Renowned Halo composer, Marty O’Donnell, has announced his decision to enter the world of politics by running for a seat in the US Congress. O’Donnell, who is best known for composing the music for the early Halo games alongside Michael Salvatori, will be representing the Republican party in Nevada’s third congressional district. He will be facing off against Democrat Susie Lee in the upcoming November election.
In a recent statement, O’Donnell expressed his reluctance to enter politics but felt compelled to take action in response to the current state of the country. He shared, “I never wanted to be a politician and I still don’t. However, I can no longer stand by and watch as our country is torn apart by toxic divisions. It’s time for me to step up, give back, and work towards positive change. If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”
With his background in music and passion for making a difference, O’Donnell aims to bring a fresh perspective and a commitment to unity to Congress.