A new update for Destiny 2, known as Update 3.23, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.
- Players are no longer unable to spawn every-other round on Burnout in the Elimination playlists.
- Mercy ruling has been removed from Competitive playlists.
- Special ammo crates now respawn on Wormhaven in 3v3 Clash Competitive playlists.
Warlord’s Ruin
- Solo players can now complete Warlord’s Ruin due to blocked doors being fixed at the imprisoned puzzle after the first encounter is completed.
- The issue with two players receiving the Unstable Light debuff during the Golgoroth encounter has been resolved.
- Reward drops have been adjusted to ensure a guaranteed weapon drop within a 50-wave run and an additional bonus weapon drop upon completion of wave 50 in any difficulty.
- Various fixes have been implemented to address issues such as portal spawning, activity ending prematurely, unintended locations access, battery duplication, and quest slots.
- The reticle bounce behavior on the BRAVE Recluse has been updated to match the behavior on the original Recluse.
- The Gilded Cage ornament now correctly displays spikes on both sides of the barrel.
- Interacting with a vendor while jumping will now display the vendor screen correctly.
- Picking up a New Light Kit will no longer override existing abilities for that subclass in saved loadouts.
- The Vanguard node is now accessible for New Light players after completing the Tower tutorial.
This update brings various fixes and improvements to Destiny 2’s gameplay experience.