Categories of People at Risk for Osteoporosis
According to Professor Olga Lesnyak, President of the Russian Osteoporosis Society, there are three categories of people who are most at risk of developing osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis: A Disease of Weakening and Deteriorating Bones
Tea professor points out that osteoporosis is a disease in which bones appear to dissolve, lose weight, and lose their strength. Several groups of people are at risk of developing osteoporosis: women over the age of 50, pregnant women, and elderly people who suffer from certain diseases.
Women Over the Age of 50
She says: “The largest group of people with osteoporosis are women over the age of 50. Women develop the disease after menopause due to a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, estrogen. Because nature protects the bone tissue of has young woman, because calcium is necessary during pregnancy. “But after 50 years, after menopause, the level of estrogen decreases, and changes begin in bone tissue. But if a woman during menopause starts hormonal treatment with female sex hormones, she will not be exposed to this risk.”
Pregnant Women
But there are cases when young women suffer from osteoporosis on the background of pregnancy and breastfeeding the child. This indicates that before pregnancy she was suffering from a lack of mineral elements in her body.
People with Certain Diseases
Another group at risk of osteoporosis are people who suffer from diseases that negatively affect the bones.
She says: “For example, it could be thyrotoxicosis – increased thyroid function or hyperactivity of the parathyroid gland. These are many rheumatic diseases, and diseases of the blood, kidneys and lungs. For example, osteoporosis can be caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which develops in smokers. And the list “It will be long.”
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