How accurate were the game predictions for 2009?

It is in the nature of man to look to the future and think about what awaits us in the unknown ether of time, as did a series of well-informed video game experts in 2009.

Some have managed to paint a pretty accurate picture of the future of games, such as predictions that predicted the demise of game stores and physical media. The rise of digital distribution may seem inevitable now, but ten years ago it was just a hunch, one of several possible futures.

Other predictions were completely wrong, such as the claim that graphics were so realistic that we could not distinguish a game from the photo. Graphics are of course better, but at a certain point you have to sharpen incredibly small details to achieve realism, eg. Tooth gloss and eye white and regular facial expressions. It’s not even about mirrors, mirrors and complicated lighting.

And of course there have been many big changes in the past decade that no one has seen, like the VR. Nobody had predictions about affordable virtual reality for end users because it was still science fiction in 2009. Then the Oculus 2010 was the Kickstarter, and the rest is history.

Watch the video above to learn more about what hit the bullseye, what was missed and what was totally unpredictable.

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