Conan Exiles 2

A new update for Conan Exiles, known as Update 2.04, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Bug Fixes and Tweaks

  • Adjusted Targeting Inputs: The right stick input required to change locked targets with a controller has been adjusted to reduce unintentional target changes.
    NPC-Owned Destructible Bases: NPC-owned destructible bases now respawn more consistently.
  • Instant Death Fixes: Fixed locations that cause instant death in areas such as the Sinkhole and the Sacred Hunt Dungeon on Siptah.
    Sprinting Fix: Characters will once again continue sprinting while Sprint toggle is on.
    Incorrect Location Spawn Fix: Fixed an issue that caused characters to log in at the wrong location following a server restart.
    Friendly Werehyena Followers: Thralls and Followers placed before the Sacred Hunt began will no longer attack friendly Werehyena followers.

Inventory Management Changes

  • Custom Split Window: The custom split window now works within your inventory while Sorting is enabled.
    Highlighting Item: Only one inventory item will get highlighted after switching tabs with Item Filtering on.
  • Responsive Inventory: Character inventory will no longer become unresponsive when merging stacks with Sorting and Filtering applied.
    Merging Stacks Fix: Merging multiple stacks of the same item will still work after doing it more than once.
    Storage Navigation Update: Updated storage navigation on Gamepad allows for easier movement between storage spaces using the left analogue stick or d-pad. Additionally, the right analogue stick may be used to move instantly between storage types.

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