Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XIV Update 10.20 – Patch Notes on October 03, 2023

A new update has been released for Final Fantasy XIV Update 10.20. You can find all the Game Update details, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. Final Fantasy XIV Update 10.20 is now available for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.


New main scenario quests have been added.

Seeking the Light

Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Radz-at-Han (X:4.4 Y:9.8)
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “The Dark Throne.”


Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “Seeking the Light.”


Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “???”


Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “???”


Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “???”


Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “???”


Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “???”

Character portraits have been implemented for battle dialogue during main scenario instanced quest battles starting from the first quest of Patch 2.0 through the quest “The Company You Keep.”

* With the release of Patch 6.5, character portraits are now available in all main scenario instanced quest battles.

Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added.

Myths of the Realm

The Heart of the Myth

Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Mor Dhona (X:23.9 Y:9.1)
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “The Secret of the Twelve.”


Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “The Heart of the Myth.”

New side story quests have been added.

Wings of Hope

Any class or job level 1
Old Sharlayan (X:11.5 Y:10.3)
Players must first complete the trial “The Abyssal Fracture” and obtain the Lynx of Eternal Darkness, Lynx of Divine Light, Bluefeather Lynx, Lynx of Imperious Wind, Lynx of Righteous Fire, Lynx of Fallen Shadow, and Lynx of Abyssal Grief mounts.

Custom Deliveries

A Request of One’s Own

Disciple of the Hand or Land level 80
Old Sharlayan (X:13.8 Y:15.0)
Players must first complete the sidequest “Go West, Craftsman,” and make a certain level of progress in the main scenario quest “Going Haam.”


Disciple of the Hand or Land level 80
Players must first complete the side story quest “A Request of One’s Own” and achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Margrat.

Island Sanctuary

The Sweetest Thing

Level 1
Unnamed Island (X:12.4 Y:28.7)
The Curious Courier
Players must first complete the side story quest “An Ideal Marriage,” and make a certain level of progress in enhancing their island sanctuary.

New chapters have been added to New Game+.

The final quest of each chapter must be completed before it can be unlocked.

Chronicles of a New Era Quests

  • Myths of the Realm

Side Story Quests

  • The Legacy of Louisoix Leveilleur
    * The series of quests concerning Archon Louisoix, added in the 2023 celebration of “The Rising.”


New items are available from certain gemstone traders.

Treasure Hunt

Rewards for Kumbhiraskin Treasure Maps and Ophiotauroskin Treasure Maps have been adjusted.

Rewards for the Excitatron 6000 and the Shifting Gymnasion Agonon have been adjusted.

Grand and Free Companies

New Charge symbol options have been added to Company Crests.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to subaquatic voyages:

New areas have been added.
New items have been added.
Maximum submersible rank has been increased from 110 to 115.


Furnishings from the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest have been added.

Learn more about the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest 2019 and the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest 2022.

New furnishings have been added.

New orchestrion rolls have been added.

New aquarium fish have been added.

A new seed for flowerpots has been added.

  • Lupin SeedsLupin seeds can be purchased from the following NPCs:
    • Mist (X:11.0 Y:11.4) – Material Supplier
    • The Lavender Beds (X:11.9 Y:8.3) – Material Supplier
    • The Goblet (X:10.9 Y:8.9) – Material Supplier
    • Shirogane (X:10.5 Y:12.1) – Material Supplier
    • Empyreum (X:10.2 Y:12.2) – Material Supplier
    • Apartments – Apartment Merchant
    • New Gridania (X:11.0 Y:11.2) – Tanie

The Manderville Gold Saucer

The following additions have been made to Triple Triad:

New cards have been added.
New NPC opponents for Triple Triad have been added.


The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Island Sanctuary:

The felicitous furball will now offer “felicitous favors” in which players will be tasked with shipping certain handicrafts.
Players may earn unique rewards by shipping these handicrafts within the designated period.
Please note that a certain level of progress must be made in enhancing the island sanctuary to unlock this feature.Felicitous favors are offered on a seasonal basis. Review the requisite handicrafts by either speaking with the felicitous furball, or by accessing the isleworks agenda.
An icon will display in the isleworks agenda to indicate whether a requisite handicraft is due in the current season or the next. Such handicrafts may be filtered accordingly in the Supply & Demand menu.
Speak with the felicitous furball after shipping the requisite number of handicrafts to earn felicitous tokens, which may be exchanged at the horrendous hoarder’s shop for various items.
* Only felicitous tokens earned during the previous and current season can be retrieved. Tokens earned prior to the previous season will be forfeited.
The maximum sanctuary rank has been raised from 16 to 20.
New visions have been added.
New items have been added that are offered by the horrendous hoarder NPC in exchange for islander’s and seafarer’s cowries.
A new gathering area has been added to the wilds.
The area can be unlocked by enhancing your island sanctuary.
New gathering points have been added.
New gathering materials have been added.
New structures have been added.
Landmarks can now be rotated in 90/180 degree increments.
Access a completed landmark’s logboard and select “Rotate landmark” to change the landmark’s orientation.
New sanctuary crafting recipes have been added.
New produce has been added.
New animals have been added.
New materials can now be acquired from foraging expeditions.
New isleworks handicrafts have been added.
Workshop agendas can now be copied in the Isleworks Agenda interface.
Copied agendas can be set by opening the subcommand menu and selecting “Apply Copied Agenda.”

New hairstyle options have been added for Viera.

New hairstyle options have been added for Hrothgar.

The color of the Endwalker icon has been adjusted in the Duty Support and Trust interfaces, as well as the sightseeing log.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Wondrous Tails:

Players will no longer be able to accept a new Wondrous Tails journal until they have accepted rewards from their previously completed one.
In the event players have not unlocked certain duties, the available objectives will change.
Prizes available in exchange for Khloe’s Gold, Silver, and Bronze Certificates of Commendation have been adjusted.
The following duties have been added:
  • The Lunar Subterrane
  • The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hydaelyn’s Call
  • The Minstrel’s Ballad: Zodiark’s Fall
  • Pandæmonium: Anabaseios

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Faux Hollows:

New items are available in exchange for faux leaves.
The available trial for Faux Hollows has been changed.
Before After
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Unreal) The Singularity Reactor (Unreal)

* Different unreal trials will be available in each major patch.

New emotes have been added.

Actions and traits have been adjusted as follows:

* Each action and trait is listed as it appears at level 90.

For further explanations of action changes and adjustments, please refer to the job guide.

Gladiator / Paladin

Action Adjustment
Circle of Scorn Potency has been increased from 120 to 140.
Requiescat Potency has been increased from 300 to 320.
Confiteor Potency has been increased from 400 to 420.
Requiescat potency has been increased from 900 to 920.
Blade of Faith Potency has been increased from 200 to 220.
Requiescat potency has been increased from 700 to 720.
Blade of Truth Potency has been increased from 300 to 320.
Requiescat potency has been increased from 800 to 820.
Blade of Valor Potency has been increased from 400 to 420.
Requiescat potency has been increased from 900 to 920.


Action Adjustment
Gluttony Potency has been increased from 500 to 520.
Lemure’s Slice Potency has been increased from 220 to 240.


Action Adjustment
Empyreal Arrow Potency has been increased from 230 to 240.
Sidewinder Potency has been increased from 300 to 320.

Red Mage

Action Adjustment
Verfire Potency has been increased from 330 to 340.
Verstone Potency has been increased from 330 to 340.
Contre Sixte Potency has been increased from 360 to 380.
Jolt II Potency has been increased from 310 to 320.
Verflare Potency has been increased from 580 to 600.
Verholy Potency has been increased from 580 to 600.
Enchanted Reprise Potency has been increased from 330 to 340.

Miscellaneous adjustments to action descriptions have been made.

* No changes have been made to their effects.

A new dungeon, the Lunar Subterrane, has been added.

Players may enter with Trust or Duty Support NPCs to clear the duty or with explorer mode enabled.

Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Item Level Requirement Average item level 620 or above
Party Size Four players
Time Limit 90 minutes



Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “???”

A new trial has been added.

The Abyssal Fracture

Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Item Level Requirement Average item level 625 or above
Party Size Eight players
Time Limit 60 minutes



Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “???”

The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)

The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme) can only be accessed via the Raid Finder.
* Item level restrictions and role requirements do not apply when registering as a full party.

Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Item Level Requirement Average item level 640 or above
Party Size Eight players
Time Limit 60 minutes


After completing the main scenario quest “???,” speak with the wandering minstrel in Old Sharlayan (X:12.7 Y:14.2) as a level 90 Disciple of War or Magic.

Item Exchange

The totem received upon completing this trial can be exchanged for rewards by speaking with Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0).

The Singularity Reactor (Unreal)

Following the release of the Singularity Reactor (Unreal), Containment Bay Z1T9 (Unreal) is no longer accessible.
* Different unreal trials will be available in each major patch.

The Singularity Reactor (Unreal) can only be accessed via the Raid Finder.
* Item level restrictions and role requirements do not apply when registering as a full party.

Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Item Level Requirement Average item level 560 or above
Item Level Sync 565
Party Size Eight players
Time Limit 60 minutes


Fantastic Mr. Faux

Disciple of War or Magic level 80
Idyllshire (X:7.0 Y:5.9)
Painfully Ishgardian Man
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “Shadowbringers” and the quest “Keeping Up with the Aliapohs.”

* This trial will be unlocked automatically for players who have already completed the quest “Fantastic Mr. Faux.”

Item level sync has been set to IL 570 in the duty “The Final Day.”

The drop rate for the Lynx of Righteous Fire Flute has been increased.

They can also be purchased in exchange for totems from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0).

Item Obtained Item Required
Lynx of Righteous Fire Flute Flamecloaked Archfiend Totem x 99

The drop rate for the Lynx of Fallen Shadow Flute has been increased.

The weekly restriction on rewards in Pandæmonium: Anabaseios has been removed.

* This change does not apply to the Unsung Blade of Anabaseios obtained in Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle.

The number of Unsung Blades of Anabaseios required to exchange for a Hermetic Tomestone has been reduced from 7 to 4.

The alliance raid dungeon Thaleia has been added.

Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Item Level Requirement Average item level 625 or above
Party Size Eight players, or an alliance of 24 players
Time Limit 120 minutes


The Heart of the Myth

Disciple of War or Magic level 90
Mor Dhona (X:23.9 Y:9.1)
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “The Secret of the Twelve.”

Role Requirements

Parties matched automatically via the Duty Finder will comprise 1 tank, 2 healers, and 5 DPS. There are no role restrictions for preformed alliances.


You can receive only one reward item per week for completing duties in Thaleia. In the event you are awarded an item from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining items regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed.
* Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. PDT (8:00 GMT / 18:00 AEST)

Each party in the alliance will receive its own treasure chest, the contents of which will be identical regardless of the route taken.
* Players cannot open a treasure chest belonging to another party.

Completion Reward

Upon completing Thaleia, players can also earn a separate reward once per week: two Cracked Anthoclusters and one Thaleia Coin. The Thaleia Coin can be exchanged with Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for items used to enhance equipment purchased with Allagan tomestones of comedy.

Players will no longer be rewarded Cracked Anthoclusters upon completing Euphrosyne.

The following adjustments have been made to rewards in alliance raids, taking into account their difficulty and time required to clear:

Experience points received upon defeating bosses has been increased.
* This adjustment does not apply to the Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower, or the World of Darkness.
Bonus experience points received from Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids has been increased.
* This adjustment does not apply to the Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower, or the World of Darkness.
The number and types of Allagan tomestones received have been adjusted.

The Void Ark

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
60 Allagan tomestones of causality
8 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The Weeping City of Mhach

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
60 Allagan tomestones of causality
8 Allagan tomestones of comedy

Dun Scaith

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
80 Allagan tomestones of causality
10 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The Royal City of Rabanastre

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
80 Allagan tomestones of causality
10 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The Ridorana Lighthouse

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
80 Allagan tomestones of causality
10 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The Orbonne Monastery

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of causality
12 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The Copied Factory

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of causality
12 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The Puppets’ Bunker

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of causality
12 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The Tower at Paradigm’s Breach

Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of poetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of causality
15 Allagan tomestones of comedy


Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of causality
15 Allagan tomestones of comedy
120 Allagan tomestones of causality
15 Allagan tomestones of comedy


Before After
100 Allagan tomestones of causality
20 Allagan tomestones of comedy
120 Allagan tomestones of causality
15 Allagan tomestones of comedy

The items required to enhance equipment purchased with Allagan tomestones of comedy, Divine Twine and Divine Shine, can be purchased from the following vendors:

Vendor Item Required
J’lakshai, Old Sharlayan (X:11.9 Y:13.2) Sacks of Nuts
Wilmetta, Radz-at-Han (X:10.5 Y:7.4) Sacks of Nuts
Nesvaaz, Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) Aglaia Coin / Euphrosyne Coin / Thaleia Coin
* Thaleia Coins are obtained upon completing the new alliance raid dungeon, Thaleia.

Upgrading Equipment

  • After acquiring the items to enhance your equipment from J’lakshai, Wilmetta, or Nesvaaz, speak with Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4) and exchange them for augmented gear of your choice.

The following duties have been added to the Raid Finder:

  • The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)
  • The Singularity Reactor (Unreal)

The duty the Voidcast Dais (Extreme) has been moved from the Raid Finder to the Duty Finder.

Players will now receive the power of the Echo in the event all party members are incapacitated during the following trials:

The Voidcast Dais

Each time players restart the aforementioned trial, they will be granted a 10% Echo effect boost, which increases each restart up to a maximum of 50%. If a player restarts after battling for less than three minutes, they will not be granted this effect.

The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)

Each time players restart the aforementioned trial, they will be granted a 5% Echo effect boost, which increases each restart up to a maximum of 25%. If a player restarts after battling for less than three minutes, they will not be granted this effect.

The strength of the Echo granted in Pandæmonium: Abyssos (Savage) has been increased.

The Echo will take effect upon commencing this duty, increasing players’ maximum HP, damage dealt, and healing potency by 20%.
* Unlike other instances, the strength of the Echo will not increase in the event all party members are incapacitated.

The duties listed within Duty Roulette: Expert have been changed as follows:

Duties changed:
Before After
Lapis Manalis
The Aetherfont
The Aetherfont
The Lunar Subterrane
The required average item level to register for Duty Roulette: Expert has been increased from 605 to 620.

The following adjustments have been made to Duty Roulette: Level 90 Dungeons:

Lapis Manalis has been added.
The required average item level to register has been increased from 575 to 590.

The Abyssal Fracture has been added to Duty Roulette: Trials.

Item level restrictions based on class or job level at the time of duty registration will now be applied for Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids.

Class/Job Level Required Item Level
Level 50-59 70
Level 60-69 175
Level 70 to 79 305
Level 80-89 435
Level 90 565

The duties listed within Duty Roulette: Mentor have been changed as follows:

New duties have been added.
  • The Lunar Subterrane
  • The Abyssal Fracture
  • Thaleia
The required average item level to register for Duty Roulette: Mentor has been increased from 615 to 625.

The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme) has been added to the list of challenges in Stone, Sky, Sea.

Adjustments have been made to the following instanced dungeons:

The Drowned City of Skalla

Certain dungeon mechanics have been adjusted.
The Kelpie boss battle has been adjusted.
The Old One boss battle has been adjusted.
The Hrodric Poisontongue boss battle has been adjusted.

The Burn

The Hedetet boss battle has been adjusted.
The defective drone boss battle has been adjusted.
The mist dragon boss battle has been adjusted.

The Ghimlyt Dark

The positioning of certain NPCs has been adjusted.
The Mark III-B magitek colossus boss battle has been adjusted.
The Prometheus boss battle has been adjusted.
The Annia & Julia quo Soranus boss battle has been adjusted.

Duty Support has been added for the following duties:


  • The Drowned City of Skalla
  • The Burn
  • The Ghimlyt Dark


The following adjustments have been made to the PvP Profile:

A notification message will now appear upon opening the PvP Profile window if there are unclaimed Crystalline Conflict seasonal rewards.
PvP help is now accessible from the “?” button in the PvP Profile window.

Series 4 will end and Series 5 will begin.

Series 5 will be held from Patch 6.5 to the release of 7.0, during which time you can earn Series EXP and increase your Series level by participating in any PvP duty. Increasing your Series level will unlock various Series rewards.

* Rewards from Series 4 can only be claimed until the end of Series 5. To claim rewards, select Series Malmstones from the PvP Profile window, then select Previous Series.

Crystalline Conflict

A circle will now appear on the field indicating the point which the losing team must reach with the tactical crystal in order to take the lead.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Progress Gauge:

The background of the leading team’s gauge will now flash.
The font color in which checkpoint clear progress is displayed has been adjusted.
A line indicating the point the losing team must reach in order to take the lead has been added.
The remaining time that the losing team must be kept out of the tactical crystal’s ring for the match to end will now be displayed during overtime.
If the losing team fails to enter the ring during this timeframe, the match will be conceded to their opponents.
Settings can now be adjusted to always display the affiliated team’s progress on the left side of the Progress Gauge.
Adjust this setting via the Character Configuration menu by selecting UI Settings followed by the HUD tab, then checking or unchecking “Display affiliated team on left side of Progress Gauge.”
* If this setting is adjusted during a match, it will take effect upon commencement of the following match.

Settings can now be adjusted to always display the affiliated team’s base on the left side of the map.

Adjust this setting via the Character Configuration menu by selecting UI Settings followed by the HUD tab, then checking or unchecking “Display affiliated team on left side of map.”
* If this setting is adjusted during a match, it will take effect upon commencement of the following match.

Settings can now be adjusted to display a timer counting down to the end of the match.

Adjust this setting via the Character Configuration menu by selecting UI Settings followed by the HUD tab, then checking or unchecking “Display final countdown.”

New items have been added.

* Items added in Patch 6.5 will be listed at a later date.

New recipes have been added.

* Recipes added in Patch 6.5 will be listed at a later date.

The following items can now be equipped regardless of gender:

    • Omega-F Attire
    • Omega-F Earrings
    • Omega-M Attire
    • Omega-M Ear Cuffs

The following additions and adjustments have been made to the armoire:

Items purchased from the Online Store can now be stored in the armoire.
Stored items from the Online Store will appear in the “Costumes,” “Fashions,” and “Mascots” categories.
The category in which stored items can be found will now be shown upon storing them.
A name search function for stored items has been added.
Stored items can now be glamoured from the armoire interface.

When accessing the glamour dresser, items can now be displayed by category.

Certain items can now be sold, desynthesized, or submitted for expert delivery missions.

The following changes have been made to the crafting log:

Custom delivery recipes will now be unlocked upon completion of the applicable quests, rather than at set levels.
The custom delivery recipe list order has been adjusted.
The recipe search feature will now display up to 100 results at a time.
The Custom Deliveries section of the crafting log will no longer display if custom deliveries have not been unlocked.

Crafted item level 640 equipment can now be exchanged for upgraded item level 650 equipment.

Vendor and Items Required

Vendor Items Required
Rashti, Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) Hannish Certificate of Grade 3 Import/Divine Rain

Acquiring Upgraded Gear

  • Confirm the requisite number of Hannish certificates of grade 3 import and divine rain for your desired gear by speaking with Rashti in Radz-at-Han.
  • Hannish certificates of grade 3 import can be received from Rashti in exchange for item level 640 equipment.
  • After acquiring the requisite number of Hannish certificates of grade 3 import and divine rain, speak with Rashti and exchange them for your desired gear.

Flying text will now be displayed for items and item quantities obtained via materia extraction, aetherial reduction, and desynthesis.

Players can now speak with Margrat to complete custom deliveries.

By completing these custom deliveries, players can receive gil, experience points, crafters’ scrips, or gatherers’ scrips.
* A total of 12 custom deliveries can be made each week.


A Request of One’s Own

Disciple of the Hand or Land level 80
Old Sharlayan (X:13.8 Y:15.0)
Players must first complete the main scenario quest “Going Haam” and the sidequest “Go West, Craftsman.”

Players can gain the ability to cast glamours on Margrat by raising her satisfaction level to the maximum.
* The player must have glamours unlocked to acquire this ability.
* Glamour prisms are required as catalysts for the glamouring process.
* Items used to cast glamours will be bound to you, and can no longer be traded or sold on the market.

New items have been added to gathering points.

New collectable bonuses have been added to certain legendary nodes.

A node’s location effect will now be displayed when gathering collectables.

The following adjustments have been made to aetherial reduction:

You may now aetherially reduce the same type of item one after another, automatically.
The order of items in the aetherial reduction window has been adjusted.

New fishing holes have been added.

New teeming waters have been added.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Fish Guide:

Newly caught fish will now be marked in the Fish Guide.
You may now access the Fish Guide directly from the chat log when catching a new species of fish.

The level cap for desynthesis has been increased from 640 to 650.

New mounts have been added.

New chocobo barding has been added.

New minions have been added.

A new fashion accessory has been added.

In order to prevent server congestion immediately after the release of Patch 6.5, we will be implementing multiple field instances for Amh Araeng, the Rak’tika Greatwood, and Radz-at-Han.

* We will monitor server activity and remove this feature when congestion is determined to no longer be an issue.
* Specific instances can be selected when entering from a neighboring area or teleporting via aetheryte.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to retainers:

New items can now be obtained from quick exploration ventures.
New retainer exploration ventures have been added.
New fish can now be obtained from the Waterside Exploration XXVIII venture.

The following actions can no longer be performed while in battle:

  • Desynthesis
  • Aetherial Reduction
  • Materia Melding
  • Materia Retrieval
  • Dyeing
  • Glamours

The following additions and adjustments have been made to achievements:

New achievements and titles have been added.
If you have already fulfilled the requirements for the new achievements prior to the release of Patch 6.5, they will be awarded upon accessing them in the Achievements menu.
    • I Found That: Miner VIII
    • I Found That: Botanist VIII
    • I Caught That VIII
Certain duties and trials will now count toward the completion of achievements. Following the release of Patch 6.5, Containment Bay Z1T9 (Unreal) will no longer be counted.
Achievement Duty
A Tankless Job I (Paladin)
A Tankless Job II (Paladin)
But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Paladin)
A Tankless Job I (Warrior)
A Tankless Job II (Warrior)
But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Warrior)
A Tankless Job I (Dark Knight)
A Tankless Job II (Dark Knight)
But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Dark Knight)
The Singularity Reactor (Unreal)
The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)
Tank You, Paladin I
Tank You, Paladin II
Tank You, Paladin III
Tank You, Paladin IV
Tank You, Paladin V
Tank You, Warrior I
Tank You, Warrior II
Tank You, Warrior III
Tank You, Warrior IV
Tank You, Warrior V
Tank You, Dark Knight I
Tank You, Dark Knight II
Tank You, Dark Knight III
Tank You, Dark Knight IV
Tank You, Dark Knight V
Tank You, Gunbreaker I
Tank You, Gunbreaker II
Tank You, Gunbreaker III
Tank You, Gunbreaker IV
Tank You, Gunbreaker V
The Lunar Subterrane
The Singularity Reactor (Unreal)
The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)

The following additions and adjustments have been made to shops:

Items added in the most recent patch can now be viewed by checking the “Show only recently added items” box.
Items that can only be obtained after fulfilling certain conditions will now be marked at shops.
* You may view the conditions for obtaining an item by selecting it.
Class and job icons will now display in the pulldown menu when searching for items by class or job.
If you do not have enough currency to purchase an item, the item will now be grayed out.
* Certain shops that originally did not allow for such display options will now also be affected.

A confirmation prompt will now display if the gil reward for gear repair or materia melding will cause a player to exceed the maximum gil limit.

Buttons have been added in the following menus to switch gear categories:

  • Glamour Dresser
  • Materia Melding
  • Materia Creation
  • Repairs
  • Dyeing
  • Glamours
  • Desynthesis
  • Armoire

Gear categories can be switched with the LB (L1) and RB (R1) buttons on a gamepad.

Teleport fees from the Thirteenth’s moon have been adjusted.

Teleport destination tabs can now be sorted by region or by expansion.

* You may adjust tab preferences in the Teleport Settings menu.

The following adjustments have been made to display names:

Players can now toggle the display of job or class icons in public areas and instances separately.
Icons can be set to display on yourself, your party and alliance members, or other players separately.
Access these settings via the Character Configuration menu by selecting the General Tab under Display Name Settings.

You may now disable the edit mode command when using the cross hotbar.

Access this setting via the Character Configuration menu by selecting the Hotbar Settings tab, followed by the Cross tab, and then checking or unchecking “Enable edit mode.”

The maximum number of elements displayed in the HUD Layout dropdown menu has been increased from 5 to 10.

The following changes have been made to group pose:

New stickers have been added.
New frames have been added.

The following additions have been made to adventurer plates:

New accents have been added.
Categorized filters for plate elements have been added.

The following additions have been made to portraits:

New accents have been added.
New poses have been added.

The duties that can be recorded have changed.

Before After
The Mothercrystal
Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)
The Mothercrystal
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)

The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Party Finder:

The category “Gold Saucer” has been added.
The category “Quest Battles” has been removed.

During a state of inactivity lasting five seconds or longer, the cursor will now be hidden during the following:

  • Cutscenes
  • Group Pose
  • Idling Camera
  • Ending Credits
  • Disabled UI Display
  • Title Screen Movies

The animation of gauges that fill when holding down a button (such as when returning to the starting point of a duty) has been adjusted.

A new gamepad type has been added under Gamepad Settings in the System Configuration menu (Windows®/Mac).

* This gamepad type corresponds to Xbox Series X|S controls.
* Settings will take effect upon logging back in.

The following text commands have been added:

Command Description
/slump USAGE:
/slump [subcommand]→Hang your head in defeat.

motion Perform motion only.

Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.

The following options have been added to the Character Configuration menu:

UI Settings


Crystalline Conflict (PvP)

Display affiliated team on left side of Progress Gauge.

Display affiliated team on left side of map.

Display final countdown.

Display Name Settings

General Tab


Display class or job icons with nameplate.

Public Areas: Self/Party/Alliance

Public Areas: Other Players

Instances: Self/Party/Alliance

Instances: Other Players

Hotbar Settings

Cross Tab

General Settings

Enable edit mode.

The following options have been added to the System Configuration menu:

Gamepad Settings

Gamepad Settings

Gamepad Type

ABXY (Series X|S)

Players with only FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn registered to their account will have the registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood applied to their account automatically.

* The registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood will be applied to accounts starting on Tuesday, October 3. Please be advised that it may take several days for account changes to be reflected visually on the Mog Station.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to the free trial:

The level cap has been raised to 70.
Players will now have access to the expansion data of Stormblood.

* Ultimate raids are not included in the free trial.

In the event that server congestion is preventing travel to a particular World, requests to visit that World will now be canceled automatically.

Estimated travel time will now be displayed when traveling between data centers.

To prioritize Home World logins, players may now be restricted from logging in with characters visiting other Worlds during periods of server congestion.

If your logins have been restricted due to server congestion, return to your Home World via the subcommand on the Character Selection screen and try logging in again.

Additions have been made to the auto-translation dictionary.

Additions have been made to the PlayStation®4/PlayStation®5 auto-complete dictionary.

New trophies have been added. (PlayStation®5)

New music, sound effects, and voices have been added.

The FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE logo will now display on the title screen for players with only FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward, and FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood registered to their accounts.

The following adjustments have been made to the launcher (Windows®/Mac):

The old launcher will no longer be available for use.
From Patch 6.5 onwards, the new launcher will automatically replace the old launcher.
The option in the config menu allowing players to switch back to the old launcher has been removed.

In preparation for the Cloud Data Center stress test, the Cloud Data Center will be added to the Data Center Selection screen. Access will be available only during the testing period.

* Further details regarding the Cloud Data Center stress test will be released at a later date.

  • The following issues have been addressed.
    • An issue wherein stacks of the Blood Weapon status effect granted by the dark knight PvE action Blood Weapon were consumed even when executing certain actions that did not inflict damage on targets.
    • An issue wherein the recast timer of the PvE role action Peloton was incorrect under certain circumstances.
    • An issue wherein players using the gunbreaker PvP action Draw and Junction on a target under the effect of Cover were granted the effect of Junction Tank regardless of the target’s actual role.
    • An issue during the duties Alexander – the Cuff of the Son and Alexander – the Burden of the Son wherein the enemy action Height Error had no effect under certain circumstances.
    • An issue during the trials Containment Bay Z1T9 and Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) wherein players who were standing on falling platforms remained floating on the field rather than drop.
    • An issue during the instanced duties Eureka and the Bozjan Southern Front wherein the status effect Rapid Recast did not affect certain abilities under certain circumstances.
    • An issue wherein the healing over time effect of Spick-and-span, granted by the blue mage action Deep Clean, was not affected by the increased healing potency effect of the blue mage action Basic Instinct.
    • An issue during the duty Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage) wherein the enemy action Aspect Effect was executed at the incorrect time under certain conditions.
    • An issue in the deep dungeons Heaven-on-High and Eureka Orthos wherein scores recorded after changing one’s Home World were not reflected on the Lodestone rankings page.
    • An issue when viewing the Agenda Presets window in the island sanctuary wherein players could not move the cursor to the cancel button using a gamepad or keyboard.
    • An issue when using group pose in the island sanctuary wherein mammets would appear even when selecting “Hide All” under Character Display Settings.
    • An issue wherein the graphics of certain gear did not display correctly.
    • An issue wherein the glowing effects of certain weapons did not display correctly.
    • An issue wherein a descriptor was missing from the help text of Manderville weapons.
    • An issue wherein using a Calligraph with an angler’s canvas results in graphics that display incorrectly.
    • An issue when initiating group pose after using a fashion accessory wherein the character motion when using the fashion accessory item would play on loop.
    • An issue when initiating group pose while using a fashion accessory wherein the “change pose” motion for unsheathed weapons would not play.
    • An issue when viewing the Gathering Log wherein the order of items displayed under the Splendorous Tools category was incorrect.
    • An issue wherein players could not land with flying mounts at certain sightseeing log locations in the Dravanian Hinterlands.
    • An issue after registering to join a duty wherein players can issue a request for gear repairs after selecting to commence said duty.
    • An issue wherein the graphics of the Circular Geometry adventurer plate did not display correctly.
    • An issue wherein the error message displayed when attempting to use a PlayStation????Plus free destination with an expired PlayStation????Plus subscription was incorrect.
    • Other minor graphical issues have also been addressed.
    • Other minor text issues have also been addressed.

Other various issues have also been addressed.

  • An issue during the quest “A Request of One’s Own” wherein player characters did not appear correctly in certain cutscenes when playing as a Hrothgar.
  • An issue during the quest “A Guilty Conscience” wherein cutscenes cannot be skipped under certain conditions.
  • An issue during the quest “Heart of Darkness” wherein cutscenes cannot be skipped under certain conditions.
  • An issue during the alliance raid Thaleia wherein the knockback effect of certain boss mechanics cause pets and the effects of turret actions to disappear.
  • An issue wherein the rotation order of available arenas for Crystalline Conflict is incorrect.
  • An issue wherein the Trophy Crystal gear newly added in Patch 6.5 can be sold to NPC shops.
  • An issue wherein the icon for the item Legendary Damona Medal does not display correctly.
  • An issue wherein players could not recruit party members via the Gold Saucer tab of the Duty Finder.
  • An issue when using the Party Finder wherein the Duty Finder does not reflect the number of party members to be recruited when the selected duty is the Gold Saucer.
  • An issue wherein footsteps cannot be heard in certain locations in Radz-at-Han.
  • An issue when using DualSense controllers wherein, under certain conditions, the controller does not vibrate even when vibration is enabled.
  • Other minor graphical issues have also been discovered.
  • Other minor text issues have also been discovered.

Source: Final Fantasy XIV

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