Epic Games Collaborates with Futurama for New In-Game Content

Epic Games has announced its latest collaboration, this time with the animated comedy, Futurama.

New Outfits and Accessories

Three new outfits, representing the main characters from the show, Fry, Bender, and Leela, are now available in the item shop. They each come with an alternate color and a back bling. A matching pickaxe for each character can also be purchased separately from the shop.

Show-Themed Back Bling and Pickaxes

Bender comes with his son, Ben Rodriquez as his back bling, and the Unbendable Girder Pickaxe can be purchased separately.
Fry comes with a Hypnotoad back bling. His matching Giant Nutcracker Pickaxe can be purchased from the store.
Leela comes with the recurring character Nibbler as her back bling. A Solid Gold Fiddle Pickaxe can also be purchased from the store.

New Glider and Emote

Alongside the three characters and new back bling, the Planet Express Ship has been added to the game as a glider.
The Zoidberg Scuttle can also now be purchased as an emote.

In-Game Weapon and Vendor

In-game, Bender’s Shiny Metal Raygun has been added as a weapon that can be looted or purchased from Bender, who is now appearing on the island as an NPC vendor.

About Futurama

Futurama is an animated comedy created by Matt Groening, who also created The Simpsons. The show follows Philip J Fry, who is cryogenically frozen for 1000 years and wakes up in the year 2999.
Originally broadcast on Fox in 1999, the show ran for four series before being canceled. It was later revived in 2008 by Comedy Central.
The latest series of the show, which is now being broadcast on the streaming service Hulu, debuted on July 24.

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