A new update for Diablo IV, known as Update 1.033, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.


Uber Unique Item Salvaging and Transmutation

  • Players can now salvage Uber Unique items to obtain a new resource called Resplendent Sparks.
  • By collecting 5 Resplendent Sparks, players can visit the Alchemist and use them to transmute any Uber Unique item of their choice.
  • The Refine Resources tab at the Alchemist has been renamed to Transmute. The option to craft an Uber Unique item can be found under this tab.
  • It is important to note that the preview window for crafting an Uber Unique item will not display the item’s affixes, allowing for an element of surprise and mystery.

Increased Drop Chance for Uber Unique Items

  • The drop chance of Uber Unique items acquired outside of Uber Duriel encounters has been increased. This will give players more opportunities to obtain these powerful items and enhance their gameplay experience.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • The Cursed Shrine event will now grant the Shrine bonus at the start of the event instead of after its completion. This adjustment aims to provide a smoother and more seamless gameplay experience.


Accessibility Fixes

  • The Screen Reader now reads the Claimed status for Lunar Awakening rewards correctly, resolving an issue where this information was not being communicated effectively.

Season of the Construct Fixes

  • Vizier Wasp Constructs are now affected by immobilizing effects, as intended.
  • The tooltip for Igneous Cores now contains all the necessary information, ensuring players have a comprehensive understanding of this item.
  • Journal pages will now drop during the Kulle’s Heart Quest, allowing players to progress through the storyline as intended.
  • All party members will now receive credit for looting Obelisk’s Whispers, preventing any unfair advantages that may have occurred due to a bug.
  • Players can now interact with Voltaic Brazier’s associated with Arcane Tremors in Hawezar and Scosglen, resolving an issue where these objects were unresponsive.
  • Attacks from Malphas will no longer damage players after defeating him, ensuring a fair and balanced gameplay experience.
  • The Season Journey Objective “Keeper of Nothing” now correctly references Igneous Cores instead of Pearls of Warding for summoning the Echo of Malphas, resolving any confusion for players.

Lunar Awakening Fixes

  • The final quest for Lunar Awakening can now be started even if the player already has maximum Ancestral Favor, ensuring progression for all players.
  • The Shrine related to the “Cleanse the Northshore Shrine Whisper” will no longer be missing, resolving an issue that prevented players from completing the task.
  • The Ancestral Favor window will now automatically close when walking away from Ying-Yue, providing a smoother user experience.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Treasure Goblins will now consistently spawn while fighting Avarice, ensuring players have the opportunity to encounter these valuable creatures.
  • Enemies killed via an execute effect will now drop loot, resolving an issue where players were missing out on potential rewards.
  • The Melted Heart of Selig will now always roll the maximum value for its movement speed affix, providing consistent and balanced gameplay.
  • The Echoing Fury aspect will now grant bonus Fury if Tactical Rallying Cry is learned, ensuring that players receive the intended bonuses and effects.
  • Advanced Rapid Fire will no longer incorrectly override the bonus Critical Strike Damage from other sources, improving gameplay balance.
  • The damage increase and resource reduction cost from Ring of the Starless Skies will now calculate correctly, ensuring fair gameplay and rewards.
  • The final Lieutenant will now spawn in The Onyx Watchtower, allowing players to complete the quest without having to reset.

User Interface and User Experience Fixes

  • Adding a friend while playing with a controller will no longer immediately reopen the menu for adding a friend, resolving a minor inconvenience for players.
  • Setting a note on a friend will no longer open the menu for adding a friend after adding the note, improving the user experience.
  • Icons for Animus will now be visible on the mini map in the Betrayer’s Row Dungeon, providing players with clearer navigation and information.

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • A Socketed Gem in a Legendary or Unique Item will no longer disappear if the item is dropped, preventing any potential loss of valuable resources.
  • Players using NVMe Solid State Drives will no longer experience instability issues, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience.
  • Various visual, performance, and stability improvements have been implemented to enhance the overall quality of the game.

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