Cool mobile games to play over the holidays

Are you traveling on vacation? Are you driving to Grandma’s in a car full of people who you see once a year and who really, really want to discuss your thoughts on the geopolitical landscape with you? Whether you’re taking a flight, driving a car, or just being at home with your charger, I have a few games for you that are really fun vacation games.

1) Ulala: Idle Adventure

Okay, for this to work, you need about three friends to play with. Now you can find groups in the game, but this game is much, much better with a team of people – preferably with people you already play other games with. The concept? It is a Stone Age idle MMORPG with tanks, healers, SPS, loops, skills and much more. It’s not just about getting together and being idle – though you’ll likely only check in once or twice a day. You need to carefully manage thorough skill sets in a team of 4 players to successfully counter big bosses and progress, and you can even manage your friends (if they allow and they should) so that anyone online who is online can time can progress for the whole group. There are pets, there are clans, clan wars, PVP and a whole host of other things. Is it worth winning? You can definitely get some benefits – but I’ve been playing this thing with a core group every day for months now, and that’s really rare for me in the mobile country. Give it a try and it may surprise you!

2) Stove

Right now you’re telling yourself – but Dan, you’re telling me to play Hearthstone every year on vacation! Maybe I’ll do it. Maybe I’ll do it. But this time it’s different. I strongly encourage you to adopt Hearthstone’s view of the Auto-Battler Battlegrounds (on the Modes tab). I like some Teamfight Tactics and Dota Underlords, but Battlegrounds is currently my favorite in the auto battle genre. After a few games, it’s easy to learn, and the variable heroes let each game come up with its own special elements and discover.

3) Bully of the Void

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If you’re like me, the new era of card-based RPGs where Slay the Spire triggered the rush is a great place. Void Tyrant has a number of differences from one of my favorite games of 2019, but it’s also satisfying and fun to romp around as a mobile adventure. Like many “roguelites” that took over yesterday’s pure roguelike games, every time you play through them, you get new options and a meta progression, even if you get squeezed on the way to the big bosses. New builds and archetypes will make you more creative as you learn the game’s systems. While it’s not as meaty as some other map-based RPGs, there’s enough here for a while to fly, lie in bed on your iPad, or cruise in the car with Uncle Dilly.

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