Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Update 1.03 – Patch Notes on July 05, 2023

A new update has been released for Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Update 1.03. You can find all the Game Update details, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below. Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Update 1.03 is now available for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.


  • A ‘MegaMan Voice’ option has been added to Language Settings.
  • A new (black) border has been added.

MMBN 1-6

  • The online battle Custom Screen time limit has been changed to 30 seconds.
  • Fixed errors in in-game messages for both Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

MMBN 3-6

  • Fixed an issue in which comparing libraries would cause issues with P.A. Memo registration status and display.

MMBN 4 & 6

  • Fixed an issue in which using WindRack on an opponent during an online battle at a specific time would cause them to be forced off-screen.

MMBN 5 & 6

  • Fixed an issue in which performing certain actions on the Custom Screen would cause a portion of that screen to remain visible even after the start of the next turn.


  • Fixed an issue in which an error would occur when jacking in at the Power Plant under certain conditions.


  • Fixed an issue in which speaking in the WaitingRoom to a Navi with certain characters in its entry name would cause an error to occur.
  • Fixed an issue in which fulfilling certain conditions in the battle against ShadeMan SP would cause unexpected behavior to occur.
  • Fixed an issue in which activating AntiRecv with certain Chips in an online battle would cause the skill to deal more damage than intended.


  • Fixed an issue in which unnatural imaging and performance drops would occur in Drill Comp 4.
  • Fixed an issue in which unnatural behavior would occur when speaking to NPCs, after researching Mystery Data, etc. at a certain point in the story.


  • Fixed an issue in which pressing the jack out button when riding a cloud in MrWeathrComp or Pavilion Comp 3 would allow the player to fall off the cloud.
  • Fixed an issue in online battles where, depending on network strength, spent Crosses and Chips would be available again at the start of the turn.
  • Fixed an issue in which the initial reward for completing a virus battle while playing in English differed from that when playing in Japanese and Traditional/Simplified Chinese.
  • Fixed an issue in which performing certain actions after setting Swordy in a Virus Battle would trigger a drop in performance.

Source: Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection

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