A new update for Destiny 2, known as Update 1.111, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.
Destiny 2 Update 1.111: Seasonal Activities
Reduced the completion criteria for the Rolled Stats Seasonal Triumph
- In this update, we have made an adjustment to the Rolled Stats Seasonal Triumph. We have listened to player feedback and have decided to lower the completion criteria for this Triumph. This means that players will now have an easier time completing this Triumph and earning the associated rewards.
The Coil: Increased the Wishing Glass Shards drop rate
- We have made some changes to The Coil activity in order to enhance the player experience. Specifically, we have increased the drop rate of Wishing Glass Shards from the enemies defeated in this activity. This change aims to make the acquisition of Wishing Glass Shards a more rewarding and enjoyable process for players.
Starcrossed Exotic Mission: Fix for damage through glass wall
- We have addressed an issue in the Starcrossed Exotic Mission where players were able to damage the boss through the glass wall of the arena. This unintended behavior has been fixed, ensuring that players will no longer be able to exploit this mechanic. The boss encounter in the arena will now function as intended, providing a fair and balanced challenge for players.
Gameplay and Investment: Armor
Fixed issue with Blast Radius granting Armor Charge on non-enemy takedowns
- In this update, we have resolved an issue regarding the Armor mechanic. Specifically, we have fixed a bug where the Blast Radius attribute was granting Armor Charge on non-enemy takedowns. With this fix, players will no longer receive Armor Charge when defeating non-enemy targets. This change ensures that the Armor mechanic functions as intended, providing a balanced and fair gameplay experience.
Weapons: Rear-loading Rocket Launchers and Dreaming City progress
Fixed issue with rear-loading Rocket Launchers on Inspection Screens
- We have addressed an issue with certain Rocket Launchers in the game. Previously, rear-loading Rocket Launchers were not appearing correctly on Inspection Screens. With this fix, players can now inspect and view rear-loading Rocket Launchers accurately. This change improves the overall visual consistency and clarity of the game.
Fixed issue with Dreaming City weapons not progressing the Dreaming City badge
- We have also resolved another issue related to Dreaming City weapons. Prior to this update, newly acquired Dreaming City weapons were not progressing the Dreaming City badge as intended. With this fix, players will now see their progress accurately reflected on the Dreaming City badge when obtaining these weapons. This ensures that players can properly track their progress and work towards completing the Dreaming City badge.
General: Resolved issue with Twitch bounties and rewards
- In this update, we have addressed an issue affecting Twitch bounties and their associated rewards. There was a bug where these bounties would erroneously indicate that a reward can be claimed, even when none was available. With this fix, players will now receive accurate information regarding their Twitch bounties and rewards. This ensures a smoother and more reliable experience for players engaging with Twitch bounties in the game.
Overall, Destiny 2 Update 1.111 brings various fixes and improvements to seasonal activities, gameplay, and investment aspects of the game. These changes aim to enhance the player experience, address known issues, and ensure a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay environment.