Recent reports suggest that some third-party publishers are hesitant to continue supporting Xbox consoles due to declining sales in Europe.

Chris Dring, head of, shared insights from GDC indicating that Xbox may be facing challenges as a hardware manufacturer. He mentioned that Xbox sales in Europe have been steadily decreasing, leading to concerns from publishers about the platform’s performance.

One major company even questioned the value of supporting Xbox, with retailers in Europe reportedly cutting back on Xbox stock. These publishers are focusing more on PC and PS5, as they perceive a stronger market demand for these platforms.

Last year, Microsoft acknowledged trailing behind PlayStation and Nintendo in console sales, with PS5 outselling Xbox Series X/S globally. Microsoft has announced plans to bring more first-party games to other platforms, including PlayStation and potentially Switch.

Phil Spencer, Xbox boss, emphasized the possibility of releasing popular titles like Gears of War and Microsoft Flight Simulator on rival consoles. The industry is evolving towards greater cross-platform compatibility, with Xbox considering expanding its game portfolio beyond its own consoles.

Sea of Thieves will be released for PS5 on April 30.

Dring concluded that Xbox’s future as a hardware manufacturer may be at risk, especially if developers and publishers continue to question the platform’s relevance. The industry landscape is shifting, and Xbox will need to adapt to stay competitive in the evolving gaming market.

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