die before I even created a new hardcore character…”. This publication is accompanied by a capture screen where one can see his orc shaman who will unfortunately perhaps never have the opportunity to go frolicking in the desert of Durotar. Internet users were hilarious in response to this absurd situation with comments like “You had an abortion, bro” or “Spawn kill”. Nevertheless, death is not so terrible in WoW Hardcore since it is possible to keep playing his character on the normal Classic server. A free addition from Blizzard that is widely appreciated by players.

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