LEGO Harry Potter Rumor – New Game in the Works?

LEGO Harry Potter Rumor – New Game in the Works?

A Skywalker Game Saga?

After the saga Skywalker, the developers of the LEGO video games are they working on a new adaptation of the Harry Potter universe? This is the rumor currently circulating, and which potentially rings true in view of the current context favored by the grandiloquent success of Hogwarts Legacy. A teaser for a new Lego Harry Potter game has been spotted on Instagram, sources say. The image that was notably sent to our colleagues at VGC (who preferred not to publish it) reportedly appeared on the Warner Bros South Africa Instagram page before being quickly deleted. It shows a Lego minifigure of Harry Potter, with the date of August 25, 2023 written on it. It also features the logo of TT Games, the company behind Lego video games.

Remember that the Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 and Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 episodes were released during the Xbox 360 generation before being combined into a single collection worn on the machines recent. No doubt the community of fans would be delighted to discover an unprecedented adventure like LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, the latest compilation to date which has been very well received by critics.

For now, WB Games has not commented on this rumor. Some are speculating that the reveal would be scheduled for gamescom, held later this August.

A Skywalker Game Saga?

In the meantime, for fans from LEGO, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is clearly the ultimate Star Wars game. It makes it possible to relive the history of all the films of the saga main. This therefore includes the initial trilogy, the prelogy, but also the postlogy. The game has around 800 unique characters, 300 of which are playable, just that. Among this busy cast, you can choose to put yourself in the shoes of a whole legion of heroes, such as Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Leia Organa and Poe Dameron, or turn to the Dark Side of the Force, with Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine, and more. Whether it’s a Jedi, a Sith, a Rebel, a bounty hunter or a droid, you will have the opportunity to embody all the characters. In short, if Harry Potter adapts to this formula, the program promises to be particularly generous!

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