A new update for Diablo IV, known as Update 1.030, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.
Diablo IV Update 1.030: Detailed Patch Notes
All Classes:
New Items:
- Paingorger’s Gauntlets – Unique Gloves: Damaging enemies with a cast Non-Basic Skill now marks them for 3 seconds. When a Basic Skill hits a marked enemy for the first time, the damage of the Basic Skill is echoed to all marked enemies, dealing increased damage of 100-200%.
- Aspect of Adaptability – Utility: Basic Skills now generate 3 of your Primary Resource once per cast when cast below 50% Maximum Resource. When cast at or above 50% Maximum Resource, Basic Skills deal increased damage of 40-80%.
- Juggernaut’s Aspect – Defensive: Gain 0.75-1.25 Armor, but the Evade skill now has a 100% increased Cooldown.
Item Updates:
- Ring of Starless Skies: The unique power has been changed. Previously, casting a Core Skill reduced the Resource cost of your Core Skills by 12%, up to a maximum of 40%. Now, spending resources reduces your resource costs and increases your damage by 10% for 3 seconds, up to 40%.
- Offensive Aspect of the Expectant: The damage bonus now has a 5-second duration to be used.
- Melted Heart of Selig: All stats increased to 2 times their normal value. Core Skill Damage changed to Movement Speed. Damage While Healthy increased to 3 times its normal value. Unique Power Changed: Previously, it granted 30 Maximum Resource, and when you took damage, it drained 3 resources for every 1% of life you would have lost instead. Now, it grants 60 maximum Resource, and 75% of incoming damage drains 2 Resource for every 1% of Life you would have lost instead.
- Overpower: Overpower attacks now gain +1% damage, down from +2%, per 1% of your Base Life you have in Fortify. Overpower attacks now gain +1% damage, down from +2%, per 1% of your Base Life that you have in bonus life above your Base Life.
New Items:
- Ring of the Ravenous: Rend’s duration is increased by 2.0-4.0 seconds. Damaging enemies with Brawling Skills now applies 2 stacks of Rend’s Bleed. This effect can only occur once every 4 seconds per enemy.
- Aspect of Sundered Ground – Offensive: Every 25 seconds, Upheaval is now guaranteed to Overpower and deals 10-20% increased damage. This timer is reduced by 4 seconds when Upheaval Overpowers a Boss or an Elite enemy.
- Charge: Base damage increased by 900%, from 0.25 to 2.50. Enhanced Charge terrain impact damage increased by 150%, from 0.6 to 1.5. Power Charge no longer requires a terrain impact to reduce the cooldown of Charge, and now charging a boss will reduce the cooldown by 6 seconds.
- Leap: Base damage increased by 30%.
- Brute Force: Overpower damage decreased from 15% to 8% per rank.
- Walking Arsenal: Duration of each weapon bonus increased from 8 to 10 seconds. Additional damage from having all bonuses increased from 15% to 20%. Having all bonuses now also increases attack speed by 20%.
- Unconstrained: Berserking damage bonus increased from 60% to 100%.
- Gushing Wounds: Bonus bleed amount increased from 115% to 140%. Overpower explosion damage increased from 70% to 85%.
- Weapon Expertise: Expertise leveling has been cut by 50%.
- Marshal Glyph: Now reduces the cooldown of every non-Shout skill by 4 seconds, instead of every other Shout skill by 1.2 seconds.
Item Updates:
- Resource Aspect of Echoing Fury: You now generate 6-10 Fury per second while any Shout skill is active, instead of 2-4 Fury per second for each Shout skill active.
- Offensive Aspect of Limitless Rage: The damage bonus now has a 5-second duration to be used.
- Veteran Brawler’s Offensive Aspect: Reduced bonus damage per stack from 15%-20% to 6%-8%, up to a reduced maximum bonus of 225%-300% to 30%-40%.
- Offensive Aspect of Ancestral Charge: Reduced bonus damage from 75%-125% to 20%-30%.
- Offensive Aspect of Encroaching Wrath: Reduced bonus Weapon Mastery damage from 82-100% to 40-60%. The damage bonus now has a 5-second duration to be used.
New Items:
- Unsung Ascetic’s Wraps: Lightning Storm now gains 1 additional strike each time it grows. Lightning Storm Critical Strikes now cause lightning to strike twice, dealing increased damage of 10-20%.
- Virulent Aspect – Utility: When Rabies infects an enemy, its cooldown is now reduced by 0.3-0.6 seconds. This cooldown reduction is tripled when infecting Elites.
- Enhanced Rabies: Maximum damage bonus increased from 30% to 60%.
- Lacerate: Cooldown reduced from 45 to 35 seconds.
- Prime Lacerate: Changed functionality: Lacerate hits now heal for 3% Maximum Life, increased to 6% on Critical Strikes.
- Cataclysm: Twister damage increased from 23% to 46%. Lightning damage increased from 77% to 95%.
- Supreme Cataclysm: Vulnerable duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds.
- Mending: Additional Healing received increased from 5% to 6% per rank.
- Thick Hide: Fortify gained increased from 6.4% to 10% per rank.
- Unrestrained: Control Impairing Effects duration reduction increased from 3% to 5% per rank. Increased benefit while over 50% Fortify reduced from tripled to doubled.
- Natural Fortitude: Fortify gained on Shapeshifting increased from 1.4% to 2% per rank.
- Bestial Rampage: Required Shapeshift duration reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds. Attack Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%.
Spirt Boons:
- Prickleskin: Thorns increased from 0.15 to 0.6.
- Gift of the Stag: Maximum Spirit increased from 10 to 20.
- Avian Wrath: Critical Strike Damage bonus is now Multiplicative instead of Additive.
- Tectonic: Bonus Lucky Hit Chance increased from 15% to 20%.
- Poise: Barrier increased from 5% of Maximum Health to 15%. Duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
- Wilds: Passive Companion damage bonus increased from 80% to 120%.
Item Updates:
- Aspect of the Blurred Beast: Previous functionality changed. While dashing, Shred now seeks out Nearby Poisoned enemies and deals increased damage of 20-40% to them.
- Aspect of Metamorphic Stone: Boulder Spirit Cost reduced from 50 to 40.
- Aspect of the Unsatiated: Spirit Generation and bonus damage increased from 20-30% to 30-40%.
- Aspect of Retaliation: Bonus damage reduced from 20-40% to 20-30%.
New Items:
- Mutilator Plate: You are now Blood Lanced, and when Blood Lance would deal damage to you, it instead Fortifies you for 1-2% of your Maximum Life and has a 5% chance to form a Blood Orb. Blood Lance now deals increased damage of 10-20%.
- Shattered Spirit’s Aspect – Offensive: Casting Bone Spirit now also launches 18 Bone Splinters in all directions, dealing increased damage of 200-400% and generating 6 Essence per enemy hit.
- Iron Maiden: Damage increased from 0.2 to 0.3.
- Horrid Iron Maiden: Bonus damage increased from 20% to 30%.
- Corpse Explosion: Lucky Hit Chance reduced from 40% to 25%. Base damage increased from 50% to 70%. Blighted Corpse Explosion damage decreased from 110% to 95%.
- Blight: Damage over time increased from 80% to 95%.
- Sever: Initial damage increased from 66% to 75%. Return damage increased from 21% to 25%.
- Bone Spirit: Damage is now increased by 4% per Essence spent casting Bone Spirit, up from 3%.
- Dreadful Bone Spirit: Now restores 30% of your Maximum Essence, instead of a flat 30 Essence.
- Acolyte’s Decompose: Previous functionality changed. You and your Minions now deal increased damage of 10% to enemies being Decomposed.
- Initiate’s Decompose: Previous functionality changed. Decompose now Slows enemies by 50%. If you channel Decompose for at least 1.5 seconds, you gain increased Movement Speed of 30% for 5 second after ending the channel.
- Dreadful Blood Mist: Previous functionality changed. Blood Mist now Fortifies you for 0.5% of your Maximum Life each time it hits an enemy. New: You gain +10% Critical Strike Chance for 4 seconds after Blood Mist ends.
- Bone Prison: Friendly players and Minions can now freely pass through Bone Prison walls. The functionality of Enhanced Bone Prison and Ghastly Bone Prison have been swapped.
- Enhanced Bone Prison: Enemies inside of Bone Prison are now Vulnerable.
- Ghastly Bone Prison: If an enemy is trapped by Bone Prison, you gain 25 Essence, plus an additional 5 per enemy trapped.
- Dreadful Bone Prison: Previous functionality changed. Fortify is now reduced by 8% of your Maximum Life for each enemy trapped by Bone Prison. New: Reduce your active cooldowns by 0.5 seconds for each enemy trapped by Bone Prison, up to 3 seconds.
- Ossified Essence: Now displays the current bonus on the tooltip.
Book of the Dead:
- When Golems finish casting their active ability, they will now target a new close enemy before reverting to their previous target.
- All Basic Attacks from Golems now hit enemies in an area around the main target.
- Bone Golem: The active ability now grants the Golem Thorns equal to 70% of your Armor for the duration of the Taunt.
- Bone Mage: The upgrade now Fortifies based on your Maximum Life instead of Base Life.
- Skeleton Priest: Healing increased from 25% to 40% over the 8-second duration.
- Cult Leader Legendary Paragon Node: Previous functionality changed. Your Minions now deal increased damage of 10% for each Minion type you have active. New: Your Minions now deal increased damage of 10% for each 20% Attack Speed Bonus they have.
- Golem: Additional Bonus changed from 25% Health to 25% Damage.
New Items:
- Beastfall Boots: When you cast an Ultimate skill, your next Core skill now consumes all of your energy and deals increased damage of 0.5-1.5% per Energy consumed. Using a Cooldown now restores 5 energy.
- Resistant Assailant’s Aspect – Defensive: Breaking Concealment now grants +10% Resistance and Maximum Resist to all elements for 4 seconds. Killing an Elite enemy now reduces Concealment’s cooldown by 6-10 seconds.
- Blade Shift: Damage increased from 16% to 20%. Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
- Fundamental Invigorating Strike: Vulnerable now applies while you are below 85% Energy, up from 75% Energy.
- Enhanced Caltrops: Previous functionality changed. Enemies now take increased damage of 10% each second they are in Caltrops. Increased by an additional 5% each second.
- Rain of Arrows: Cast time reduced by 15%. The first wave of arrows now hits closer to the player.
- Cold Imbuement: Chill amount now increases by 5% per skill rank, up from 2.5%.
- Blended Cold Imbuement: Removed the Critical Strike requirement. Increased the Lucky Hit chance from 20% to 35%.
- Mixed Poison Imbuement: Previous functionality changed. Lucky Hit now reduces Poison Imbuement’s cooldown by 2 seconds.
- Forceful Arrow: Vulnerable duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
- Enhanced Penetrating Shot: Previous functionality changed. Penetrating Shot now deals an additional 10% increased damage per enemy it hits.
- Close Quarters Combat: Amount of Damage vs. Crowd Controlled bonus conversion percent reduced from 40% to 10%. Attack Speed per stack increased from 10% to 15%.
- Precision: Previous functionality changed. Critical Strike with Marksman Skills now grants Precision. You now gain 4% Critical Strike Damage per stack of Precision, up to a maximum of 20%. When you reach maximum Precision, your next Marksman Skill is guaranteed to Critically Strike and deals 40% increased Critical Strike Damage, then consumes all stacks of Precision. New: Each Marksman skill cast now grants 1 stack of Precision, or 2 if it has Critically Struck. When you reach 6 stacks, your next Marksman Core or Ultimate Skill is now a guaranteed Critical Strike that deals increased damage of 50%, consuming all stacks of Precision. This damage is further increased by an amount equal to 15% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
– Chilling Weight: Previous functionality changed. Chilled enemies now have their Movement speed further reduced by up to 10/20/30%. New: Chilled enemies now have their Movement speed further reduced by up to 10/20/30%, and you gain increased Chill effect of 5/10/15%. - Concussive: Previous functionality changed. After Knocking Back or Knocking Down an enemy, you now gain 4% increased Critical Strike Chance against them for 4 seconds.
- Paragon: Leyrana’s Instinct: Previous functionality changed. When Inner Sight’s gauge becomes full, you now gain 100% Dodge Chance for 1.5 seconds. New: When Inner Sight’s gauge becomes full, you now gain 100% Dodge Chance for 2 seconds. Your next 3 Core skills now deal additional damage equal to 20% of your Core Skill Damage bonus.
Item Updates:
- Bladedancer’s Aspect: The orbiting blades can now hit each enemy 2 times, reduced from 3. The visual effect of 2 rotations around the player now matches the actual functionality.
- Aspect of Stolen Vigor: Previous functionality changed. Each stack of Momentum Key Passive now heals you for 0.04-0.08 Life per second. New: Each stack of Momentum Key Passive now heals you for 0.04-0.08 Life per second and grants you 5% Damage Reduction.
- Icy Alchemist: Previous functionality changed. Lucky Hit: Damaging a Chilled or Frozen enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill now has up to a 75% chance to release an explosion that deals Cold damage to the target and surrounding enemies, Chilling them. New: Lucky Hit: Shadow Imbued Skills now have up to a 75% chance to release an explosion that deals Cold damage to the target and surrounding enemies, Chilling them. If they were already Chilled or Frozen, increase this damage by 100%.
- Toxic Alchemist: Previous functionality changed. Lucky Hit: Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill now has up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies Poisoning damage over time to the target and surrounding enemies. New: Lucky Hit: Shadow Imbued Skills now have up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies Poisoning damage over time to the target and surrounding enemies. If the enemy was already Poisoned, increase this damage by 100%.
- Windforce: Lucky Hit Chance increased from 20%-30% to 30%-40%.
- Skyhunter: Inherent affix changed from Damage to Distant Enemies to Critical Strike Damage. Critical Strike Damage affix value increased by ~100%. This change does not apply to the inherent Critical Strike Damage Affix. Effect updated to reflect changes to the Precision Key Passive. Previous: The first direct damage dealt to an enemy is now a guaranteed Critical Strike. If you had maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when you cast the Skill, gain 20-30 energy. This can only happen once per cast. New: The first direct damage dealt to an enemy is now a guaranteed Critical Strike. When you consume Precision by casting a Skill, that Skill gains increased Critical Strike Damage of 10-30% and you gain 20-40 Energy.
- Eaglehorn: Previous: Penetrating Shot now has a 30-80% chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Damaging 5 enemies with Penetrating Shot now causes your next cast to make enemies hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds. New: Penetrating Shot now makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Every 4th cast now bounces off walls and scenery and deals increased bonus damage of 20-40%.
New Items:
- Starfall Coronet: Meteor now has 2 charges and a 11-6 second Charge Cooldown instead of a Mana cost and drops 3 additional meteors around the target. Meteor’s Enchantment effect and Enhanced Meteor now drop 1 additional meteor.
- Aspect of Shredding Blades – Offensive: Ice Blades’ chance to apply Vulnerable is increased by 20%. The Vulnerable duration is increased by 4 seconds. You gain increased Vulnerable Damage of 15-25%.
- Ball Lightning: Enhanced Ball Lightning changed to have its attack rate increase with attack speed, up to 25%.
- Blizzard: Mage’s Blizzard condition to be cast while over 50 mana has been removed.
- Lightning Spear: Critical Strikes now apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- Searing Heat: Fixed an issue where the Critical Strike Chance bonus was not properly applying. The Critical Strike Chance bonus increased from +10% to 12%.
- Elemental Summoner: Conjuration damage bonus increased from x3% to x5% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Fire, Lightning, and Cold.
- Burning Instinct: Amount of Intelligence required to gain x1% bonus Burning Damage reduced from 75 to 25.
Item Updates:
- Offensive Aspect of Shattered Stars: Meteorite damage has been changed to be 20-30% of the casted Meteor’s damage.
- Staff of Lam Esen: Increased Charged Bolt chance to be attracted to enemies from 30-50% to 40-60%.
- Iceheart Brais: Chance to unleash a Frost Nova when enemies die increased from 11-20% to 21-30%.
New Dungeon Rotation for Season of the Construct:
World Tier 3:
- Kor Dragan Barracks
- Mercy’s Reach
- Faceless Shrine
- Ghoa Ruins
- Maugan’s Works
- Serpents Lair
- Collapsed Vault
- Shivta Ruins
- Tomb of the Saints
- Uldur’s Cave
- Aldurwood
- Mariner’s Refuge
- Betrayer’s Row
- Champion’s Demise
- Charnel House
World Tier 4:
- Dead Mans Dredge
- Kor Dragan Barracks
- Mercy’s Reach
- Rimescar Cavern
- Akkhan’s Grasp
- Bastion Of Faith
- Blind Burrows
- Faceless Shrine
- Ghoa Ruins
- Light’s Refuge
- Maugan’s Works
- Serpent’s Lair
- Collapsed Vault
- Deserted Underpass
- Prison of Caldeum
- Shivta Ruins
- Tomb of the Saints
- Uldur’s Cave
- Yshari Sanctum
- Aldurwood
- Howling Warren
- Mariner’s Refuge
- Underroot
- Wretched Delve
- Betrayer’s Row
- Champion’s Demise
- Charnel House
- Guulrahn Canals
- Komdor Temple
- Path of the Blind
End-Game Activities:
- Helltide will now be active every hour on the hour, with a 5-minute gap in between. Helltide will be active for 55 minutes of every hour.
- Players can now acquire Distilled Fear more consistently from Nightmare Dungeons. Players will always gain a Distilled Fear after completing a Nightmare Dungeon of at least Tier 30. Every 10 Tiers after Tier 30, there is an increasing chance for additional Distilled Fears to be rewarded. Completing Tier 90 Nightmare Dungeons and beyond will always grant 3 Distilled Fears.
- The Purified Sigil reward for completing a Nightmare Dungeon will now always grant a Sigil 1 Tier greater than the Nightmare Dungeon just completed.
- Scrolls of Escape now populate in the lost items stash if the player missed one that was dropped. The stack limit has been increased from 20 to 99, and they now appear as Legendary items to make them more visible on the ground.
- The chance for Scattered Prisms to drop when defeating an Elite Monster has been reduced. Scattered Prisms can now be acquired from Legion Event Chests.
- The Material cap has been increased from 99,999 to 999,999.
- Treasure Goblins spawned while fighting Avarice now have the same loot potential as normally encountered treasure goblins.
- World Tier III and IV World Boss weekly caches can now drop Unique Items. The increased cap for Item Power on drops from World Bosses has been adjusted as follows: Player Level below 70: 785-885, Player Level 71-80: 815-905, Player Level 81-90: 845-925, Player Level 91-100: 890-925.
- The item power ranges for items dropped by end-game bosses have been adjusted for Rare and Legendary Items. Unique Item Power remains unchanged.
- Nightmare Dungeon Item Power scaling has been adjusted to more consistently drop high Item Power loot in high Tier Nightmare Dungeons. The Item Power ranges for monsters at level 100 and 125 have been adjusted to drop higher Item Power gear. All monsters above Level 144 in Nightmare Dungeons Tier 90+ now drop guaranteed 925 Item Power gear.
- The Boss Ladder drop table has been updated with new uniques for Season 3.
User Interface and User Experience:
- New settings have been added to allow navigation in the world with full Keyboard controls, including movement using the W-A-S-D keys.
- Bonuses from keywords now denote whether any associated damage bonus is additive or multiplicative.
- Event Timers are now displayed on the world map.
- The visual effect for being Chilled now increases in intensity to denote how close the character is to being Frozen.
- Default button bindings for Mount actions have been adjusted for controller.
- An additional stash tab is now available to be purchased in-game with Gold. The maximum stash tabs available are now 6.
- The icons for the Helltide Chest of Mysteries and Living Steel Chest have been updated to make them more visually distinct from other chest icons.
- The button for confirming Gold amount in the trade interface on controller has been changed to Y or Triangle on console, allowing A or X to bring up the virtual keyboard for manual entry of Gold amounts when trading.
- Players now have a new way to rework their Skill Tree. They can now refund whole paths or skill clumps while seeing a preview of the changes, including the number of skill points that will be refunded and the cost in Gold.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issues with the Screen Reader, subtitles, and the vendor’s services menu.
- Various fixes to Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, and Rogue skills and passives.
- Fixed various issues with quests and dungeons.
- Fixed issues with upgrading damaged items at the Blacksmith, stability, visual, and performance improvements.
These detailed patch notes cover all the changes and improvements brought by Diablo IV Update 1.030, including new items, skill updates, and bug fixes for all classes. The patch also includes changes to gameplay, such as a new dungeon rotation for the Season of the Construct. Other improvements include changes to item drops, user interface, and accessibility. Numerous bug fixes have also been implemented to address a range of issues.