A new update has been released for Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries Update 1.08. You can find all the Game Update details, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries Update 1.08 is now available for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.


We hope you’re enjoying MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries and its latest DLC, Rise of Rasalhague. We’ve been working hard on an update, which is set to release this coming Thursday, March 9th. This patch will bring a host of improvements and updates across several categories, including Features, AI, Balance, Gameplay, Co-op, UI, Localization, Modding, and updates for the XBOX ONE, Playstation, and Steam Deck.In Rise of Rasalhague, players Join Colonel Månsdottir and the people of Rasalhague in a fight for freedom and independence from the Great Houses in a new 12 mission quest line. Rise of Rasalhague adds the Crusader ‘Mech chassis with 11 variants, the new Rival Mercenaries feature allowing you to interact with numerous other mercenary companies and the infamous Bounty Hunter.The coming update to Rise of Rasalhague includes the following (subject to change):


  • The new FPS controls have been adjusted so that you now control the torso just like normal, and the legs will rotate to catch up, allowing the arm/torso to be independent from the legs
  • Added a feature where the D-Pad Action Panel now fades out after a few seconds to free up space on the HUD when using a gamepad


  • Redesigned the “Form on Me” lance command to ensure lancemates follow in closer proximity while being more responsive to player movements and positioning
  • Improved AI so they are less likely to get stuck on terrain when following the player
  • Improved the rate that friendly AI fire LRMs
  • Fixed an issue where AI lancemates shoot at incoming enemy DropShip turrets
  • Fixed various instances where ally and enemy AI ‘Mechs would be unresponsive
  • Fixed an issue where lancemates would not follow orders to attack disabled turrets


Infiltration Missions

  • Adjusted the faction standing gain and loss from Infiltration missions to be more in line with other mission types
  • Balanced Infiltration missions lowering the base reward and changing the general alarm to trigger if 50% of the total enemies are destroyed
  • Tuned the Rescue variant by increasing the delay when enemy units come hunting for the player and fixed an issue where the fleeing ‘Mech would not get attacked by enemy AI

Rival Mercenary Feature

  • Redistributed proportion of the C-bill payouts on missions with Mercenary Interventions
  • Lowered the salary of the pilot Raptor from the Bounty Hunter intel rewards


  • Increased the spawn rate of the CRD-CR Hero ‘Mech
  • Fixed an issue where the Rasalhague Outer Reaches conflict zone was broken and was not properly generating contracts
  • Fixed an issue where a Rival Mercs would appear as friendly and hostile during the same mission
  • Fixed instances with the Ambush on Drop and Blocked Escape variants where no Rival Mercs would appear
  • Fixed instances where no ally stragglers would appear with the Defend Stragglers variant
  • Fixed instances where the final enemy would not spawn with the Exterminate variant in Instant Action
  • Adjusted positions of Rival Merc DropShip arrivals on missions with the Blocked Escape variant
  • Fixed an issue on the mission Distress Call where an enemy ‘Mech was idle
  • Fixed some instances where the ‘Mechs legs would not animate and rotate correctly with First Person Controls
  • Fixed an issue where the users viewpoint will be locked at an angle after overheating with First Person Controls
  • Fixed an issue where users could get stuck throttling in reverse after switching ‘Mechs
  • Fixed enemy artillery so it will properly target the player after switching ‘Mechs
  • Removed the ability to open a debug menu via keyboard
  • Adjusted the tonnage weight of Hammer Fist weapons
  • Adjusted the Bounty Hunter level 3 rewards with the proper SRM ammo
  • Added more primary weapons to the Rise of Rasalhague Career start


  • Fixed a co-op issue where client pilots would appear unlit in the Leopard
  • Fixed an issue where client ‘Mechs were unable to surpass top speed while Jump Jetting
  • Fixed an issue where the host and co-op clients would not receive many dialogue lines during Infiltration missions
  • Fixed an issue where clients would not see the post mission cinematics of Gunzburg Pt.2 and Radstadt Pt.2
  • Fixed an issue where client spectators could issue lance commands
  • Fixed an issue where picking up a crate properly grants ammo to the user


  • Melee tab is now visible in the Market and BattleMechs menu if the user owns Rise of Rasalhague but not Call to Arms
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Mechs could overlap weapons in the Market screen
  • Fixed an issue where the Skip Cutscene button callout and keyboard shortcut would not function when importing a save to a new Career
  • Fixed an issue where ammo can be listed with a quantity of 0 in the Equipment Market
  • Fixed issues where armor was displayed on the paper doll after component was fully destroyed
  • Melee hardpoints can now be viewed with controllers if the user does not own Call to Arms
  • Added missing mission type icons to unlocked Rise of Rasalhague missions in Instant Action
  • Fixed the number of missile hardpoints displayed on the UI for the TBT-5P
  • Fixed an issue where DLC icons would be missing on a DLC ‘Mechs stat panel in the BattleMechs menu
  • Fixed an issue where “Detection Alert” may appear on non-Infiltration missions after dying
  • Cleaned up HUD targeting icons with the Caught Offguard variant
  • Fixed issues with Rival Merc icons during interventions
  • Fixed gamepad issues when scrolling through the popup codex pages
  • Changed the portraits of the First Kavalleri Commander and Rasalhague MechWarrior
  • Cleaned up button callouts in the Sound and Controls menus for gamepad
  • Set the proper opponent for the mission Gunzburg Pt.2
  • Fixed an issue where the post mission screen would list an encounter with Rival Mercs despite them never being present in the mission
  • Added commas to the C-bill totals in the Work Order Details menu
  • Fixed an issue where the credits get abruptly cut off and take a while to transition back to the front end


  • Fixed instances where text was not translated or had errors throughout the Rise of Rasalhague content
  • Fixed an issue where longer weapon names would push the targeted ‘Mech paper doll off screen in other languages
  • Other various text and localization fixes


  • Exposed the associated WeaponEmitter for Projectiles/Melee/Trace Actors
  • Added the ability to read/write the ‘Mech Data Asset blueprint
  • Fixed a modding issue where the blueprint function Rand Int in Range Gauss Distribution with a min of 1 will occasionally return 0


  • Optimizations to fix an issue where city block garrisons would be missing in certain missions on Xbox One


  • Fixed an issue where blocked users would not be saved after relaunching the title on PS4
  • Optimizations to fix an issue where city block garrisons would be missing in certain missions on PS4


  • Fixed an issue where the SteamOS virtual keyboard would not appear on Steam Deck

Source:Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries

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