Minecraft 5

A new update for Minecraft, known as Update 2.81, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

{Minecraft Update 2.81: Vanilla Parity}

1. Nether Gold Ore Drop Increased

  • Nether Gold Ore can now drop up to 6 Gold Nuggets when mined with an unenchanted tool, compared to the previous drop of 5.
  • With Fortune Level 3, Nether Gold Ore can now drop up to 24 Gold Nuggets, increased from the previous drop of 20.

2. Lapis Lazuli Ore Drop Increased

  • Lapis Lazuli Ore can now drop up to 9 Lapis Lazuli when mined with an unenchanted tool, compared to the previous drop of 8.
  • With Fortune Level 3, Lapis Lazuli Ore can now drop up to 36 Lapis Lazuli, increased from the previous drop of 32.

3. Campfire Charcoal Drop Fixed

  • The Campfire now correctly drops 2 Charcoal instead of 4 when destroyed by the player.
  • This fixes the issue where the Campfire was dropping an incorrect amount of Charcoal.

4. Music Disc Name Color Fixed

  • The text name of Music Discs now has the same color as enchanted items, improving the visual consistency in the game.

5. Trail Ruins Placement Fixed

  • Trail Ruins will now be placed in the same location and configuration as they are in the Java Edition of Minecraft.
  • This ensures that the placement of Trail Ruins is consistent across different versions of the game.

{Experimental Features: Breeze}

1. Introduction of the Breeze mob

  • The Breeze is a cunning and hostile mob that can spawn via Trial Spawner in specific rooms within Trial Chambers.
  • It moves primarily by leaping around its target, sometimes covering long distances with its jumps.
  • As an aggressive adversary, the Breeze shoots volatile wind energy in the form of wind charge projectiles at its target.

2. Wind Charge Projectiles and Wind Bursts

  • When the wind charge projectiles collide directly with an entity, they deal a small amount of damage.
  • After colliding with an entity or a block, the wind charge projectiles produce a wind burst.
  • The wind burst knocks back entities in the area by several blocks.
  • Wind bursts also have the effect of activating certain blocks, such as flipping non-iron doors and trapdoors, pressing buttons, flipping levers, ringing and swinging bells, and extinguishing lit candles.

3. Effect on Blocks

  • Wind bursts do not have any effect on Iron Doors, Iron Trapdoors, or any block held in place by a Redstone signal.

4. Trial Spawner Variants

  • The Trial Spawner is a new variant of Monster Spawners.
  • It ejects rewards upon completion and can have variable levels of challenge in multiplayer.
  • The challenge level increases for each new player detected by the Trial Spawner.
  • The challenge level does not decrease until it is reset during a Trial Spawner’s cooldown.

5. Trial Spawner Mechanics

  • Unlike normal spawners, a Trial Spawner spawns a limited number of mobs based on its current challenge level.
  • It can only spawn mobs in positions within line of sight.
  • It can spawn mobs regardless of any light level requirement the mob has.
  • Spawned mobs are persistent.
  • Once all mobs are defeated, the Trial Spawner ejects a set of rewards proportional to the current challenge level.
  • After the rewards have been ejected, the Trial Spawner goes into a cooldown period of 30 minutes, during which it will no longer spawn mobs.

6. Obtaining Trial Spawners

  • Trial Spawners cannot be crafted or obtained by players in Survival mode.
  • Instead, they can be found naturally placed throughout Trial Chambers.
  • Trial Spawners are extremely slow to mine and resistant to explosions.
  • They do not drop even when mined with Silk Touch.

7. Trial Chamber Structure

  • Trial Chambers are new structures in the Overworld that offer combat challenges during the mid-game.
  • They are made of Copper and Tuff blocks and come in various sizes, from large to small.
  • Trial Chambers are relatively common in the Deepslate layer of the underground.
  • The layout of each Trial Chamber is procedurally generated and can include traps, reward chests, and various combat spaces.
  • Supply chests can be found between different rooms, providing blocks and items to help players navigate the trials.
  • Reward chests are guarded by challenges in each room and can contain enchanted books and equipment.
  • The loot found in reward chests is still being adjusted and is not yet finalized.

8. Trial Spawner Mob Categories

  • Each Trial Chamber includes Trial Spawners with different categories of mobs:
    a. Melee category: Zombies, Husks, and Slimes.
    b. Small Melee category: Spiders, Cave Spiders, Baby Zombies, and Silverfish.
    c. Ranged category: Skeletons and Strays.
  • Each Trial Spawner category uses only one type of mob for the entire structure when generated.
  • The mobs spawned by Trial Spawners are randomized for each Trial Chamber.
  • Some Trial Spawners in unique rooms always spawn Breezes, regardless of the category.

9. Trial Key

  • Trial Keys are items that can only be obtained from Trial Spawners.
  • Currently, Trial Keys do not have any functionality in the game, but they may be used for future features or mechanics.

{Experimental Features: Armadillo}

1. Introduction of the Armadillo mob

  • The Armadillo is a neutral mob found in Savannas.
  • It periodically drops Armadillo Scutes and additional Scutes when brushed.
  • When an Armadillo detects a threat, it rolls up as a defensive mechanism.
  • Threats include players who are sprinting, players on a mount or in a vehicle, and undead mobs.
  • The Armadillo does not roll up when fleeing, in water, in the air, or when being led.
  • While rolled up, the Armadillo cannot walk, eat, or be tempted by food.
  • It continues to scan for threats, and if no threats are detected for 3 seconds, it unrolls.

2. Armadillo Scutes

  • Armadillo Scutes dropped by Armadillos can be used to craft Wolf Armor.
  • Dispensers can also be used to brush Armadillo Scutes off Armadillos.

3. Wolf Armor

  • Wolf Armor can be equipped on adult tamed Wolves by using the Wolf Armor item.
  • Only the owner of a Wolf can put Wolf Armor on their tamed Wolf, and Dispensers cannot be used to equip Wolf Armor.
  • Using Shears on a Wolf wearing Wolf Armor will make it drop the armor.
  • Wolf Armor provides the same level of protection as Diamond Horse Armor.
  • If a Wolf dies while wearing Wolf Armor, it will drop the armor.

{Fixes and Changes}

1. Performance / Stability

  • Fixed various crashes that could occur during gameplay, improving the overall stability of the game.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to the “Seven Seas” achievement.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when placing or destroying blocks and then selecting Save & Quit with Ray Tracing enabled.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the Play menu while looking at Realms.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause infinite loading while joining a Realm.

2. General

  • Added more informative error messaging in case world exports fail due to external operating system issues.
  • Improved the delay between reaching 100% loaded and when the main menu appears on console platforms.
  • The “You Need A Mint” achievement can now only be unlocked by collecting Dragon’s Breath.
  • Fixed certain cases that caused players to take unexpected fall damage at specific heights during interactions.
  • Reintroduced a fix for players sometimes taking unexpected fall damage while building blocks while standing on them.
  • Fixed some cases where players could take unexpected fall damage near ledges they were visible not falling off of.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented inventory navigation when using only a keyboard on mobile.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented stack splitting when using a keyboard in touch mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could inflict unexpected fall damage when building blocks while moving.
  • Players no longer fall through the block they stand on when switching to Spectator Mode and back.
  • Players are no longer slowed down if they touch the ground while flying in Creative mode.
  • If the game is closed while changing dimensions, players will no longer be placed in unexpected positions when re-entering the world.

3. Mobs

  • Horses, Donkeys, and Mules now take fall damage when controlled by a player, except for worlds targeting base game versions before 1.20.60.
  • Fixed an issue that caused boats to clip through blocks when placed.
  • Fixed some Villagers not having their skins match their professions.
  • Reduced the scattering of Experience Orbs released while fishing.
  • Experience Orbs no longer collide with mobs.
  • Zoglins can no longer spawn in Peaceful difficulty and will despawn if the difficulty is switched to Peaceful.
  • Bees no longer take damage when moving through Sweet Berry Bushes.
  • Wolves can now spawn on both Snow and Top Snow within Grove biomes.

4. Blocks

  • Container blocks triggered with Redstone, such as Hoppers and Dispensers, can now be consistently interacted with when powered by a fast Redstone clock.
  • Frosted Ice blocks no longer leave water in the world when mined with a Silk Touch tool.
  • Turtle Eggs, Frogspawn, Coral, and Coral Fan no longer spawn double the particles when mined.
  • Beehives and Bee Nests can no longer be Silk Touched by an Enchanted Book with Silk Touch.
  • Destroying a Bed through the bottom block now properly clears the spawn point.
  • Ice, Packed Ice, Frosted Ice, and Top Snow now send vibrations when mined.
  • Pistons pushing, pulling, or destroying blocks no longer risk teleporting surrounding players towards the world’s origin.
  • Villagers who were assigned to the same bed or workstation as others will now actively seek out a new bed or workstation.
  • Pufferfish no longer inflate and deflate repeatedly when a player is at a specific distance from them.
  • Mobs that have partial blocks specified in their Navigation Component now properly avoid those blocks.
  • The limitations on which blocks can be replaced by Dark Oak and Acacia trees now also apply to their branches.
  • Top Snow placed at generation time now also covers Tall Grass and flowers.
  • Wither Roses now damage mobs every 0.5 seconds, instead of every 2 seconds.
  • Containers being cloned no longer keep their container screens open or cause crashes.
  • Fixed pixel shading on the Double Chest and Double Trapped Chest lids.

5. Items

  • Fixed an issue where eating an Apple would not slow down player movement.
  • Renamed “Scute” to “Turtle Scute”.
  • Players can now consume Suspicious Stew even when their hunger bar is full.
  • Banner items of identical colors now consistently stack together, whether or not they have been placed in the world as blocks.

6. Touch Controls

  • Fixed a bug where the hotbar disappeared when exiting out of the customize touch controls screen with a non-touch controller input.

7. Graphical

  • Fixed incorrect block lighting after exiting water with the “Improved Input Response” option enabled.

8. User Interface

  • The loading screen now displays three categories of tips based on player progression.
  • Added an unread post count indicator to the Realms Feed button on the Play screen and slots screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the “technical details” button on resource packs did not lead to the technical details screen.
  • Fixed a bug where certain chat messages would briefly be incorrectly shown on the new death screen.
  • In horizontal split screen, the second player can now navigate to the profile screen, and both players can see each other’s character changes.
  • Fixed a bug that kept the previewed item on the paper doll even after navigating back using the sidebar in Character Creator.
  • Fixed Beacon UI buttons going outside the window on smaller resolutions.
  • Items from the inventory now have the durability bar adjusted to match the one from the hotbar.
  • Adjusted the cost text in the Pocket Anvil UI to match the classic version.
  • Updated the information about Conduits in the Encyclopedia.
  • Added Netherite as a block type in the Encyclopedia’s Beacon tab.
  • The last highlighted button will not get pressed when the window regains focus anymore.
  • Clearer message when there is not enough storage space on Nintendo Switch, indicating the platform’s limitation of 2GB per user account.

9. Technical Updates

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.20.60 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available for download.
  • Decorated Pots now support the use of loot tables.
  • Renamed jsonto water_splash_manual.json in resource_packs\vanilla\particles.
  • Updated requirements for block_id and material for data-driven blocks.
  • Updated handling of container blocks triggered with Redstone for consistent interaction.
  • Various improvements and changes to entity components, entity filters, entity event responses, blocks, items, and more.

{Experimental Technical Updates}

1. Commands

  • The health bar of mounted rideable mobs is now properly displayed.
  • The Execute command now fails when comparing unloaded blocks.
  • Added a new command to hide and reset HUD elements visibility.

2. API

  • Various updates and additions to API functions, classes, and options.
  • Improved error handling and messaging for Molang expressions.
  • Released and moved several features from beta to stable versions.
  • Updated Block and Fluid types, effect-related functions, and more.

3. Scripting

  • Fixed an issue with clicking buttons in ActionFormData forms with a large number of buttons.
  • The “minecraft:unit_cube” block component has been deprecated.
  • Added support for Block Permutations, improved content error logging, and more.

4. Molang

  • Updated cooldown queries and added error logging for exceeding bounds.These are the detailed notes for the Minecraft Update 2.81, including changes, fixes, experimental features, and technical updates. Each section explains the specific improvements, additions, and adjustments made to the game and its features.

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