Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, also known as Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiyan, Son Goku in Japan, is a 1991 Japanese animated science fiction martial arts film and the fourth in the Dragon Ball Z series. It was originally shown in Japan on March 9, between episodes 81 and 82, as part of a double feature with the first Magical Tarurto-kun film at the Toei Anime Fair.
Voice cast
- Son Goku / Kakarot voiced by Sean Schemmel
- Lord Slug, voiced by Brice Armstrong
- Lord Slug (Old), voiced by Brice Armstrong
- Son Gohan, voiced by Stephanie Nadolny
- Piccolo voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Krillin, voiced by Sonny Strait
- Chi-Chi, voiced by Cynthia Cranz
- Bulma, voiced by Tiffany Vollmer
- Oolong, voiced by Brad Jackson
- King Kai/ North Kai, voiced by Sean Schemmel
- Yajirobe, voiced by Mike McFarland
- Angira, voiced by John Burgmeier
- Wings voiced by Chris Rager
- Medamatcha, voiced by Kent Williams
- Commander Zeen, voiced by Brad Jackson
- Kakuja voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Gyoshu, voiced by Sonny Strait
- Master Roshi, voiced by Mike McFarland
- Dr.Brief, voiced by Chris Forbis
- Shenron, voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Icarus, voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Bubbles, voiced by Christopher Sabat
What Is the release date of Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug?
It was released on VHS on August 7, 2001, and on DVD on September 4, 2001, in North America. On September 16, 2008, it was released in a Double Feature collection with The Tree of Might (1990) for Blu-ray and DVD, both in full 1080p format in HD restored 16:9 aspect ratio and an upgraded 5.1 sound mix. On November 1, 2011, the picture was re-released on DVD in a remastered thinpak compilation with the first five Dragon Ball Z films.
Who is the Director of Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug?
Mitsuo Hashimoto is the director of Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. Mitsuo Hashimoto is a Japanese storyboard artist and anime film director who has worked on television, OVA, and feature films. He used to work under it but changed since someone else was using that name. While under contract with Toei Animation, he also worked for other studios like Genjūrō Tachibana.
What Is Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug About?
Gohan shows Piccolo a new whistled melody. Piccolo’s improved Namekian hearing causes pain, so he orders Gohan to stop when they detect an incoming threat. A spaceship landed in a city afterward. An alien army declares Lord Slug the ruler of Earth. Gohan saves villagers from troops. Lord Slug notices from the ship that Gohan has a Dragon Ball in his hat, which he loses in the fight. Gohan’s minions knock him out and reveal Slug’s plan to turn the world into a biological spacecraft. Using telepathy, he learns Bulma’s Dragon Ball radar. Slug’s soldiers gather the Dragon Balls and summon Shenron. He grants Slug immortality. Slug’s energies kill life globally.
Yajirobe revives Goku and Krillin with Senzu beans. Meanwhile, Piccolo saves Gohan from Slug’s army. Piccolo kills Wings, but Gohan is overpowered by Medamatcha, injuring Piccolo when he dives in front of an energy shot aimed at Gohan. Goku dispatches Medamatcha and Angila when he and Krillin arrive. Krillin kills Slug. In a rage, Goku appears to access part of his Super Saiyan form after being defeated by Slug. Goku breaks Slug’s arm. Slug cuts off his arm, regrow it, and removes his helmet to reveal he’s a Namekian. King Kai telepathically tells Goku that Slug is a Super Namekian, an exiled bloodline of power-obsessed warriors. Slug becomes a monster and crushes Goku. Piccolo saves Goku by cutting off his ears and telling Gohan to whistle. Piccolo’s whistling deafens and weakens Slug, allowing Goku to power up and fly through Slug’s midsection, incapacitating him. Slug chases Goku as he builds a Spirit Bomb to destroy the world-changing pods. Goku throws the Spirit Bomb at Slug, killing him and saving Earth. Yajirobe heals everyone with Senzu beans as they celebrate.
Is Lord Slug related to King Piccolo?
Lord Slug is a bigger, crappier King Piccolo. He is an exiled Super Namekian and is the good half of Super Kami Guru. It is explained that he was sent to another planet as a baby to escape the extinction that was about to ravage his home planet, Namek.
Who defeated Lord Slug?
When his remaining henchmen are killed, Slug confronts Goku. After swatting away Krillin, Slug dominates Goku with his Power of Darkness. But, Goku transforms into the False Super Saiyan form for the 1st (and so far only) time and beats Slug down, breaking his arm.
Who is stronger, Lord Slug or Frieza?
Slug is reported to be more powerful than Frieza. Takao Koyama claimed that when filming Dragon Ball movies, the following enemy Goku battled had to be at least as powerful as the last evil Goku fought. As a result, Slug was more powerful than Turles but less powerful than Cooler.