Modern Warfare 3 1

A new update for Modern Warfare 3, known as Update, has recently been released. This update is accessible across all gaming platforms, as well as on PC. Players can now download this update, which introduces bug fixes, improvement updates, and patch notes for the game. It is worth noting that the file size of this update may differ depending on the gaming platform being used.

Modern Warfare 3 – Game Updates and Patch Notes



  • Resolved an obstruction of the player’s view while aiming down the sight of The Broker PDSW 528 Blueprint.


Bug Fixes

  • Equipping a Calling Card will no longer reset the active selection to the top of the list.
  • Favoriting and Filtering Calling Cards will no longer unexpectedly kick the player back to the menu.
  • Addressed an exploit that allowed equipping Camos to incompatible Weapons.
  • Corrected Gunsmith camera position while selecting a Bolt Attachment for the KATT-AMR.
  • Revised several Attachment descriptions to accurately reflect their true effects.

Attachment Fixes:

  • Kastovia 343 Barrel: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • HYP-LM Barrel: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • Bryson Inforcer Stock: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • FT Dart CB Stock: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • Demo X50 Tactical Pump Guard: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • 6.8 Wrath Round Nose Ammunition: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • WSP OPTAC Long Barrel: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • HISS Short Light Barrel: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • Recoil Reduction Buttplate Stock: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • Rattleback Deadeye 16″ Barrel: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • Recon Comb: Resolved an issue with its functionality.
  • Improved intuitiveness of the order in which Weapon Camo Challenges are displayed.



  • Players can no longer respawn outside of the playable area in Hardpoint.


Supe’d Up (Limited-Time Mode)

  • Super Speed visual effects will now end upon death.

» Attachments «

Vigilant-30 C-Iron (Optic)

  • Resolved an obstruction of the player’s view while aiming down the hybrid sight.



  • Killcams have been enabled in MWIII Ranked Play.
  • Addressed an issue where some players would enter a match with an invalid loadout when selecting Custom Loadout 1.
    Note: In order to address this issue, Ranked Play Custom Loadout 1 was reset for all players.



  • Addressed an issue that resulted in screen shaking for all players when a team was engaging Warlord Dokkaebi’s Bomb Drones.


  • Addressed an issue that allowed DMZ Bonus Effects to temporarily display in Modern Warfare Zombies menus.
    Note: DMZ Bonus Effects are not applicable to Modern Warfare Zombies gameplay.


Weekly Challenges

  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Week 8 Challenge: ‘Get 300 Kills with the JAK Thunder LMG Kit equipped to the Sidewinder while Juggernog is Active’ from tracking.


  • Addressed the description for the Week 8 Challenge where players need to kill multiple Warlords with a Recommended Weapon for clarity.

Camo Challenges

Challenge Group: Kills Without Reloading

  • Addressed an issue that prevented these challenges from tracking.


  • Added various crash and stability fixes.

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