Modern Warfare season 2 will add Call of Duty fan-favorite map Rust

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s second season is practically here and Infinity Ward has revealed what material players can eagerly anticipate. Season 2 will consist of 5 brand-new maps at launch, and one later on in the season, along with brand-new weapons, brand-new modes and brand-newoperators


Many of Modern Warfare’s brand-new material will show up on the first day of the season, consisting of the fan-favorite Modern Warfare 2 mapRust It’s a little desert-set map with several levels for players to chase each other, causing fast battles and dangerous leaves. Atlas Warehouse store, a brand-new map for Modern Warfare, will likewise show up on the first day, too 2 brand-new Gunfight maps, and the brand-new Ground War map, called Zhokov Boneyard. The brand-new Operator, Ghost, along with the brand-new GRAU 5.56 and Striker 45 weapons are likewise part of the game’s the first day additions.

Later On in the season, 2 brand-new operators will be added to the game called Talon and Mace, as well as a brand-new weapon that Infinity Ward hasn’t exposed. There will likewise be a brand-new map called Khandor Hideout, though there’s no release date for any of that material. Season 2 will likewise consist of brand-new multiplayer modes like Gunfight Competition, Contaminated and contaminated Ground War, which will turn in and out occasionally throughout theseason


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare season 2 will be offered on Feb. 11 on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One.

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