A new update has been released for Fallout 76 Update 1.18. You can find all the Game Update details, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. Fallout 76 Update 1.18 is now available for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.
- Items: Various C.A.M.P. item audio fixes.
- Perks: Music now plays when opening the Perk Card Menu.
- Reloading : Fixed an issue with the reload animation while using the Extra Large Magazine mod for the Gatling Laser Gun.
- Armor: Abestos Lining mod now adds fire resistance instead of energy resistance.
- Life Saving Mod: Fixed an issue where the Life Saving legendary armor mod would not use Stimpaks healing effects, leaving the player at 1 HP.
- Gauss Minigun : Fixed the weapon spin up animation with certain capacitors equipped.
- Heavy Weapon: The heavy weapon drawing animation no longer clips while wearing the Cultist Enlightened Robe.
- Popcorn Emote: The player characters mouth now opens while using the Popcorn Emote in Power Armor with no helmet equipped.
- Power Armor: Jetpacks no longer disappear from the animation when the player enters Power Armor.
- War Glaive: Fixed the War Glaive Power Attack animation while in first person.
- Ally: Steven Scarberry and Joey Bello now have dialogue when speaking to other players visiting the C.A.M.P. they are placed in.
- Build Mode: All Plushies now have the same size thumbnail image in build mode.
- Display Cases : Adjusted the eggs in Large Birds Nest Egg Display.
- File Cabinets: All filing cabinets no longer float when the supporting structure beneath it is removed.
- Foundations : Fixed navigation issues with various Porch Foundations.
- Guard Posts: All Brotherhood of Steel Guard Posts are now all on the same list in the build menu.
- Huntsman Bed: Players can no longer get stuck in the framing of the Huntsman Bed.
- Monster Tubes: All Monster Tubes previews now face the same direction while in build mode.
- Movie Sets: The Movie Set Façade variant pieces now snap together.
- Prefabs: The Land Stand prefab is no longer lacking passive power on the tail of the jet engine on the roof.
- Daily: Modding a Plasma Cutter now works towards the “Mod a laser weapon” Daily Challenge.
- Daily: Challenges that require the player to use Pipe weapons now work with Pipe melee weapons.
- Epic: Fixed an issue where non misc type Steins counted towards the challenge to craft misc Steins.
- Contextual Ammo: Players can now receive Diluted Stimpaks as contextual ammo when using a melee weapon in Daily Ops.
- Union Dues: Addressed an issue where no warning was given when trying to talk to an NPC that is busy.
- Armor: The Free States Resistance Underarmor name now dynamically changes when mods are applied.
- Backpacks: Added the ability to remove mods from Backpacks. There is now a “No Mod” option in the workbench.
- Free States Resistance Outfit: Fixed a clipping issue when viewing the outfit on a male character in first person view.
- Teddy Bears: Renamed a few Souvenir Teddy Bears that had the same item name but are different Teddy’s. The name now has identification indicators such as “One-Eyed” or “One Ear”.
- Items: Various localization fixes for named items that were previously listed in English for non-English clients.
- General: NPCs now don’t become unresponsive after being Nuked mid-dialogue.
- Collateral Damage: The Legendary Perk Collateral Damage now correctly with unarmed damage type weapons.
- Fireproof : Fixed an issue causing Fireproof to not protect against fire damage specifically.
- Ground Pounder: Changed the description text stating the perk worked on “Automatic Rifles” to just “Rifles”. This perk applies to all rifles.
- Aid Items: Fixed inconsistencies between item stats for various aid items when viewed in the Pip-Boy and Transfer menus.
- Magazines: Backwoodsman 4 now correctly applies to Firecap and Starlight Creeper.
- Power Armor: Excavator Bonus Description now appears on the Pip-Boy.
- Beasts of Burden: We fixed an issue where the event can occasionally become stuck at the “Listen to instructions” phase.
- Atomic Shop: The Iron Maiden Bed now correctly has the Fallout 1st tag and is moved to the correct category.
- Item view: Remove duplicate text that appeared in some Pulse Capacitor mods.
- Land Stand prefab is lacking passive power on the tail of the jet engine on the roof.
- Menu view: We’ve added “Resistance” as a sentence prefix, rather than suffix, to improve legibility of various perk cards. The cards functionality has not changed with this.
- Power Armor: We’ve added in static descriptions to various Power Armor paints and skins that were previously missing.
- Bada-Boom: Removed “Whacker Smacker” visual mod from Joey Bello’s Bada-Boom weapon.
- Charging Barrel Mod: The Ultracite Gating Laser no longer degrades faster than the Gatling Laser
- Cultist Piercer: The Cursed weapon effect now correctly works on the Cultist Piercer.
- Enclave Plasma Gun : All Non-Iron sight scope mods for the Enclave Plasma gun now also have 20% more sighted accuracy than the regular Plasma gun.
- Fire Damage: Numerous fixes to weapons that deal fire-type damage, that were incorrectly dealing energy or no specified type of damage.
- Gatling Laser: Fix text display issue with Capacity for Fusion Core weapons. It will now show the correct amount of ammo capacity after reloading the weapon.
- Holy Fire: The Standard Nozzle mod no longer appears twice in the crafting menu.
- Syringer: Addressed an issue where enemies were not taking damage after the debuff to lower their damage resistances from the Endangerol weapon mod was applied to the enemy.
Source: Fallout 76