A new update for Lords of the Fallen, known as Update 1.032, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.
Lords of the Fallen Update 1.032
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where players could escape an invasion zone by jumping on the moth wall from the wooden platform at Sanctuary of Baptism.
- This fix prevents players from exploiting a glitch that allowed them to escape the invasion zone, ensuring a fair and balanced multiplayer experience.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in an invading player becoming buffed from a spell cast by the host.
- This fix addresses a bug that unintentionally buffed invading players, maintaining the intended difficulty level for both invaders and hosts.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause the co-op partner to see “Activate Vestige” prompt after resting even if the Vestige was already activated.
- This fix resolves a problem where co-op partners were prompted to activate a Vestige even if it had already been activated, preventing any confusion or unnecessary actions.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may allow co-op partners to use Sanguinarix upon being revived in the boss encounter with the Spirit of the Bleak Season.
- This fix prevents co-op partners from using Sanguinarix upon revival during the boss encounter, ensuring a fair and balanced gameplay experience.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may allow co-op partners to use Sanguinarix upon being revived against the Scarlet Shadow.
- This fix addresses a bug that allowed co-op partners to use Sanguinarix upon revival during the Scarlet Shadow boss encounter, maintaining balance and challenge.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could allow invading players to interact with enemies by soulflaying, causing enemies to be attracted to the invader.
- This fix resolves a bug where invading players could interact with enemies, leading to unintended and unfair advantages during multiplayer interactions.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause a player host’s inputs to become unresponsive after an interaction with the Effigy of Reincarnation, if a co-op partner begins a cinematic at the same time.
- This fix addresses a bug that caused player hosts’ inputs to become unresponsive under specific circumstances during multiplayer interactions, ensuring smooth gameplay and preventing disruptions.
- Adjusted multiplayer to allow simultaneous matchmaking for invasions and cooperative sessions.
- This adjustment improves the multiplayer experience by allowing players to simultaneously matchmake for invasions and cooperative sessions, increasing the availability of multiplayer interactions.
- Fixed an issue that allowed two invasion areas to overlap, which could allow both to be triggered simultaneously at Skyrest Bridge.
- This fix prevents the overlapping of two invasion areas, eliminating the possibility of triggering both at the same time and ensuring a fair multiplayer environment.
- Fixed an issue where the character name would change when using certain special characters upon joining a multiplayer session.
- This fix addresses a bug that caused character names to change unexpectedly when special characters were used, ensuring consistency and accuracy in character names during multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed an issue where players could change the body type by using the right analog stick in the Mirror of Distortion.
- This fix prevents players from accidentally changing their character’s body type while using the Mirror of Distortion, maintaining the intended character customization options.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Lamp and Ranged UI to be displayed incorrectly near Vestige Seedlings.
- This fix resolves a bug where the Lamp and Ranged UI were displayed incorrectly when near Vestige Seedlings, ensuring accurate and consistent UI representation.
- Fixed an issue that may not allow players to rotate Pieta’s NPC model in the 3D Gallery with a controller.
- This fix addresses a bug that prevented players from rotating Pieta’s NPC model in the 3D Gallery using a controller, allowing full control and exploration of the model.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the next button prompt to not appear when customizing the player character’s head.
- This fix resolves a bug that prevented the appearance of the next button prompt during head customization, ensuring a smooth and intuitive character customization process.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the text labels for head shapes to be positioned incorrectly and appear in the menus for hair and beard in the character customizer.
- This fix addresses a bug that caused misaligned text labels for head shapes to appear in the menus for hair and beard customization, ensuring proper labeling and presentation.
- Added new text to the Coffer interaction UI to properly indicate the usage of the Coffer.
- This addition improves clarity and communication by providing explicit instructions on the usage of the Coffer, preventing any confusion or misunderstandings.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Scarlet Shadow to not appear in the 3D Gallery.
- This fix resolves a bug that prevented The Scarlet Shadow from appearing in the 3D Gallery, allowing players to fully explore and appreciate the boss character model.
- Updated the interaction icons of the in-game music player.
- This update improves the visual representation of the in-game music player’s interaction icons, enhancing player understanding and usability.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Proselyte to not be able to reach and attack players if they went through the alcove.
- This fix ensures that Proselyte, an enemy character, can effectively reach and attack players even if they go through the alcove, maintaining the intended challenge and gameplay experience.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Abiding Defender from becoming staggered, if their health points were reduced to 0 with a single attack.
- This fix addresses a problem where Abiding Defender, an enemy character, did not stagger when their health points were reduced to 0 with a single attack, ensuring consistent enemy behavior and gameplay balance.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Mendacious Visage from respawning after resting in Fief of the Chill Curse.
- This fix resolves a bug that caused Mendacious Visage, an enemy character, to not respawn after players rested in Fief of the Chill Curse, ensuring proper enemy respawn mechanics and gameplay progression.
- Fixed an issue that may cause players to bypass an enemy shielded by an Umbral parasite when using Grievous Strike.
- This fix addresses a bug that allowed players to bypass an enemy shielded by an Umbral parasite when using Grievous Strike, maintaining the intended difficulty and challenge of enemy encounters.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Judge Cleric to re-cast her Holy Buff skill if players repeatedly used soulflay during her cast animation.
- This fix prevents the Judge Cleric, a boss enemy character, from recasting her Holy Buff skill if players repeatedly used soulflay during her cast animation, ensuring fair and balanced boss encounters.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ruiners to lose aggro on the balcony in Bramis Castle.
- This fix resolves a problem where Ruiners, enemy characters, lost aggro (aggression) on the balcony in Bramis Castle, ensuring consistent enemy behavior and maintaining the intended level of difficulty.
Level Design
- Fixed an issue that could allow players to become stuck in an inaccessible area near the building above the fire witch in Upper Calrath.
- This fix prevents players from becoming trapped in an inaccessible area near the building above the fire witch in Upper Calrath, ensuring smooth gameplay and preventing frustrations due to unintended restrictions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Judge Cleric to not be able to attack players if they stood near a specific spot in the boss arena.
- This fix addresses a bug that prevented the Judge Cleric from attacking players if they stood near a specific spot in the boss arena, maintaining the intended boss encounter mechanics and challenge.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the camera to clip through environment assets near the cemetery close to the entrance to Lower Calrath.
- This fix resolves a problem where the camera would clip through environment assets near the cemetery close to the entrance to Lower Calrath, ensuring smooth and unobstructed camera movements for an immersive gameplay experience.
- Fixed an issue where the Heavenly Vial did not heal players’ withered health pool.
- This fix addresses a bug that prevented the Heavenly Vial item from properly healing players’ withered health pool, ensuring the item functions as intended and providing the necessary healing effect.
- Fixed an issue present in NG+ where spells could be duplicated by utilizing the Coffer.
- This fix prevents spells from being duplicated in NG+ through the use of the Coffer system, maintaining the intended progression and balance of spell acquisition.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Failed Pilgrim’s Garb to become deformed when players use the two-handed stance with a weapon.
- This fix resolves a bug that caused the Failed Pilgrim’s Garb item to become deformed when players used the two-handed stance with a weapon, ensuring accurate and visually appealing character appearance.
- Fixed an issue that may cause petrified Kukajin to be destroyed if players jumped on her.
- This fix prevents petrified Kukajin, an NPC (non-player character), from being destroyed if players jump on her, ensuring the NPC’s integrity and continuity in the game world.
- Fixed an issue that may result in Pieta’s Sanguinarix upgrade animation being canceled when accessing the inventory.
- This fix addresses a bug that caused Pieta’s Sanguinarix upgrade animation to be canceled when players accessed the inventory, ensuring smooth NPC animations and interactions.
- Fixed a collision issue that could cause bodies to float during the boss encounter with the Congregator of Flesh.
- This fix resolves a collision issue where bodies would improperly float during the boss encounter with the Congregator of Flesh, ensuring realistic physics and visual consistency.
- Fixed an issue that could result in players becoming stuck behind a ladder after being chased and attacked by the Scarlet Shadow near the Bellroom.
- This fix prevents players from becoming stuck behind a ladder after being chased and attacked by the Scarlet Shadow near the Bellroom, ensuring smooth gameplay and preventing frustrating situations.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to trigger the boss encounter in Cistern without entering the boss arena.
- This fix prevents players from triggering the boss encounter in Cistern without actually entering the boss arena, maintaining the intended progression and boss fight mechanics.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Hushed Saint to become stuck in place if shot down while mounted.
- This fix addresses a bug that caused the Hushed Saint boss character to become stuck in place if shot down while mounted, ensuring proper boss behavior and gameplay flow.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect input focus with the virtual keyboard in Steamdeck and Big Picture Mode.
- This fix resolves a problem where the virtual keyboard had incorrect input focus in Steamdeck and Big Picture Mode, ensuring accurate and responsive keyboard input.
- Fixed an issue that could result in the ambient music rapidly stopping while players walk through the doorway leading to the Tower of Penance.
- This fix prevents the ambient music from abruptly stopping while players walk through the doorway leading to the Tower of Penance, maintaining a seamless and immersive audio experience.