
A new update for Brawlhalla, known as Update 8.03, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Brawlhalla Update 8.03 – The Free Heart Engineer


Update 8.03 introduces a new Legend to Brawlhalla, Seven – “The Free Heart Engineer.” Seven wields the Spear and Cannon, with stats of 7 Strength, 3 Dexterity, 8 Defense, and 4 Speed. Described as a masterful engineer, Seven utilizes leftover weaponry and armor from the Grand Tournament to build her own creations.

Mode Swapping on Spear Signature

Seven debuts with a unique feature on her Spear Signature attacks called Mode Swapping. When using the Spear Down Signature, Seven can add or remove a flamethrower attachment to her Spear. By default, Seven’s Neutral, Side Spear, and Down Signatures are electricity-based attacks, suitable for strings and combos. However, with the flamethrower equipped, her Neutral, Side Spear, and Down Signatures become fire-based attacks, dealing more damage and being more effective for KOs.

New Skins for Seven

The Free Heart Engineer comes with three new skins:
1. Firefighter Seven – Ready for action and equipped to put out fires!
2. Tinyfigure Seven – Watch your step as this small but deadly robot takes to the battlefield.
3. Wanderer Seven – A robot seeking redemption and freedom for all mechanized beings.

Brawlhallidays Celebration

Celebrate the holiday season with brand new Skins for Sentinel and Fait, and the first Brawlhallidays Sidekick, Miki. Additionally, a Winner Wonderland Podium, ice crystal castle, and limited-time Items can be obtained by exploring Mallhalla and following the snowflakes.

New Legend Skins

Several Legend Skins have been introduced in this update, including:

  • Frost Tech Sentinel – Armed with cutting-edge tech for improved night vision and a frostbitten Justice Hammer and Icy Slicers Katars.
  • Cozy Sweater Fait – Ready for hot cocoa and knockout battles with her Hot Choco Orb and Merry Jingle Scythe.
  • Diamond Jack Caspian – Stole August 32nd to bring winter sooner.
  • Snowdrift Jaeyun – Cap with changing color during lock-in and certain attacks.
  • Reindeer Games Gnash – Never misses a delivery.
  • White Out Nix – Maker of death cookies for other skiers.
  • Festive Yeti Onyx – Enjoying blasting opponents far away during this joyful time.
  • Frost Guardian Ragnir – Slashing through a winter wonderland.
  • Nutcracker Cassidy – Ready to lead the cavalry this holiday season.
  • Santa Wu Shang – Making a list and knocking out opponents twice.
  • Future Spirit Artemis – The ghost of knockouts yet to come.
  • And many more festive skins.

New Sidekick – Miki

Miki, the first-ever Brawlhallidays Sidekick, has arrived with its unique charm, saying “Hoot hooooot!”

Holiday-themed Emoji Skins

Celebrate the holidays with Snowman Sweat and Festive Yeti Heart animated Emoji Skins. Snowman Sweat shows a melting snowman expressing a close game, while Festive Yeti Heart enjoys the festive treats.

New Emote – Snowball Juggling

Snowball Juggling is an emote that showcases your skill in the art of juggling snowballs. Impress your opponents with this mastery.

Winner Wonderland’23 Podium

Welcome to the Ice Crystal Castle with the Winner Wonderland’23 Podium. It features all-new art and sound effects exclusive to this year’s event.

Winter Holiday Colors

Show off your festive spirit with the Winter Holiday Colors. These red, green, and white colors are available for every Legend with your hard-earned Gold.

New KO Effect – Frostbite

Knock out your opponents with chilling flair using the Frostbite KO Effect. Perfect for the winter season.

New Weapon Skin – Winter Daggers

Exclusive to the seasonal event, the Winter Daggers Weapon Skin features pointy icicles for Katars.

New Avatars

Show your holiday spirit with the animated Bomby the Snowman Avatar or catch the Mjolnir Snowflake Avatar. Both can be purchased with your hard-earned Gold.

Brawlhallidays Event Features

This year’s Brawlhallidays event offers a free “Most Famous Reindeer” Title just by logging into Brawlhalla during the event. Additionally, players will receive a daily login bonus of 250 Gold to celebrate. Snow will spread across select maps in Brawlhalla, and a holiday-themed UI Takeover will make the festivities even more immersive. Explore Mallhalla to find all the exclusive items available during the event.

New Challenges by Koji Sensei

Koji Sensei has added two new challenges for players to sharpen their skills. The Katars Bread n’ Butter challenge focuses on two basic Katars bread and butter true combos, while the Scythe Punishment Combo challenge teaches players to utilize both normal and active input attacks for a lengthy Scythe punish combo.

New Supported Languages – Turkish and Latin-American Spanish

Patch 8.03 brings support for new languages to Brawlhalla: Turkish and Latin-American Spanish. Players can change the language within the game by going to the “Options” tab in the Player Menu, selecting “System Settings,” and navigating through the language options. Feedback and suggestions for these supported languages can be provided through social media channels like Twitter and Discord.

Improved Bot Personalities

Bots in Brawlhalla now have various personality traits, ranging from aggressive dashers to observant strategists. The difficulty level determines the control and movement options of the Bots. Easier Bots can be defeated more quickly, while more difficult Bots utilize movements such as dashing, fast falling, and even weapon starving.

Ranked Reset and Brawlhalla World Championship

Prepare to collect Glory and embark on a new Ranked climb as the Valhallan Rank battles commence on January 10th, 2024. Get ready to join the Legends and earn your place among the best.

Esports Offseason and Competitive Updates

With the Brawlhalla World Championship over, the official esports offseason begins. The offseason allows for experimental competitive gameplay updates, including the recently graduated Backdash update, adjustments to the tournament Map pool, and more frequent balance changes leading up to Esports Year Nine. Feedback on these updates is greatly appreciated and can be shared via Twitter and Discord.

Tournament Map Pool Changes

Patch 8.01 brought updates to the tournament Map pool, focusing on Maps that encourage counter-picking in competitive play. The increased variety of Maps allows players to ban opponents to specific Maps, enhancing the impact of counter-picking. Maps like Small Brawlhaven and Apocalypse have been removed, while Small World’s End and Bikini Bottom have been added to the 1v1 and 2v2 tournament Map pool. Additionally, adjustments have been made to the Bikini Bottom Map to fix a bug where players would get instantly KO’d if hit into the coral spike at the bottom. Art adjustments to Halo have been made to improve platform edge readability.

Map Ban Feature in Ranked

To support the larger tournament Map pool, a new feature has been added in 8.02 that allows players to individually ban two Maps in all Ranked queues. This gives players the ability to curate the Maps they want to play on.

Hold to Dodge Test Feature

Hold to Dodge is a new Test Feature added to Brawlhalla, allowing players to hold down the Dodge button while being hit. This feature enables players to execute a Dodge on the first available frame after hitstun, reducing the reliance on button mashing. Hold to Dodge can be tried out by enabling Test Features in Custom Games or playing in the Experimental queue. Feedback on this feature can be shared through social media channels.

Balancing Improvements

Patch 8.03 brings the second wave of balance changes during the esports offseason. This balance pass focuses on improving key attacks for underperforming Weapons, adjusting stun values for Gauntlets and Rocket Lance, and enhancing underused Signatures. Specific changes include:

Axe: Decreased Damage of Neutral Light and increased Recover time on miss for Down Light.
Blasters: Increased threat coverage near the user for the first blast of Down Light.
Gauntlets: Increased Stun for Neutral Air.
Orb: Increased Force of Side Air.
Rocket Lance: Slightly increased Stun on the back end of Neutral Air.
Sword: Increased Stun for Down Air.
Ezio: Adjusted Damage and Force for Side Orb and Side Sword.
Fait: Decreased Minimum Charge time for Down Scythe.
Mako: Decreased Minimum Charge time for Side Katars.
Vector: Increased Damage and Force for Down Rocket Lance.
Zariel: Increased Minimum Charge time for Side Gauntlets.

Gameplay, Art & Animation, and User Interface Improvements

Patch 8.03 also includes various bug fixes and improvements. These include fixes for gameplay issues like grounded Dodge cooldown bugs, challenges, and spectate delay settings. Additionally, improvements have been made to Emote animations, user experience, and art adjustments.

Holiday Snowbrawl Event

Finally, players can join in the festive spirit with the 2v2 Snowbrawl event, where teams face off against each other in a snowball fight. The objective is to hit opponents with snowballs, score KOs, and avoid being KO’d. The team with the most points at the end wins.

Free-to-Play Legend Rotation

This week’s free-to-play Legend rotation includes Sentinel, Petra, Rayman, Yumiko, Arcadia, Fait, Sidra, Lord Vraxx, and Orion. These Legends offer a variety of playstyles and abilities for players to explore.

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