First steps in the path of exile

Path of Exile has been around for quite some time, but with the release of another huge piece of content and a new league where you can build your own big bad guys to hit huge amounts of loot, it’s a fantastic time to be Action to get on. Path of Exile plays fantastic, whether you are alone, with a network of friends you want to share your loot with, or in groups to get bigger and better rewards. Getting into the Path of Exile, however, can seem like an incredibly daunting prospect with its huge passive skill tree, choices, and map-centered endgame atlas for navigation. Although the systems can be complex, they don’t have to be complicated to get involved – so let’s get started!

1) Download a loot filter

Path of Exile is full of loot, especially if you start creating endgame map content at higher levels. If you try to play without filters, you spend a lot of time searching endless garbage – and I mean endless. Screen by screen of things that bury anything interesting under a flood of garbage, you won’t even be able to find the good things under all the noise. The first thing you need to do is get a loot filter – it’s pretty easy. My choice for simple and painless is the core version of filter blades. Simply drop them into your folder and select them from your user interface options. You can grab it here and then reassure yourself that you don’t have to try digging through hundreds of drops on a single screen.

2) Have a character plan

I know it sucks to commit to a build before you even start playing. While “Respeccing” is feasible in “Path of Exile”, it is quite expensive in terms of resources and you will want to save your circles of regret for fine-tuning rather than a complete overhaul. But there’s nothing worse than coming to the end game and realizing that your build may not be up to date, and then spending a few days rolling out a new character. You don’t have to use a current guide – but you can, and there are great ones on the official Path of Exile forums, Reddit, and elsewhere. If you want to pave your own path, you can also choose a few skills or broad line types, e.g. B. a necromancer or an elementalist. Whatever you do, don’t ignore the health / energy shield and sustainability points as you reach the level. Path of Exile is a bit deceptive in this regard, as you can plow through the base game and its act structure fairly easily, only to fight once with a low health pool, poor resistance or other defense mechanisms in the endgame atlas. So, despite the urge to become a massive damage machine at the expense of all defense statistics, don’t. You pay the price later!

3) Buy some special (essential) stash tabs.

Path of Exile is a game about getting loot – and we need a place where everything is organized! Yes, Path of Exile can be played for free. And probably one of the best models out there, mainly offering cosmetic products and giving players free access to all content. However, at this stage of the game, I think 2 of the optional tabs are mandatory if you want to have fun. Most important, however, is the Currency tab. This basically stores and organizes everything that is relevant to your trip, and in my opinion, the game is not playable without this tab – you have far too much clutter to exist without it. I also think a card stash tab is mandatory to organize your extensive card collection, but it’s a little more controversial.

4) Don’t forget the climb

Ascent points are similar to passive points, but are often much more powerful and are inserted into special trees that you can use to define your character. It is easy to forget that the labyrinth exists when you struggle through the file of the game. At this point in the life of PoE, labyrinth and ascent points correspond to eating your vegetables before dessert. Be careful when you search the game for trapped “trials” that appear in different zones. As tempting as skipping them, you have to do them to gain access to the different levels of the maze that give you access to these incredibly valuable ascent points. If you have problems in the labyrinth, it is quite easy to balance and equip the first stages, especially if you find a certain% life regeneration.

5) Don’t freak out and have fun!

It’s easy to get paralyzed before you even start playing. You wonder if your build is just right and spend far too much time discussing where each point is placed on the passive tree. Do not worry! Get in, it’s Metamorph League, have fun! In this league, you collect brains, lungs, hearts, and other monster organs to build your own bosses and receive huge rewards – you’ll be flush with cards and all kinds of rare loot and currencies. You get an idea of ​​this system, but once you start making cards, you can collect boss-specific organs and create even bigger beasts with incredible winnings. You could screw up a point here and there! It’s okay! If you become familiar with the game, you might even be tempted to try some of the other modes, such as Hardcore (if you die, it’s over!) Or Solo Self-Found (you can’t count on) other players for your equipment – you can only use what you find or make your own!). Path of Exile has a lot to offer and every league adds new wrinkles.

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