“Dream 9 Toriko, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special” is an animated crossover television special that premiered on Fuji TV on April 7, 2013. It was created to mark the beginning of the third year of the Toriko anime, which debuted in April 2011, and it incorporates characters from Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and Toriko. The special is made up of two episodes that were shown together: Episode 99 of Toriko, Run, Strongest Team! Toriko, Luffy, Goku, and Episode 590 of One Piece, The Mightiest Collaboration in History vs. the Gluttonous of the Sea.
Voice Cast
- Toriko voiced by Ryōtarō Okiayu
- Monkey D. Luffy, voiced by Mayumi Tanaka
- Son Goku / Kakarot voiced by Masako Nozawa
- Komatsu, voiced by Romi Park
- Coco voiced by Takahiro Sakurai
- Sunny, voiced by Mitsuo Iwata
- Zebra voiced by Kenji Matsuda
- Son Gohan voiced by Masako Nozawa
- Roronoa Zoro voiced by Kazuya Nakai
- Vinsmoke Sanji, voiced by Hiroaki Hirata
- Vegeta voiced by Ryō Horikawa
- Piccolo, voiced by Toshio Furukawa
- Mansom, voiced by Jūrōta Kosugi
- Nami, voiced by Akemi Okamura
- Nico Robin, voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi
- Krillin voiced by Mayumi Tanaka
- Rin voiced by Asami Tano
- Setsuno voiced by Sakiko Uran
- Usopp, voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi
- Tony Tony Chopper, voiced by Ikue Ōtani
- Franky, voiced by Kazuki Yao
- Brook, voiced by ChōChō
- Trunks voiced by Takeshi Kusao
- Son Goten voiced by Masako Nozawa
- Gotenks voiced by Masako Nozawa and Takeshi Kusao
- Mr. Satan, voiced by Unshō Ishizuka
- Android 18, voiced by Miki Ito
- Master Roshi voiced by Masaharu Sato
- Tina voiced by Nana Mizuki
- King Kai / North Kai voiced by Joji Yanami
- Chi-Chi voiced by Naoko Watanabe
- Bulma, voiced by Hiromi Tsuru
- Videl voiced by Shino Kakinuma
- World Martial Arts Tournament Announcer voiced by Tamotsu NishiwakiCruppo, voiced by Kokoro Kikuchi
What is the Release Date of Dream 9?
The Dream 9 Toriko, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special were broadcast on Fuji TV on April 7, 2013.
Who is the Director of Dream 9?
Mitsuo Hashimoto is the director of this movie. Mitsuo Hashimoto is a Japanese storyboard artist and anime film director who has worked on television, OVAs, and feature films. He used to work under it but changed since someone else was using that name. While under contract with Toei Animation, he also worked for other studios like Genjūrō Tachibana.
What is the Plot of Dream 9?
The International Gourmet Organization (IGO) presents a Food Tournament (Tenkaichi Kuōkai), with the Tenkaichi Budokai Announcer, IGO Director Mansam, and Mister Satan, the “World’s Strongest Man,” with the championship reward of luxuriously rare Carat Sizzled Cattle. Luffy, Sanji, Chopper, Nami, Franky, Brook, Zoro, Toriko, Sunny, Rin, Komatsu, Setsuno, Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Android 18, and Master Roshi compete. At the same time, in the crowd, Robin, Coco, Krillin, Marron, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Puar, Ox-King, Yajirobe, Korin, and Videl are watching. As the race begins, all of the other competitors are taken out by a massive Konnanoarijigoku bug, leaving only the eighteen to compete.
The gang comes at a fork in the road and chooses between mountain, desert, and woodland routes. Sanji, Komatsu, Setsuno, and Gohan are traveling through a forest when they come across a Manpukuhihi; rather than fighting it, Setsuno explains that if they can satisfy its hunger, it will let them pass. Sanji and Komatsu prepare numerous dishes. Brook and Roshi stage heat exhaustion on the desert path, claiming that indecent activities from Nami and Rin will help them recover, but they are ineffective. Meanwhile, Franky upsets No. 18 by harping on how “Super” it is to be a cyborg.
Trunks and Goten utilize Fusion to transform into Gotenks; Chopper attempts Fusion himself, but his sole partner is a disgusted Sunny, who rejects it. Luffy, Toriko, and Goku choose the most challenging path: the mountain route. Goku outruns the other two, but King Kai summons him to halt an impending hazardous thing from space. Tina reports from the forest edge as Zoro arrives disoriented and is promptly confronted by Zebra. Vegeta arrives seeking Goku but immediately becomes involved in a three-way fight with the other two, leading Tina to flee in fear and cease her coverage.
Luffy, Toriko, and Goku (who have previously slain the space creature) cross the finish line and seize the Goal flag at the exact moment, sparking a struggle for victory between the three. As the fight arena is being built, Satan slips in by mistake, and the other announcers believe he is participating with the three finalists. Luffy, Goku, and Toriko misjudge their opponents’ assaults and demolish most of the arena, leaving only a tiny area where Satan is hiding. As a result, Satan is the sole contestant left within boundaries and wins the event. As a weird entity approaches the island, Satan decides to divide the meat among all of the finalists and their companions.
Satan distributes the Carat Sizzled Cattle award to the rest of the gang, stating that he will enjoy it more if he can share it with his buddies. During lunch, Robin, Piccolo, and Coco probe Mansam about the IGO’s objectives. Mansam discloses that the tournament was staged to collect the world’s best warriors and catch the Deep Sea Glutton beast Akami, which can absorb the vitality of living things. Akami leaps from the water, stealing the abilities of Usopp, Satan, and Gohan to become larger and stronger. Setsuno notifies everyone that they have 30 minutes to catch Akami and save those it attacked.
Brook, Sanji, Franky, Sunny, Coco, Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks try to assault Akami. Still, they are all drained of their energy, allowing Akami to develop into a more powerful form. Luffy, Toriko, and Goku track down and attack Akami, and they are all astonished by each other’s fighting abilities. However, their attack fails since Akami can now absorb the strength of strikes hurled at it. Toriko knows that they must utilize a tremendous assault to defeat Akami in a single blow. Goku requests that Luffy and Toriko distract Akami.
He charges a Spirit Bomb at the moment, drawing energy from the living beings around him. As Akami begins draining power from the charging Spirit Bomb, Goku demands that the rest of the tournament participants contribute their energy to the assault. Luffy, Toriko, and Goku defeated Akami with an Elephant Gatling, Twin Kugi Punch, and Kamehameha alongside the Genki Dama. While Zoro, Zebra, and Vegeta are battling elsewhere on the island, the gang celebrates with a banquet, devouring Akami.
Are there any anime crossovers?
Some of the finest crossover anime are full-length series or movies that offer characters a cause to interact. Lupin III vs. Detective Conan, FOR EXAMPLE, The film puts two iconic anime characters against each other, with Detective Conan and his team attempting to bring Lupin—an accomplished thief—to justice.
What episode is the Dragon Ball One Piece crossover?
The 590th episode of the anime One Piece is titled “Glutton of the Sea.” It is a mash-up of One Piece, Toriko, and Dragon Ball Z.
How is One Piece related to Dragon Ball Z?
These weekly Shonen Jump series have had enormous multimedia success, and their links are extensive. Eiichiro Oda of One Piece began working as an assistant to Akira Toriyama after Dragon Ball’s run. He credits the event with inspiring him to achieve what he did with One Piece.