Weaknesses in Diablo IV’s Endgame

It’s now been over a month since the launch of Blizzard’s latest title: Diablo IV. Unfortunately, weaknesses in the endgame are starting to cause problems for many players, who become frustrated with this new “itemization” system (the whole equipment system, son balancing, how to get it, etc…). In the absence of viable equipment sets – like previous Diablo sets -, more efficient and specialized loot, but also a more challenging and diversified endgame in contentsome become nostalgic for Diablo III and its greater rifts (challenges to be completed in a limited time, which represented the ultimate challenge of the title).

While Diablo IV seems to put more emphasis on assembling gear for a character, son grand-brother focused more on challenging the player through increasingly difficult levels. Since the arrival of Reaper of Souls, it was relatively simple to obtain an effective set of objects, but knowing how to make the most of it and push your limits in increasingly difficult faults was the “real” objective of the title: always further, always faster .

An endless race

In Diablo III, getting loot wasn’t an end in itself. It was what he allowed to achieve that was. While shifting the focus from loot to content isn’t necessarily a bad thing for Diablo IV, the main issue players have with it is the uselessness of certain items and bonusor the rate of drop much too low. And when the rate of drop of an item was accidentally increased, Blizzard was quick to fix it.

There are also, for many players, major balance issues. Like bows that are totally useless for thieves because of the almost non-existent damage. The affixes and legendary aspects also suffer from being too situational, which makes it even less desirable to spend several hours of play trying to obtain them. Not to mention the problems with enchantment and its monstrous costs. It is more interesting to transform a rare item into a legendary one hoping to find the desired characteristics rather than modifying a basic legendary weapon with the wrong ones. bonus.

Even if the title benefits from many qualities, it could still take a little time before it fully reveals son real potential. There nature Diablo IV’s game service provides a minimum guarantee that the game and its expansions will continue to be supported for many years to come. Diablo 4 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S since June 6, 2023.

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