Fortnite Update 3.46 - Patch Notes on February 15, 2022

A new update has been released for Fortnite Update 3.46 with Patch Notes. You can find out all the details of the Game Update, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. The Fortnite Update 3.46 Patch Notes are now available for download, for all platforms PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.


Made in collaboration with input specialist and flick stick creator Julian “Jibb” Smart, we’ve added optional gyro controls to Fortnite on gyro-supported platforms. And flick stick too!
Fortnite Gyro ControlsFortnite on Nintendo Switch and Android had gyro-based motion controls before the release of v19.30, but this update brings more robust gyro controls to Fortnite on these two platforms plus PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

With gyro controls, you control the camera by turning the controller. Enable or disable gyro controls in Fortnite by going to the “Touch and Motion” tab of the settings. Gyro controls can offer more precision than standard stick aiming – but don’t have to replace it entirely. (With a flick stick, for example, pointing the right stick moves the camera quickly in its direction.) For more info on a gyro, watch Jibb’s video below and read our Gyro and Flick Stick blog post!

Plan to turn on gyro next time you play? Our blog post linked above has tips for new and experienced gyro players.


With v19.30, we’ve removed the initial game screen (which appeared on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC) where players would select either Save the World, Battle Royale, or Creative. You’ll now boot up directly into the Lobby, ready to join the party and explore Fortnite!

What does this mean for Save the World and Creative? You can now find both modes via the “Discover” screen, accessible by clicking on the “CHANGE” button above “PLAY!” See our Loading into the Lobby blog post for more information.

The “CHANGE” button in the Lobby.


  • Removed Armored Walls from Supply Drop loot in competitive playlists.


  • Fixed an issue involving some players only having two Tent slots available, as opposed to the intended three.
  • Fixed an issue on mobile involving build pieces not being placed after players double-tapped the associated icon.
  • Fixed an issue — occurring in competitive playlists only — involving Spider-Man’s Web-Shooters dropping from eliminated players with the full 20 uses even if they didn’t have the full 20 before the player was eliminated.

Source: Fortnite

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