Toei’s Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest, commonly known as The Strongest Guy in the World in English, is the second feature film in the Dragon Ball Z franchise and a Japanese animated science fiction martial arts film released in 1990. It debuted in Japan on March 10, 1990, between episodes 39 and 40 of Dragon Ball Z, at the “Toei Manga Matsuri” film festival, with the second Akuma-Kun film (Welcome to Devil Land) and the 1990 film adaptation of Sally the Witch.
Voice actor
- Son Goku / Kakarot voiced by Sean Schemmel
- Dr. Wheelo, voiced by R Bruce Elliott
- Son Gohan, voiced by Stephanie Nadolny
- Dr. Kochin, voiced by Troy = Baker
- Krillin, voiced by Sonny Strait
- Piccolo voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Master Roshi, voiced by Mike McFarland
- Bulma, voiced by Tiffany Vollmer
- Chi-Chi, voiced by Cynthia Cranz
- Oolong, voiced by Brad Jackson
- Kishime, voiced by Chris Rager
- Ebifurya, voiced by Matthew Tompkins
- Misokatsun, voiced by Robert McCollum
- Turtle, voiced by Christopher Sabat
- Shenron, voiced by Christopher Sabat
What Is Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest Release date?
It was released in North America on VHS and DVD on May 26, 1998, with an English dub produced by Pioneer Entertainment in collaboration with Funimation. The original Ocean Productions TV series voice cast was used in Pioneer’s dub. Then on August 13, 2013, Funimation released the Ocean dub of the film on the Rock the Dragon Edition DVD collection, which includes 53 cut episodes of the TV series and two edited movies of Dead Zone and The Tree of Might as they aired on Toonami. When their sub-license expired, Funimation released the film on DVD in “Ultimate Uncut Edition” on November 14, 2006, as part of a film package titled “First Strike,” which also included Dead Zone (1989) and The Tree of Might (1990), both with fully new dubs performed by Funimation’s voice cast. 2008, it was released on May 27 as a Double Feature collection alongside Dead Zone (1989) for Blu-ray and DVD. It was released in full 1080p format in HD, restored 16:9 aspect ratio, and an upgraded 5.1 sound mix. On November 1, 2011, the picture was re-released on DVD in a remastered think compilation with the first five Dragon Ball Z films.
Who is The Director of Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest?
Daisuke Nishio is a Japanese animator and director. He joined Toei Doga as an animator in 1981. After doing several TV series, he was promoted to assistant director on Dr. Slump – Arale-chan in 1982.
Trailer Of Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest?
What Is Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest About?
Gohan and Oolong are on the search for the legendary Dragon Balls. Their radar indicates that another unknown party is collecting orbs. They investigate a massive ice wall where Piccolo is practicing. Meanwhile, after successfully collecting all of the Dragon Balls, the mad scientist Dr. Kochin summons the everlasting dragon Shenron and wishes for Dr. Willow and his lab to be rescued from the ice. As a structure erupts from the ice, Gohan and Oolong are besieged by Dr. Kochin’s “bio-men.” Piccolo comes to save them but is defeated by three mysterious warriors, allowing Gohan and Oolong to flee. Dr. Kochin and his bio-men soon appear in front of Master Roshi. He refuses to take them to Willow’s lab, and the bio-men are defeated. Dr. Kochin kidnaps Bulma to have Master Roshi chase them. Master Roshi is forced to combat three “bio-warriors” at Willow’s lab but is quickly defeated. Bulma learns that Dr. Willow’s objective is to capture the body of the greatest fighter on Earth to serve as a host for his brain, which is now separated from his deceased body and kept alive by his fantastic technology. Bulma tells him that Goku would certainly come to their aid and that he is far stronger than Roshi.
Meanwhile, Goku becomes aware of the situation and travels to Dr. Willow’s laboratory. Misokatsun, Kishime, and Ebifurya – Dr. Kochin’s three bio-warrior henchmen – face him. Goku beats Misokattsun but is frozen by Ebifurya’s ice-like strike. Gohan and Krillin come to provide a hand, but they are no match for Kishime. Goku uses his Kaio-ken technique to break free from the ice, destroys the two remaining bio-warriors, and faces Dr. Willow. Piccolo, who Dr. Willow has brainwashed, assaults Goku. Gohan tries to stop Piccolo, but his rage explodes, smashing Dr. Willow’s brainwashing device. Dr. Willow is taken aback by Gohan’s strength and wants to steal his body instead. He ejects his robot body from the ice wall, pushing Dr. Kochin into a shaft and killing him. Dr. Willow’s assaults overwhelm the warriors, leaving just Goku and Piccolo to stand against him. Goku launches Dr. Willow into the air and prepares to launch a Spirit Bomb assault. Willow interrupts him before he can complete gathering the energy, necessitating the assistance of Goku’s allies in distracting Willow. Willow is murdered when Goku successfully fires the bomb.
When should I watch Dragon Ball Z, the world’s strongest?
Movies 2 and 3, “The World’s Strongest” and “The Tree of Might,” is set after the Saiyan Saga (ignoring continuity concerns), and while Movie 1 (“Dead Zone”) is set before “DBZ,” it should be seen after the Saiyan Saga to prevent ruining one of “Z’s” initial discoveries about Gohan.
Who is the strongest in the Dragon Ball world?
Zeno Is The Most Powerful Character In Dragon Ball Z. Zeno’s ability to destroy whole Universes without breaking a sweat demonstrates that Omni-King is the most important creature in the entire Dragon Ball series and arguably the strongest in anime.
When did DBZ world’s strongest, take place?
Dead Zone occurs sometime in the five years between Dragon Ball and DBZ since Piccolo is still considered a villain. The World’s Strongest has to happen after the Frieza saga, likely during the three years of training before the Androids.
Who can defeat Zeno?
1) Tenchi Kami
In addition to Reality Warping, Light Manipulation, True Flight, Portal Creation, Time Travel, Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence, he possesses numerous other Godly powers.