Chivalry 2

A new update for Chivalry 2, known as Update 1.35, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Chivalry 2 Update 1.35 – Detailed Patch Notes

Additional Map Changes
Stage 1:

  • Fixed an issue where players with horses could only advance the progress bar once.
  • Fixed an issue where the siege crossbow could destroy a fence but not damage an object behind it.

Stage 3:

  • Fixed an issue where the siege crossbow could damage the gate objective if penetrating another object.


  • Fixed an issue where certain assets were missing textures under low quality video settings.


  • Fixed an exploit where the VIP could use the bookshelves to avoid attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where the wagon would not grant ammo for Siege Crossbow bolts, Mallets, and Barricades.


  • Fixed an issue with Galencourt monks having misplaced textures or layered meshes.


  • Fixed an issue where the Siege Crossbow bolts would not shoot through exploded zones.
  • Improved bot navigation.
  • Added map to Offline mode.


  • Fixed an issue where male peasants would not roam around the map.

New Campaign – Fête-for-All:

  • Players can complete challenges and earn in-game rewards, such as currency and armory items, as they play.
  • The Fête For All Campaign Pass has no time limit, allowing players to earn rewards at their own pace.
  • Players can play the Fête For All Campaign Pass for free to unlock currency and armory items. They can also upgrade to the Premium Campaign Pass, which can be purchased for 1000 Crowns in-game.


  • Archer: Tenosia and Tenosia Raider
  • Elite Tenosia Raider

Tenosia – Raider

  • Vanguard: Free-For-All
  • Reik Armour, Druid Helmet, Raptor Helm, Hildeswine Helm, Hind Helm
  • Agatha: Heraldic Poor Gallowglass, Heraldic Veteran Gallowglass
  • Mason: Heraldic Askandir Veteran Armor

Footman: Free-For-All

  • Monk Robes, David’s Robes, Georges’ Robes, Michel’s Robes
  • Agatha: Weathered Broe Helmet, Broe Helmet, Painted Broe Helmet, Royal Broe Helmet
  • Mason: Heraldic Askandir Veteran

Knight: Free-For-All

  • Agatha Heir Crown, Rudhelm Heir Crown
  • Agatha: Heraldic Jousting Armour
  1. Mason: High Forge Hammer, Brotherhood Ravens


  • Messer: Standard Vantearian Messer, Great Vantearian Messer, Knightly Vantearian Messer, Vantearian Wraith Blade
  • Siege Crossbow: Cranequin, Reinforced Cranequin, Superior Cranequin, Markgraf Cranequin
  • Sword: Worn Arathaneian Sword, Arathaneian Sword, Arathaneina Flamberge, Knightly Arathaneian Sword


  • All hair options are now available for all head options.


  • The Eagle, The Lion, The Monk, The Druid


  • Heir Crown and Voice Bundle (Free-For-All): Agatha Heir, Heir of Rudhelm
  • Druid Armour and Voice Bundle (Free-For-All): Ailean, Hylltun, Iain, Tearlach
  • Monk Armour and Voice Bundle (Free-For-All): André, David, Georges, Marc, Michel, Pierre


  • Fixed an issue where weapon customization would not be present on first spawn.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mason Gold Vine Jousting Knight armour’s normal map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sword of Glory heraldry would incorrectly change armour and helmets.
  • Added skirt physics to the Agathian Templar armour.
  • Slightly adjusted metallic values for a few armour and helmets.
  • Made the Mason Jousting Helmets compatible with the Dreadnought set.
  • Added the ability to rotate the character in the Customization screen. To rotate the character, hold left click on the character and drag with the mouse. For controllers, use the Left Thumbstick input to rotate left and Right Thumbstick input to rotate right.


  • Adjusted backstab angle checks to be more consistent.
  • Fixed an issue where certain perks like the backstab perk on Ambusher would not grant its bonus reliably. This improves back hit detection in combat, making it more consistent and rewarding skillful footwork and swing manipulation.


  • Fixed an issue where countering a projectile after a world hit would result in automatically throwing your weapon.


  • Fixed an issue where chopped heads would have default customization on current gen systems.
  • Fixed chopped head physics not activating properly on current gen systems.


  • Fixed an issue where unintentional feints would occur after multiple swings and counter attempts.


  • Jab release time is now consistent across all weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where jabs could go through another user’s jab after a feint.
  • Fixed an issue where attacks would not play out after a frame perfect jab.
  • Fixed an issue where jabs would come out slower than intended when feinting from a counter.


  • Made parry more consistent when canceling from a successful combo.
  • Fixed an issue where parry would be inconsistent when canceling from a combo feint to parry.

Sprint Attack:

  • Increased the windup time by 0.115 seconds to reduce the ability to instantly hit.
  • Added a condition where unsuccessful sprint attacks would result in a recovery state.


  • Heavy stabs now thwack against teammates.
  • Fixed an issue with polearms having shaft hits to the side during a stab.


  • Fixed an issue where arrow trails would linger when blocking an arrow.
  • Fixed an issue where items would attach to the right hand after throwing an offhand item.
  • Fixed exploits where attacks could be desynced between players.
  • Fixed an exploit where healing could be activated early when bandaging.
  • Fixed an exploit where ammoless dropped javelins could be picked up to replenish ammo.
  • Fixed an exploit where two-handed weapons would sometimes look like they were equipped as a one-handed weapon.

Weapons and Carryables:

  • Fixed an exploit where barricades could be used to slide and gain boosts in momentum.


  • Fixed an issue where catapults could scoop up unaware players when firing at max power.
  • Made firing behavior more consistent upon remounting.


  • Adjusted the blade length of the Shamshir set to bring it closer to hitbox length.

Highland Sword:

  • Special attack is no longer halted by an Active Parry.
  • Increased damage by 5 for all attacks (excluding overheads, jab, and kick).
  • Fixed an issue where world hit tracers would cause the weapon to hit the floor unintentionally.
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon’s level rank would not display correctly in loadout selection.


  • Extended the size of tracers slightly.

Siege Crossbow:

  • Fixed an issue where bows would have missing shadows in first person mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the reloading audio would be delayed by a second.
  • Fixed an issue where fire bolts would not damage or penetrate objects.
  • Fixed an issue where bolts would deviate from the path after penetrating objects.
  • Fixed an issue where bolts would not penetrate through non-objective destructibles.
  • Fixed an issue where bolts could damage and penetrate objective destructibles.
  • Fixed an issue where bolts would not damage pavise shields.


  • Adjusted the blade length of the Royal Guard Sword set to bring it closer to hitbox length.

Throwing Knives:

  • Fixed an issue where falling with throwing knives equipped would result in not pulling out throwing knives again after recovery.


  • Improved stability of matchmaking servers in regards to periods of poor performance and disconnect messages.
  • Added Matchmaking Region Selection in Game Options.
  • Matchmaking Queue: Added Coxwell, Dark Forest, TDM Hippodrome, and TDM Frozen Wreck.
  • Limited Time: Free-for-All: Added Bazaar and Frozen Wreck.
  • Training Grounds: Added Coxwell and Dark Forest.
  • Server Browser: Duel Servers: Removed map rotation and added Duelyard as the main map. Renamed Duel Servers from “Duels” to “Social”. Added Unofficial Server support.
  • Fixed an issue where the server browser would hide full or near-full servers for specific users.


  • Added Skill Based Team Balancing for Team Objective, Team Deathmatch, and Last Team Standing modes in matchmaking.
  • Auto Balance no longer activates during the last stage of a given map.
  • Auto Balance no longer activates during the last two minutes of a given objective.
  • Fixed an issue where petard explosions would not always deal enough damage to kill players.
  • Adjusted scoring calculation for the following damageable objectives: Ramming Gate, Toppling Stone, Toppling Column, Toppling Statue.


  • Fixed an issue where the Arrow Cam hint would display even when hints were disabled.
  • Made general UI and translation improvements.


  • Made minor environmental texture and cinematic improvements.
  • Fixed an instance where locally muted players would not stay muted after rejoin.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not be reported when using a controller.

Performance and Crash Fixes:

  • [Playstation]: Fixed an issue where gamma settings would reset.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when adding a friend from different platforms.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur on the main menu when in an invalid network state.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when unfriending an offline friend.
  • Multiple server crash fixes.

Known Issues:

Unofficial Servers:

  • Post Match Screen displays gold/xp when no gold/xp is awarded.
  • Players temporarily appear with no customization or rank after entering a server after a crash (This resolves around 5 minutes after the crash and requires re-entering the server).
  • Servers left up over extended periods of time can have their timer desync. It is recommended to reset servers every few days.
  • Travel to/from LTS maps causes players to be level 1 with level 0 classes and no admin powers. Workaround: re-enter the server after the map travel is complete.

Cross-Platform Parties BETA:

  • New leader’s name does not display for other clients on pop-up banner when old leader leaves.
  • In-game UI may not list all players in the party.
  • Xbox Series X cannot remove a Steam friend.
  • Occasional “Travel To Session Failed” desyncs the party.
  • Parties that take longer than 30 seconds to load in may not end up on the same team as the rest of the party.

Console-specific Issues:

  • Accepting VIP prompt does not always transition the top player to VIP.
  • PS4 – Traveling to the same map multiple times may soft-lock the player.

Server-side Issues:

  • Occasional connection lost hiccups on some servers.
  • Duelyard has a chance of disconnecting a player occasionally.

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