Destiny 2 7

A new update for Destiny 2, known as Update 3.15, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Destiny 2 Update 3.15: Detailed Patch Notes and Game Updates




  • Heavy ammo spawn time has been increased from 60 seconds to 90. This change will allow players more time to strategically plan their use of heavy ammunition during matches.
  • The round timer has been reduced from 90 to 75 seconds. This adjustment aims to create a more fast-paced and intense gameplay experience.
  • The score required to win has been increased from 4 to 5. This change will extend the length of matches slightly, giving players more opportunities to showcase their skills and come back from deficits.
  • The spawn policy for Countdown has been updated. Players will now spawn closer to active objective sites, ensuring more immediate engagement and reducing downtime.
  • An issue where Sudden Death rounds did not abide by Elimination rules has been fixed. This fix ensures that the game mode operates consistently and as intended.

Trials of Osiris

  • An issue where a gilding Triumph could be completed before claiming the Flawless title has been resolved. This fix ensures that players can only earn the Triumph after achieving the Flawless title, maintaining the intended progression.


  • A second tier of weekly challenges has been added, which now award Ascendant Alloys. This addition provides additional incentives for engaging with Competitive activities and incentivizes players to push themselves to complete more challenges.


  • A scoring issue where players would erroneously see a +10000 score has been fixed. This fix ensures that scoring is accurate and reflective of player performance.


  • An issue where players purchasing the Strand Enhancement would see Stasis Enhancement instead has been resolved. Purchasing the Strand Enhancement will now display the correct buff text, preventing any confusion.
  • An issue where players could get out of the environment in Riven’s Lair has been fixed. This fix ensures that players can now explore and engage with the environment as intended, without any unintended shortcuts or exploits.



  • The Rare armor sets Gumshoe Gumption, Midnight Oil, and Inspector, which were released alongside The Witch Queen expansion, are now available for Armor Synthesis. This change grants access to these armor sets for players who may have missed them after reaching the soft Power cap. Synthweave is still required to apply their designs to armor pieces.


  • An issue where the Palmyra-B Rocket Launcher was not appearing during inspections has been fixed. Players can now properly inspect and evaluate this weapon during gameplay.
  • An issue with how some shaders applied to the Vengeful Whisper Bow has been resolved. This fix ensures that shaders are applied correctly and consistently to the weapon, enhancing visual customization options for players.


An issue where the Bonus Action Triumph required 10 Seasonal bonuses when there are only 9 has been fixed. This fix aligns the requirements of the Triumph with the actual number of Seasonal bonuses available, preventing any confusion or unattainable objectives.


  • The UI has been improved for better visibility and accessibility in Fireteam Finder. These improvements aim to make it easier for players to find and join fireteams for various activities, enhancing the overall matchmaking experience.
  • Fireteam Finder group creation and group joining through Roster contacts now display a dialog if the player needs to purchase missing content for the listing’s activity. This change ensures that players are aware of any content requirements before attempting to join or create a group, avoiding any compatibility issues.
  • An issue where the Dragon’s Breath catalyst displayed placeholder text when examined in Collections has been fixed. This fix now accurately showcases the correct information for the catalyst, providing clarity and accurate descriptions of in-game items.
  • An issue where incorrect Director prompts could appear for newer players has been resolved. This fix ensures that new players receive accurate and helpful prompts, guiding them through the game effectively.


  • The glimmer cap has been increased to 500,000. This change allows players to accumulate more in-game currency, giving them greater flexibility in purchasing and upgrading various items and equipment.
  • The number of Seasonal Challenges required by the A Wish Fulfilled final challenge has been reduced from 66 to 63. Additionally, players are now allowed to skip 3 challenges, giving them more flexibility in completing their objectives and allowing for a more personalized gameplay experience.
  • Activating a lobby in Fireteam Finder no longer creates a new listing. This quality-of-life change streamlines the process of creating and managing fireteams, making it more efficient and user-friendly.
  • An issue where spawning in using the Highly Commendable Transmat Effect would cause movement animations to not play has been fixed. This fix ensures that players can enjoy a seamless and immersive gameplay experience without any animation glitches or disruptions.
  • An issue where the Season of the Hunt node showed a placeholder icon on the Timeline has been resolved. This fix ensures that the icon accurately represents the Season of the Hunt content, providing players with clear and up-to-date information.

These detailed patch notes outline the various fixes and improvements in Destiny 2 Update 3.15, covering activities, gameplay mechanics, UI/UX enhancements, and general quality-of-life changes. These updates aim to create a more balanced, enjoyable, and immersive gaming experience for all players.

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