Final Fantasy XIV – Encounters and Surprises
Final Fantasy XIV is first and foremost about encounters…
Surely you have already heard of the grandmother of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, of these young players who were offered games for various reasons or of those developers who take pleasure in challenging players or meeting them on social networks and streaming platforms. Of course, these initiatives rarely go unnoticed, let alone fly under the radar. when they concern large licenses. Our story for the day takes place in Japan, where there is a grand Final Fantasy XIV player who claims to be 69 years old.
The latter streams his games, tests other games, and interacts regularly with his community. While taking breaks from his dedicated Sadistic Raid training on Square Enix’s MMO, he received on son chat the visit of the creator of the Final Fantasy license, Hironobu Sakaguchi. The latter simply introduced himself, greeting the streamer and the chat. A nervous laugh quickly took hold of Pokochii_Bigmum, who very politely thanked the creator of Final Fantasy for visiting him.
Too good to be true, and yet!
Of course, many viewers had doubts that it was really Hironobu Sakaguchi. A doubt quickly lifted, since Sakaguchi himself confirmed that he had indeed been on the live posting a tweet about it.
髪切りにいってこよ。さきほど「69歳のゲーム実況」におじゃましました。ちょうど零式4層前半で進行度がいっしょ。わしもがんばらねば。 #スクウェア開発室 #sakaGUCCI
— 坂口博信 (@auuo) July 17, 2023
If he hasn’t worked on Final Fantasy since 2003 and has embarked on a new adventure with studio Mistwalker (Fantasian) before retiring, Hironobu is still close to the license he spawned. Since 2021, the latter has regularly played Final Fantasy XIV, going as far as dungeons, raids and boss the most difficult of the MMO. So he stumbled upon live from pokochii_bigmum, giving her advice and offering her encouragement for the combat against P12Smost recent boss raid. He even went a little further, since he added the VOD of live To son tweet, providing huge visibility to the player. Anyway, it’s a nice moment shared live!