There are a lot of Star Wars to remember before Rise of Skywalker comes out this December. Star Wars is full of eight films over 40 years old, several people named Skywalker, many evil guys with dark robes and many wonderful droids and aliens (available).

Luckily, Daisy Ridley is here to solve the problem.

In The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the star of Rise of Skywalker shot a summary of all eight Star Wars films, with John Williams’ cult theme appearing in the background. Fallon, as always helpful, kept up visual aids in case you have difficulty distinguishing the key action points.

Immediately after completing the prequel she takes a break.

“I try to think . I forgot . what is his name?”

Fallon turns to a picture of Jar Jar Binks.

“Fast forward!” He screams.

Rise of Skywalker, the last episode of what Lucasfilm has called Skywalker Saga, will be released on December 20. Ridley takes on the role of Rey, with Oscar Isaacs returning as Poe, Kelly Marie Trainor as Rose and John Boyega as Finn.

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