COD Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone 1

A new update for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, known as Update, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Update



  • One of the fixes included in this update was adding missing visual effects to the muzzle of the Lament BlackCell Blueprint.



Bug Fixes

  • Improved performance while scrolling in the Calling Cards menu.
  • Tracked Prestige Challenges will no longer disappear from the Calling Cards menu.
  • Seasonal content in offline mode will now match the available content in online mode.
  • Saving a Custom Mod in the Gunsmith will no longer remove certain Camos.


  • Gilded Mastery Challenge for the SOA Subverter now displays the correct requirements.
  • Priceless Camo Challenge for the SOA Subverter is now properly tracked.


  • Skidrow**: In Hardpoint, additional spawn points were added to decrease the probability of an unfavorable flip. The goal was to avoid spawn traps and provide more safe spawn options to decrease spawn flips.


Private Match

  • Increased maximum player and bot count from 12 to 24.


Assault Rifles

  • Holger 556**: Ascent Lord Stock – Revised Attachment description to accurately reflect its statistics for better accuracy and recoil control.
    – **FR 5.56**: FR Sprinter & Recon Stock Pad Stocks – Replaced Sprint Speed with Tactical Sprint Speed in the list of Pros to align with true statistics.

Submachine Guns

  • Rival-9**: Trebuchet Brake Muzzle – Updated with correct name and description for more effective vertical recoil mitigation on burst weapons.


  • Haymaker**: JAK Maglift Kit – Increased hipfire spread and tactical stance spread for improved gameplay.

Sniper Rifles

  • Longbow**: JAK Tyrant 762 Kit – Adjustments made to hipfire spread benefit and aim down sight time for better gameplay experience.


Content Restrictions

Attachment Restrictions

  • Optics: JAK Glassless Optic



  • Addressed several issues related to Elder Sigils, Containment Levels, and exfiling from Dark Aether Rifts for smoother gameplay experience.
  • Various crash and stability fixes were implemented for better game performance.


  • Weapon adjustment details were provided for Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, and Sniper Rifles for enhanced gameplay.


Cluster Mines

  • Adjustments were made to the number of mines required to down a player with or without plates for a balanced experience.

Black Sites

  • The drop rate of Black Site keys was increased for better accessibility.


  • Various bug fixes were made, including issues with the Bunker Buster firing from the incorrect position and collision problems on certain maps.

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