Minecraft 1

A new update for Minecraft, known as Update 2.84, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Minecraft Update 2.84 – Patch Notes

Vanilla Parity:


  • Wolves can now withstand the same amount of damage as in Java Edition (MCPE-177613): Previously, tamed wolves in Minecraft Bedrock Edition had their maximum health reduced by half when taking damage from entities other than players or arrows. With this update, the maximum health of tamed wolves has been increased from 20 to 40, matching the health of wolves in Java Edition. Pre-existing tamed wolves will need to be fed to reach the new maximum health. To ensure consistency, the health restored by feeding wolves has been doubled. This change will also be implemented in Java Edition to match the Bedrock Edition’s implementation.

Experimental Features:

Wind Charge

  • Become the Breeze! Using a Wind Charge will fire off a Wind Charge projectile similar to the Breeze’s: Players can now use Wind Charges to shoot Wind Charge projectiles, similar to those fired by the Breeze mob in-game. However, Wind Charges fired by players grant 10% more knockback than those fired by the Breeze. Additionally, Wind Charges fired by players can deal damage if they hit an entity directly.
  • The Breeze drops between 4-6 Wind Charges when killed: When players defeat the Breeze mob, it will drop between 4-6 Wind Charges.
  • Wind Charges have a max stack size of 64: Players can now carry up to 64 Wind Charges in a single stack.
  • There is a half-second cooldown after each use: To balance the gameplay, Wind Charges now have a half-second cooldown period after each use.
  • Wind Charges can be fired from a dispenser: Players can now use dispensers to fire Wind Charges.
  • Players that launch themselves with a Wind Charge only accumulate fall damage below the y-level of where they collided with the wind burst: When players use a Wind Charge to launch themselves into the air, they will only take fall damage if they land below the y-level where they collided with the wind burst.


  • A new variant of Skeletons that shoot poisonous arrows: Bogged Skeletons are a new variant of Skeletons that can shoot poisonous arrows at players.
  • They’re faster to take down with 16 health instead of 20 health: Bogged Skeletons have reduced health compared to regular Skeletons, making them easier to defeat. They now have 16 health instead of the usual 20 health.
  • They attack at a slower interval of 3.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds: Bogged Skeletons have a slower attack speed compared to regular Skeletons. They now attack at intervals of 3.5 seconds instead of the usual 2 seconds.
  • Has a chance to drop Arrows of Poison when killed by players: When players defeat a Bogged Skeleton, there is a chance for them to drop Arrows of Poison as a loot drop.
  • These mossy and mushroom-covered Skeletons spawn naturally in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps: Bogged Skeletons can now spawn naturally in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps biomes. They have a mossy and mushroom-covered appearance.
  • Can also be found spawning from Trial Spawners in some Trial Chambers: In specific Trial Chambers, players may encounter Bogged Skeletons spawning from Trial Spawners.


  • A block that holds locked treasure and loot – find the right key to eject its rewards: Vaults are new blocks found throughout Trial Chambers that contain valuable loot and treasure. Players will need to find the correct key to unlock the Vault and receive its rewards.
  • Vaults in Trial Chambers require a Trial Key to be unlocked: To access the rewards inside a Vault in a Trial Chamber, players must obtain a Trial Key.
  • Can be unlocked by an unlimited amount of players: Once a player unlocks a Vault, it can be opened by any number of players.
  • If a player has not unlocked that Vault before, an orange stream of particles will flow from the player to the Vault when nearby: To indicate that a player has not unlocked a Vault before, an orange stream of particles will flow from the player towards the Vault when they are nearby.
  • Has a keyhole that will be open or closed depending on the players nearby: The keyhole of a Vault will be open if any nearby player has not unlocked it. If all nearby players have already unlocked the Vault, the keyhole will be closed.
  • Within its cage, it will cycle through and display items which are possible to eject from its loot table: Once a Vault is unlocked, it will cycle through and display the items that can be obtained from its loot table.
  • The rewards it ejects are randomized from its loot table each time it is unlocked: The items ejected from a Vault’s loot table are randomized each time it is unlocked.
  • Vaults currently reuse the same loot table that reward chests previously used in the Trial Chambers: For now, Vaults use the same loot table as the reward chests found in Trial Chambers. However, this loot table is temporary and will be revised in future updates.
  • Cannot be crafted or obtained in Survival mode, and does not drop anything when mined: Vaults cannot be crafted or obtained in Survival mode. Additionally, they do not drop any items when mined.
  • Explosion-resistant and cannot be moved: Vaults are resistant to explosions and cannot be moved once placed.


  • The collars of tamed Wolves have been increased in size, making them visible not only from the front but also from other angles: The collars of tamed Wolves have been enlarged to make them more noticeable. Players can now see the collars not only from the front but also from other angles.

Fixes and Changes:

Performance / Stability

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the loading screen to get stuck for some time around 40% (MCPE-175550): This update includes a fix for a bug that caused the loading screen to freeze at around 40%, resulting in a prolonged loading time for players.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could softlock while displaying the “Loading resource packs” modal: Players experienced issues with the game freezing while displaying the “Loading resource packs” modal. This issue has been resolved in the update.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze when changing languages on some platforms: Some players encountered freezing in the game when attempting to change languages on certain platforms. This issue has been fixed in the update.


  • Upward player motion will now reset fall distance, allowing Riptide Tridents to break a fall (MCPE-126454): Riptide Tridents now have the ability to break a fall by resetting the fall distance when players use upward motion. This allows for safer landings when using Riptide Tridents.
  • Players can now bridge blocks over water (MCPE-163165): Players can now place blocks over water to create bridges, making it easier to navigate across bodies of water.
  • Fixed sky light not being updated properly when big gaps of air were present between the ceiling and the floor: There was a bug where the sky light was not updated correctly when there were large gaps of air between the ceiling and the floor. This issue has been fixed in the update.
  • Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent the Stronghold portal room from being generated (MCPE-19426): Some players encountered a bug where the portal room in Strongholds was not generated correctly. This bug has been resolved in the update.
  • Fixed players not unlocking “The Beginning” trophy on PlayStation for defeating a Wither, even if they were close enough to the Wither: Players who defeated the Wither on PlayStation were not unlocking “The Beginning” trophy. This issue has been fixed, ensuring that players who defeat the Wither in proximity will now unlock the trophy.


  • When fed, baby mobs now emit both sound and particles: Baby mobs will now emit sound and particle effects when fed, enhancing the gameplay experience.
  • All sounds emitted by Phantoms are now audible even when the player is facing away (MCPE-133125): Previously, some of the sounds emitted by Phantoms were not audible when the player was facing away. This issue has been fixed, and now all Phantom sounds can be heard regardless of the player’s facing direction.
  • All sounds emitted by Wardens are now audible even when the player is facing away (MCPE-159481): Similar to the fix for Phantoms, sounds emitted by Wardens are now audible even when the player is facing away.


  • Double Slabs can once again be created when stacking two of the same Slabs together (MCPE-179187): Players can now create double slabs by stacking two identical slabs together, fixing a bug that prevented this action previously.
  • Sweet Berry Bush Sapling now slows down players when walked through (MCPE-46152): Walking through Sweet Berry Bush Saplings will now slow down players, adding realism and preventing players from moving at full speed while passing through the bushes.
  • Cave Vines without Glow Berries no longer drop a Glow Berry when Silk Touched (MCPE-151348): Cave Vines without Glow Berries will no longer drop a Glow Berry when Silk Touched, ensuring consistency in item drops.
  • Blue and Black Candle Cakes now display and drop the correct type of Candle (MCPE-162868): Blue and Black Candle Cakes will now display and drop the correct type of Candle when interacted with by players.
  • Patternless Banners taken from the Creative mode inventory will no longer reset when first placed (MCPE-178327): Previously, patternless Banners would reset when players first placed them in the world. This bug has been fixed, and patternless Banners will now retain their appearance correctly.
  • Tall Flowers are no longer affected by Fortune enchantment (MCPE-18880): Fortune enchantment will no longer affect the drop rate of Tall Flowers when players break them, maintaining consistency with other blocks.
  • Large Ferns now have a chance of dropping Wheat Seeds (MCPE-126947): Players mining Large Ferns now have a chance to obtain Wheat Seeds as loot drops, adding a new way to acquire this item.
  • Tweaked the loot drop distributions for Fortune enchantment of Melon, Redstone Ore, Glowstone, and Nether Wart to better match Java Edition: The loot drop distributions for Fortune enchantment of specific items have been adjusted to align more closely with the loot drop rates in Java Edition.
  • Fixed a bug that made it so players could not place multiple items while moving, such as Boats or Fireworks (MCPE-178063, MCPE-178077): This update fixes a bug that prevented players from placing multiple items while moving, including items like Boats and Fireworks.
  • As a result of this fix, we’ve had to revert the fix for Slabs and Stairs being placed inconsistently while continuously building (MCPE-54855). We’ll work to reintroduce a fix for this in an upcoming update: Due to the fix for placing multiple items while moving, a previous fix for placing Slabs and Stairs consistently has been reverted. The development team plans to reintroduce a fix for this issue in a future update.
  • In Realms, removing an item from an Item Frame while in Creative mode no longer destroys the Item Frame (REALMS-10464): In Realms, players can now safely remove an item from an Item Frame in Creative mode without destroying the Item Frame itself.
  • In Realms, removing a book from a Lectern while in Creative mode no longer destroys the Lectern (REALMS-10536): Similar to the above fix, players can now remove a book from a Lectern in Creative mode without destroying the Lectern in Realms.
  • Lots of blocks now play appropriate sounds when entities fall onto them: This update includes numerous fixes to ensure that various blocks play the appropriate sound effects when entities fall onto them. A comprehensive list of affected blocks is provided in the patch notes.


  • Updated the Globe pattern on Shields to match Java Edition (MCPE-169595): The Globe pattern on Shields has been updated to match its appearance in Java Edition.
  • In Realms, attempting destruction of one Sea Turtle Egg on a stack of more than one in Creative mode no longer destroys two at once (REALMS-10477): In Realms, players can now destroy a single Sea Turtle Egg from a stack of more than one in Creative mode without accidentally destroying two eggs at once.
  • Spawn Eggs are now called “[Mob] Spawn Egg” instead of “Spawns [Mob]” so that players can more easily search for them in the Creative mode inventory: To enhance usability, Spawn Eggs have been renamed to “[Mob] Spawn Egg” instead of “Spawns [Mob]”. This change allows players to search for specific Spawn Eggs more efficiently in the Creative mode inventory.
  • End Portal Frame has been moved to Nature category in the Creative mode inventory: The End Portal Frame has been reclassified and can now be found in the Nature category of the Creative mode inventory, making it easier for players to locate.

Touch Controls

  • Players can no longer customize touch controls while on the death screen (MCPE-178037): In order to prevent accidental changes during gameplay, touch controls customization has been disabled while on the death screen.


  • Added 4K resolution support for Xbox Series consoles: Xbox Series console players can now enjoy Minecraft in stunning 4K resolution.


  • Updated the Realms Plus landing page to make it more clear how Realms subscriptions work: The Realms Plus landing page has been updated to provide clearer information on how Realms subscriptions function, making it easier for players to understand the benefits and features.
  • On Realms, chunks will no longer stay loaded in The End unless a player is in the area (REALMS-11358, REALMS-11290): To optimize server performance, chunks in The End dimension will no longer remain loaded unless a player is present in that area. This change helps improve server efficiency and performance.
  • Fixed a bug where text in the Realms Subscription landing page was slightly truncated: The Realms Subscription landing page had a minor bug causing text truncation. This issue has been fixed, ensuring all text is displayed correctly.


  • Storage location will switch to External automatically on fresh installs if storage permission is granted via app settings prior to launching the game on devices running Android 12 or older (MCPE-177269): On Android devices running Android 12 or older, Minecraft will now default to External storage if the necessary storage permission is granted before launching the game for the first time.
  • Certain files and directories will be generated in external storage This section of the patch notes explains the technical updates included in the Minecraft Update 2.84:

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.20.70 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks: The Add-On templates have been updated with new resources, behaviors, and documentation for version 1.20.70. These updated templates can be downloaded from the provided link.


  • Implemented a fix for the “One Block Skyblock” Marketplace map generating a flat world in the distance on the client if the map was uploaded on Realms: This update includes a fix for a bug that caused the “One Block Skyblock” Marketplace map to generate a flat world in the distance on the client. The bug affected players when the map was uploaded on Realms. The bug has been fixed, ensuring that the map generates correctly.
  • Clients connected to a dedicated server or Realms will no longer improperly generate LevelChunks on the client if one of the following is true:
  • The map is a flat world
  • It’s a Marketplace map
  • This overrides server.properties setting client-side-chunk-generation-enabled for dedicated servers: Previously, clients connected to dedicated servers or Realms would improperly generate LevelChunks on the client, resulting in incorrect world generations. This issue has been resolved, ensuring that LevelChunks are generated correctly based on the server’s settings.
  • Removed ItemFrameDropItemPacket: The ItemFrameDropItemPacket, which was used to handle dropping items from Item Frames, has been removed.


  • Added “has_property” filter for entity target selectors that allows for targeting based on the type and value of properties: A new “has_property” filter has been added to entity target selectors. This filter allows players to target entities based on their properties’ type and value.
  • The /damage command no longer contains the damage type ‘suicide’. It is replaced with ‘self_destruct’ (MCPE-174865): The /damage command has been updated to remove the ‘suicide’ damage type. It is now replaced with ‘self_destruct’.
  • The Command Block’s interface will now remove the last error message after successfully compiling a command (MCPE-114029): When using a Command Block, the interface will now remove the last error message after successfully compiling a command. This ensures that the interface displays accurate information.

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Blocks using the “minecraft:material_instances” component with “render_method” = “alpha_test_single_sided” display properly when in the player’s hand: This update fixes an issue where blocks that use the “minecraft:material_instances” component with the “render_method” set to “alpha_test_single_sided” did not display correctly when held by players.


  • Fixed ‘minecraft:geometry.full_block’ faces not rotating to match the transform component: There was a bug where the faces of ‘minecraft:geometry.full_block’ blocks did not rotate to match the transform component. This issue has been fixed, ensuring that the faces correctly align with the transform component.
  • Fixed ‘minecraft:geometry.full_block’ blocks not culling faces against some vanilla blocks: Another bug related to ‘minecraft:geometry.full_block’ blocks caused them not to cull faces against certain vanilla blocks. This bug has been fixed, and the blocks now correctly cull faces.
  • The “leaves” block is now split into unique names: The “leaves” block has been split into separate names for different tree types. There are now “oak_leaves,” “spruce_leaves,” “birch_leaves,” and “jungle_leaves” blocks.
  • The “leaves2” block is now split into “acacia_leaves” and “dark_oak_leaves”: Similarly, the “leaves2” block has been split into two separate blocks: “acacia_leaves” and “dark_oak_leaves”.
  • Commands will still work with “leaves” and “leaves2,” but only new leaf names will be suggested in the command prompt: The existing commands using the old “leaves” and “leaves2” names will still work as expected. However, the command prompt will now suggest using the new leaf names.
  • The “minecraft:grass” block has been renamed to “minecraft:grass_block”: The “minecraft:grass” block has been renamed to “minecraft:grass_block” to align with naming conventions. The old name will still be understood in commands and data.
  • The “double_wooden_slab” block is now split into unique instances: The “double_wooden_slab” block has been split into unique instances for different wood types. The new instances include “acacia_double_slab,” “birch_double_slab,” “dark_oak_double_slab,” “jungle_double_slab,” “oak_double_slab,” and “spruce_double_slab”.
  • “Wooden_slab” block is now split into unique instances: Similarly, the “wooden_slab” block is now split into separate instances for each wood type. The new instances include “oak_slab,” “spruce_slab,” “birch_slab,” “jungle_slab,” “acacia_slab,” and “dark_oak_slab”.
  • “Wood” block is now split into unique instances: The “wood” block has been split into individual instances for each wood type. The new instances include “oak_wood,” “spruce_wood,” “birch_wood,” “jungle_wood,” “acacia_wood,” “dark_oak_wood,” “stripped_oak_wood,” “stripped_spruce_wood,” “stripped_birch_wood,” “stripped_jungle_wood,” “stripped_acacia_wood,” and “stripped_dark_oak_wood”.


  • The “entity_sensor” component’s “range” field now supports two values: The “entity_sensor” component’s “range” field now accepts two values. The first value represents the horizontal range, while the second value represents the vertical range. This update requires a “format_version” of 1.20.70 or higher.
  • The “damage_sensor” component’s “damage_modifier” and “damage_multiplier” fields are now properly considered during damage immunity calculations: The “damage_sensor” component’s “damage_modifier” and “damage_multiplier” fields are now correctly taken into account when calculating damage immunity for entities. This ensures that damage adjusted to be equal to or less than the highest damage received during an entity’s immunity period is accurately ignored. This update requires a world version of 1.20.70 or higher.

Entity Filters

  • Added new entity filter “was_last_hurt_by”: A new entity filter called “was_last_hurt_by” has been added. This filter allows players to check if the subject is the last player or mob to have recently attacked the entity.


  • Custom armor attachables can now be trimmed with vanilla trims, and modified vanilla patterns can be applied to custom armor attachables and items: With this update, players can now customize and add trim textures to custom armor attachables using vanilla trims, and modified vanilla trim patterns can be applied to custom armor attachables and items. This allows for more customization options and creativity in item designs.
  • Vanilla trim textures can be overridden via the attachable component: Players can now override the vanilla trim textures using the attachable component, providing more control over the appearance of custom armor attachables.
  • Vanilla trims can be applied to custom geo armor via the attachable component: In addition to custom armor attachables, vanilla trims can now be applied to custom geo armor through the use of the attachable component.
  • Modified vanilla trim patterns (to fit the new geo armor) can be applied via the attachable component: Modified vanilla trim patterns, specifically designed to fit the new geo armor, can now be applied using the attachable component.
  • Armor trim patterns on custom armor require the 1.20.60+ format version for the attachable and item: To utilize armor trim patterns on custom armor, players must update the format version of the attachable and item to 1.20.60 or higher.


  • Released is_attached and query.has_player_rider from experimental: The is_attached and query.has_player_rider features in Molang have been released from the experimental phase. These features are now available for use in scripts.
  • Removed experimental Molang queries get_ride and query.get_riders: The get_ride and query.get_riders Molang queries have been removed as they were part of the experimental phase.
  • Deprecated the Molang Features experimental toggle: The Molang Features experimental toggle has been deprecated. This means that the experimental toggle is no longer available for use.
  • Released Molang scoreboard for use with behavior packs from experimental: The Molang scoreboard, which allows for scoring and tracking in behavior packs, has been released from the experimental phase.
  • Removed experimental Molang queries:
  • biome_has_any_tag
  • biome_has_all_tags
  • self
  • target
  • client_input_type
  • get_nearby_entities
  • get_nearby_entities_except_self
  • Added new Molang APIs that give read access to rider body and head rotations: This update introduces new Molang APIs that provide read access to body and head rotations for riders. These APIs allow for more precise control and interaction with rider entities.
  • Released Molang particle_color, query.surface_particle_texture_coordinate, and query.surface_particle_texture_size with Molang version 1.20.70: The Molang particle_color, query.surface_particle_texture_coordinate, and query.surface_particle_texture_size features have been released with Molang version 1.20.70. These features allow for customization of particle colors and textures based on surface blocks.

NBT Parsing

  • Loading of NBT data is now more restrictive: The loading of NBT data has been made more restrictive. Negative-length arrays, invalid tag IDs, and insufficient bytes in a payload are now treated as errors and prevent the loading of the tag. Previously, these conditions were sometimes ignored.

Spawn Rules

  • “minecraft:spawns_on_block_filter” now supports block descriptors: The “minecraft:spawns_on_block_filter” now supports block descriptors, allowing for more specific targeting of blocks in spawn rules.
  • “minecraft:spawns_on_block_prevented_filter” now supports block descriptors: Similarly, the “minecraft:spawns_on_block_prevented_filter” now supports block descriptors for more precise block targeting.
  • “minecraft:spawns_above_block_filter” now supports block descriptors: The “minecraft:spawns_above_block_filter” now supports block descriptors, allowing for more accurate targeting of blocks above which entities can spawn.


  • Added ScriptGameRules and gameRules for accessing and modifying game rules: The ScriptGameRules and gameRules APIs have been added. These APIs allow scripts to access and modify game rules within the game.
  • Fixed the timing of PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEvent and PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEvent: The timing of the PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEvent and PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEvent has been fixed to ensure that they occur at the correct point in the game logic.
  • Added setGameMode and Player.getGameMode to beta for changing the player’s GameMode: The setGameMode and Player.getGameMode functions have been added to the beta version, allowing players to change and retrieve the player’s GameMode.
  • Added events PlayerGameModeChangeAfterEvent, PlayerGameModeChangeBeforeEvent with signals afterEvents.playerGameModeChange and world.beforeEvents.playerGameModeChange to beta: The PlayerGameModeChangeAfterEvent and PlayerGameModeChangeBeforeEvent events have been added to the beta version, along with their respective signals, to allow scripts to respond to changes in the player’s GameMode.
  • Added GameRuleChangeAfterEvent, GameRule, and afterEvents.gameRuleChange for responding to GameRules changes: The GameRuleChangeAfterEvent, GameRule, and afterEvents.gameRuleChange have been added. These additions allow scripts to respond to changes in GameRules.
  • Fixed getBlockFromRay returning false positive collisions with water when already submerged: There was a bug where getBlockFromRay would return false positive collisions with water when the player was already submerged. This bug has been fixed.

Character Creator

  • Added a new model to contain the character creator animation logic: This update includes a new model that contains the animation logic for the character creator. This helps improve the performance and functionality of character animations.
  • Updated the logic that triggers updating the binds when the animation states have been updated, so we do not run into issues with the binds updating every frame causing a major framerate hit: The logic that triggers the updating of binds has been updated to prevent issues where the binds were being updated every frame, causing significant drops in framerate. This helps improve the performance of character animations.

Experimental Technical Updates:


  • Entity Components
  • Added EntityTypeFamilyComponent with functions getTypeFamilies(): string[] and hasTypeFamily(typeFamily: string): boolean: The EntityTypeFamilyComponent has been added, which allows for accessing and checking the entity type families.
  • Item
  • Moved ItemFoodComponent from beta to 1.9.0: The ItemFoodComponent has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.
  • Added function matches(itemName: string, states?: Record<string, boolean | number | string>): boolean: A new function called “matches” has been added to the Item component. This function allows for matching items based on their name and states.
  • Removed class BlockVolumeUtils. Moving utility functions onto BlockVolumeBase and BlockVolume: The utility functions previously available in the BlockVolumeUtils class have been moved onto the BlockVolumeBase and BlockVolume classes.
  • Debug Utilities
  • Started publishing the debug utilities type information: The debug utilities type information is now being published, allowing for better access and integration with debugging tools.
  • Added a disableWatchdog method that lets you disable and enable the scripting watchdog in your scripts: A new method called “disableWatchdog” has been added, which allows for disabling and enabling the scripting watchdog in scripts.
  • Added function playSound(soundId: string, location: Vector3, soundOptions?: WorldSoundOptions): void: A new function called “playSound” has been added. This function allows for playing sounds at a specific location in the game world.
  • Moved getAllStates API from beta to stable: The getAllStates API has been moved from the beta version to the stable version.
  • clearJob(jobId: number) – Will now clear iterations in the current tick as well as any scheduled for future ticks. Previously would only clear iterations in future ticks: The clearJob function now clears iterations not only in future ticks but also in the current tick, improving the management of jobs and iterations.
  • Moved Entity.playAnimation from beta to stable: The Entity.playAnimation function has been moved from the beta version to the stable version.
  • Moved enum BlockPistonState from beta to 1.9.0: The BlockPistonState enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.
  • Moved class BlockPistonComponent from beta to 1.9.0: The BlockPistonComponent class has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.
  • Moved class PistonActivateAfterEvent from beta to 1.9.0: The PistonActivateAfterEvent class has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.
  • Moved class PistonActivateAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.9.0: The PistonActivateAfterEventSignal class has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Added isCooldownCategory(cooldownCategory: string): boolean to ItemCooldownComponent: The ItemCooldownComponent now includes a function called “isCooldownCategory” which allows for checking if an item is in a particular cooldown category.
  • Added getCooldownTimeRemaining(player: Player): number to ItemCooldownComponent: The ItemCooldownComponent now includes a function called “getCooldownTimeRemaining” which allows for retrieving the remaining cooldown time of an item for a specific player.
  • Added MinecraftCooldownCategoryTypes to @minecraft/vanilla-data: The MinecraftCooldownCategoryTypes have been added to the @minecraft/vanilla-data package. This addition provides access to the cooldown category types.
  • Added getHiddenHudElements(): HudElements[]: This update introduces a new function called “getHiddenHudElements” which allows for retrieving the currently hidden HUD elements.
  • Added isForcedHidden(hudElement: HudElements): Boolean: A new function called “isForcedHidden” has been added. This function allows for checking if a specific HUD element is forced to be hidden.
  • Added resetHudElements(): void: The resetHudElements function has been added. This function resets the HUD elements to their default values.
  • Added setHudVisibility(visible: HudVisibility, hudElements?: HudElements[]): void: The setHudVisibility function now includes the ability to set the visibility of specific HUD elements.
  • Added hideAllExcept(hudElements?: HudElements[]): The hideAllExcept function has been added, allowing for hiding all HUD elements except for specific ones.
  • Added interface BlockFilter: The BlockFilter interface has been added. This interface is used to include or exclude specific blocks based on descriptors in filters.


  • Added optional member BlockFilter: The BlockRaycastOptions now includes an optional member called BlockFilter. This member allows for specifying a filter to include or exclude blocks during raycasting.
  • Moved ItemDurabilityComponent from beta to 1.9.0: The ItemDurabilityComponent has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved EntityOnFireComponent from beta to 1.9.0: The EntityOnFireComponent has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved getEquipmentSlot from beta to 1.9.0: The getEquipmentSlot function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved BlockStateType from beta to 1.9.0: The BlockStateType has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved BlockStates from beta to 1.9.0: The BlockStates enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved BlockSignComponent from beta to 1.9.0: The BlockSignComponent has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved DyeColor from beta to 1.9.0: The DyeColor enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved SignSide from beta to 1.9.0: The SignSide enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved ContainerSlot from beta to 1.9.0: The ContainerSlot enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved InvalidContainerSlotError from beta to 1.9.0: The InvalidContainerSlotError class has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved getSlot from beta to 1.9.0: The getSlot function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved EffectTypes from beta to 1.9.0: The EffectTypes enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved RawText from beta to 1.9.0: The RawText class has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved createExplosion from beta to 1.9.0: The createExplosion function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved ExplosionOptions from beta to 1.9.0: The ExplosionOptions class has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved DimensionType from beta to 1.9.0: The DimensionType enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved DimensionTypes from beta to 1.9.0: The DimensionTypes enum has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved setDynamicProperty from beta to 1.9.0: The setDynamicProperty function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved getDynamicProperty from beta to 1.9.0: The getDynamicProperty function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved getDynamicPropertyIds from beta to 1.9.0: The getDynamicPropertyIds function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount from beta to 1.9.0: The getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved clearDynamicProperties from beta to 1.9.0: The clearDynamicProperties function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.
  • Added structureManager: The structureManager has been added. It allows for creating, loading, and placing structures in the game world.


  • Added function createEmpty(identifier: string, size: Vector3, saveMode?: StructureSaveMode): StructureTemplate: The structureManager now includes a function called “createEmpty” which allows for creating a new empty structure template.
  • Added function createFromWorld(identifier: string, dimension: Dimension, blockVolume: BlockVolume, options?: StructureCreateOptions): StructureTemplate: The structureManager now includes a function called “createFromWorld” which allows for creating a new structure from blocks in the game world.
  • Added function delete(structure: string | StructureTemplate): boolean: The structureManager now includes a function called “delete” which allows for deleting a structure.
  • Added function get(identifier: string): StructureTemplate | undefined: The structureManager now includes a function called “get” which allows for retrieving a structure template by its identifier.
  • Added function place(structure: string | StructureTemplate, dimension: Dimension, location: Vector3, options?: StructurePlaceOptions): The structureManager now includes a function called “place” which allows for placing a structure in the game world.


  • Added read-only property id: string: The StructureTemplate now includes a read-only property called “id” which returns the name of the structure.
  • Moved effectAdd from beta to 1.9.0: The effectAdd function has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.
  • Fixed a bug where item dynamic properties could sometimes be applied to items with a stack size greater than 1: There was a bug where item dynamic properties could be applied to items with a stack size greater than 1, leading to unintended behavior. This bug has been fixed.
  • Removing function triggerEvent(): The triggerEvent function has been removed. Players should utilize other event-triggering mechanisms in their scripts instead.


  • Removing property itemDefinitionEvent: The itemDefinitionEvent property has been removed from the WorldBeforeEvents class.


  • Removing property itemDefinitionEvent: The itemDefinitionEvent property has been removed from the WorldAfterEvents class.Moved explosion from beta to 1.9.0: The explosion event has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.


  • Moved explosion from beta to 1.9.0: The explosion event has been moved from the beta version to the stable 1.9.0 version.



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