Generation Zero 1

A new update for Generation Zero, known as Update 1.46, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Generation Zero Update 1.46

  • In the latest update for Generation Zero, several bugs have been fixed and improvements have been made to enhance the overall gameplay experience. Here is a detailed breakdown of the fixes and changes in the update:



  • Firework boxes no longer confuse the Companion.
  • A bug where players could accidentally remove augmentations from weapons after putting them in the Companion’s inventory has been fixed.
  • The Companion will no longer teleport in front of vehicles while driving.
  • Players will no longer receive Companion cosmetics as loot before completing the “Making Friends” mission.


  • A bug where a loud clicking sound would play near fighting machines has been fixed.
  • Machines will now be visible for both the host and clients.
  • Firebirds will now spawn with the Tesla Coil or Thermobaric loadouts as intended.
  • The Harvester’s ability to spawn reinforcements now has a cooldown to reduce bandwidth usage.
  • Harvesters will no longer drop 4 crown AG4s consistently after completing the mission “An Invitation.”
  • Machines will now properly play an explosion sound when dying during a base assault.
  • Players will no longer see an “Entered Combat” notification when they have not been spotted.


  • The generator in Procedural Missions can now be refueled.
  • Command Tokens will now be awarded during Building Blocks to allow progression.
  • The document in “Hogging Supplies” is now interactable.
  • Various issues with “Clearing the Path” have been fixed, including the truck not moving, Calle standing inside the truck, and the truck being derailed by players.


  • The stats display for the S21 has been fixed to accurately show damage values.
  • Players can no longer store resources past the weight limit at the recycling station.
  • The correct inventory weight is now shown after looting.
  • Previously looted items will no longer stick to the cursor during future loot interactions.


  • Numerous floating rocks, textures, and props have been fixed.


  • Motorbikes can now be interacted with while moving and after crashing.


  • Various crashes on all platforms during gameplay have been fixed.
  • Crashes related to driving vehicles, transferring items, fast traveling, and explosions near the truck have been addressed.


  • NPCs may sometimes be invisible, which can be resolved by restarting the game.
  • Safehouses may get lost when logging in, especially on PlayStation.
  • Clients may crash when riding a motorbike in densely populated areas.

Overall, the update addresses several issues and improves the gameplay experience in Generation Zero. Developers continue to work on fixing known issues and enhancing the game for players.

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