”Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure” is a 1988 Japanese anime fiction martial arts adventure film and the third in the parallel universe’s Dragon Ball series. Unlike the previous two Dragon Ball films, it does not introduce any new characters, combining characters from the manga’s Red Ribbon Army and 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament narrative arcs into the film’s original plot.
Voice cast
- Son Goku voiced by Ceyli Juliann Delgadillo
- Bulma, voiced by Tiffany Vollmer
- Yamcha, voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Krillin, voiced by Laurie Steele
- Master Roshi, voiced by Mike McFarland
- Launch (Mean) voiced by Meredith McCoy
- Turtle, voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Bora, voiced by Dameon Clarke
- Upa, voiced by Arlene Banas
- Chiaotzu voiced by Monika Antonelli
- Tien Shinhan voiced by John Burgmeier
- Korin, voiced by Mark Britten
- Puar, voiced by Monika Antonelli
- Oolong, voiced by Brad Jackson
- Mercenary Tao, voiced by Kent Williams
- Master Shen, the Crane Hermit, voiced by Chuck Huber
- General Blue, voiced by Sonny Strait
- Emperor Pilaf, voiced by Mike McFarland
- Agent Mai, voiced by Cynthia Cranz
- Agent Shu, voiced by Justin Cook
- Major Metallitron, voiced by Chris Rager
- Arale Norimaki, voiced by Linda Young
- Gatchan1, voiced by Mike McFarland
- Gatchan2, voiced by Mike McFarland
- Shenron, voiced by Christopher Sabat
What Is Dragon Ball Mystical Adventure Release Date?
It was released on July 9, 1988, as part of a quadruple feature with Bikkuriman 2: The Secret of Muen Zone and Tatakae!! At the “Toei Manga Matsuri” film festival. Terrifying! Ramenman and Kamen Rider Black! Devil Pass’s Phantom House.
Who Is The Director Of Dragon Ball Mystical Adventure?
Kazuhisa Takenouchi is a Japanese scriptwriter and series director. Kazuhisa Takenouchi was an episode director for Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. He also directed the movies Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: Hoyoyo! Dream Capital Mecha Police, Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure, and Goku’s Fire Brigade.
What Is Dragon Ball Mystical Adventure About?
Another Dragon Ball tale retelling. This time, young Goku and Krillin are practicing with Master Roshi for a World Martial Arts Tournament in Mifan. Chiaotzu, the Emperor of Mifan, is looking for his missing “Ran Ran.” “Minister” Master Shen has Emperor Pilaf work on a Dragon Radar, steals it from him, and uses it to discover the Dragon Balls. Shen and Mercenary Tao pretend they would use Shenron’s desire to find Ran Ran. Still, they are secretly preparing to assassinate Chiaotzu and take over the country with Tien’s support. Tao kills General Blue after he reports that Ran Ran is being detained in Shen’s chamber. Bora and Upa have found the final Dragon Ball. They are taking it to Mifan to use it to compel Mifan’s men to evacuate the territory surrounding Korin Tower. Bora is duped into entering the Tournament (the winner will be granted one desire by Chiaotzu) and is later murdered by Tao. Bulma, Oolong, Launch, and Puar are on the hunt for the last six Dragon Balls so that Bulma can make a boyfriend wish. When the Dragon Balls are discovered, they are inadvertently dumped to the bottom of the moat that surrounds Chiaotzu Castle. Tien realizes he cares too much about Chiaotzu and does not murder him; instead, he blasts away Shen. Then he gives Chiaotzu Ran Ran (a porcelain doll, not a real girl) back, explaining that he had hidden her because of Shen and Tao. The narrative of Blue and Goku visiting Penguin Village is featured; however, this time, Tao and Goku encounter Arale, and Goku kills Tao with Arale’s assistance. Goku launches the last ball into the moat, summoning Shenron, whom Upa requests to resuscitate Bora.
Who Is Arale Norimaki?
Arale Norimaki is a fictional character in Akira Toriyama’s Dr. Slump comic series. Senbei Norimaki created her as a little girl-like robot. She is well-known for her boldness, positive attitude, lack of common sense, and great strength.
Who is Mercenary Tao?
Tao Pai Pai, commonly known as Mercenary Tao, is a Dragon Ball manga and anime antagonist, as well as two filler cameos in Dragon Ball Z. He is Master Shen’s younger brother and a very skilled assassin-for-hire.